Οι λευκοί δε μπορούν να πηδήξουν

Οι λευκοί δε μπορούν να πηδήξουν 1992


Ενας λευκός κι ένας μαύρος μπασκετμπολίστας βγάζουν χρήματα από στοιχήματα που βάζουν στις γειτονιές του Λος Άντζελες, ενώ σύντομα θα έρθει η μέρα που θα κοντραριστούν στους συνοικιακούς αγώνες.


Ο βρώμικος Τζο

Ο βρώμικος Τζο 2001


Ο Τζο είναι καθαριστής στο επάγγελμα και έχει για μεγάλο του όνειρο να ανακαλύψει τους γονείς που έχασε σε μια οικιγενειακή εκδρομή στο Γκραν Κάνιον, σε ηλικία 8 ετών. Όταν επιτέλους αποφασίζει να κυνηγήσει το όνειρο του, ο βρώμικος, χαζούλης και άχαρος Τζο ξεκινά ένα ταξίδι με το σαράβαλο αυτοκίνητό του, για να ανακαλύψει τους χαμένους γονείς στην αμερικάνικη ενδοχώρα. Η οδύσσεια του δεν έχει τέλος και η μια αστεία περιπέτεια διαδέχονται την άλλη, ώσπου ο Βρώμικος... Τζο φτάνει στο Λ.Αντζελές και τότε γίνεται... ο ήρωας με τη σφουγγαρίστρα!


Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser

Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser 2015


Το ξεκαρδιστικό σίκουελ του Joe Dirt με πρωταγωνιστή τον Ντέβιντ Σπέιντ. Έχοντας μεταφερθεί πίσω στον χρόνο, ο Τζο πρέπει να πολεμήσει για να γυρίσει στο παρόν και στην οικογένειά του. Πρωταγωνιστούν επίσης η Μπρίτανι Ντάνιελ (The Game), ο Πάτρικ Γουορμπέρτον (Rules of Engagement) και ο Κρίστοφερ Γουόκεν (Wedding Crashers).


My Name Is Earl

My Name Is Earl 2005


When petty criminal Earl Hickey wins the lottery, he sets off on a quest to repair his questionable karma.


Trailer Park Boys

Trailer Park Boys 2001


Follow the booze-fueled misadventures of three longtime pals and petty serial criminals who run scams from their Nova Scotia trailer park.



Shameless 2004


The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humor - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won't admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbors.


Rab C. Nesbitt

Rab C. Nesbitt 1990


BBC comedy series about Rab C. Nesbitt, a drunken, string vested layabout who lives with his long suffering wife Mary and his two sons in the working class area of Govan in Glasgow. When he's not getting drunk with his pals that include the devious, womanizing Jamesie Cotter. He's offering his philosophical outlook on life to whoever will listen.


Les Bougon, c'est aussi ça la vie !

Les Bougon, c'est aussi ça la vie ! 2004


They’re dirty, vulgar, dishonest, grouchy, uncultured. They’re also a big, happy family. The Bougon are a joyous bunch of scoundrels who live on the margins of society, doing whatever it takes to scam their way through life, thinking up new schemes for avoiding work, and never conforming to the system.


Upper Middle Bogan

Upper Middle Bogan 2013


Follow the stories of two families living at opposite ends of the freeway. Bess Denyar is a doctor with a posh mother, Margaret, an architect husband, Danny Bright, and twin 13-year-olds at a private school, Oscar and Edwina. When Bess finds out that she is adopted, she is stunned, but even more so when she meets her birth parents, Wayne and Julie Wheeler. She also discovers that she has three siblings: Amber, Kayne and Brianna. The bogan Wheelers head up a drag racing team in the outer suburbs and are thrilled to discover the daughter they thought they had lost.


The Girl From Carolina

The Girl From Carolina 2015


Ferrari Thunderbird Taylor (aka Ferra) is never looking for trouble. Sometimes, and usually one of her good-for-nothing friends has something to do with it, it just sneaks right up and throws her for such a loop that she has no choice but to turn around strap on her heels, straighten her Bumpit and tell it what for.


Bogan Hunters

Bogan Hunters 2014


The Bogan Hunters is a national quest to find Australia’s greatest bogan. Boganologist, Pauly Fenech, joined by single mother Shazza Jones and New Zealand’s beer drinking champion, Kev the Kiwi, are The Bogan Hunters. The hunt covers all states and territories, visiting only the most bogan suburbs across Australia. A panel of celebrity judges; Tahir Bilgic, Angry Anderson, Chris Franklin, Jacko, Rob Shehadie, Derek Boyer, Jonesy, and Miss Nude Australia will choose an alpha bogan each week. At the end of the series, seven finalists come to Sydney for a bogan grand final. The series finale prize is a makeover for one lucky bogan. Tatts, mullets, Ugg boots and burnouts…let the hunt begin!


Raising the Roofs

Raising the Roofs 2006


Raising the Roofs is a 2006 reality television show on Spike TV, following the life of aspiring actor Michael Roof, and the misadventures of his self described Florida cracker dad and uncle, in Hollywood, California.


Bogan Pride

Bogan Pride 2008


Bogan Pride is an Australian comedy television series which first screened on SBS TV in 2008. The six-part series created by and starring actress, Rebel Wilson, is directed by Peter Templeman and produced by Tony Ayres and Michael McMahon. The series centres around the life of a teenage bogan girl. The series was not renewed for a second season by SBS.