Harry Baird Happy DeathDay The Trial and Torture of Sir John Rampayne A Little Temptation I quattro dell'apocalisse Living Image The Whisperers The Mark La permission The Touchables Trinità e Sartana figli di… Campa carogna... la taglia cresce Le gladiatrici Station Six-Sahara Goliath e la schiava ribelle Tiger Bay The Oblong Box Taur, il re della forza bruta Cool It, Carol! Ληστεία αλά... Ιταλικά Το Μυστικό της Σαπφείρας Flame in the Streets The Road to Hong Kong Offbeat Killers of Kilimanjaro Fun and Games Tarzan the Magnificent The Small World of Sammy Lee Ο κόμης Μόντε Κρίστο A Kid for Two Farthings He Who Rides a Tiger Das Verrätertor UFO Hurricane