Ruben Santiago-Hudson Ο Δικηγόρος Του Διαβόλου Ο Κύριος Μπρουκς American Gangster Ο Ψευταράς Rear Window Lackawanna Blues Their Eyes Were Watching God American Tragedy The Hunt for the Unicorn Killer Little John The Red Sneakers Honeydripper Blown Away White Lies Selma Broadway Rising The Return of Hunter: Everyone Walks in L.A. Brother's Shadow Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narratives Bleeding Hearts Shaft, ο μαύρος πάνθηρας Obsession Solomon & Sheba Domestic Disturbance Which Way Home Ο Πρίγκιπας της Ζαμούντα Η Θρυλική Μα Ρέινι Lackawanna Blues Third Watch Νόμος & Τάξη Person of Interest Touched by an Angel Τυχερή Έκδοση Γκαργκόιλς Νόμος και Τάξη: Ειδική Ομάδα New York Undercover Canterbury's Law Another World Hallmark Hall of Fame Wild Card Michael Hayes Dear John David Makes Man Castle NOVA Low Winter Sun Billions The West Wing Public Morals The Quad Billions East New York Νόμος & Τάξη Νόμος & Τάξη Νόμος & Τάξη Dear John Dear John The Hunt For The Unicorn Killer Whoopi The Good Wife Leg Work