Paul J. Smith Arts and Flowers Niagara Fools Calling All Cuckoos Chief Charlie Horse Get Lost Box Car Bandit Tomcat Combat Red Riding Hoodlum Chew-Chew Baby The Barber of Seville The Beach Nut Ali Baba and the Thieves Little Red Riding Hood Vicious Viking Have Gun Can't Travel Chilly Chums Sissy Sheriff Hot Time on Ice Practical Yolk Polar Fright The Big Bite Woody and the Beanstalk Lonesome Ranger Canned Dog Feud Hassle in a Castle Snow Place Like Home Monster of Ceremonies Janie Get Your Gun South Pole Pals Astronut Woody Foot Brawl What's Peckin' Woodpecker Wanted Davey Cricket Case of the Elephant's Trunk Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle Freeway Fracas Case of the Cold Storage Yegg Goose in the Rough Charlie's Mother-in-Law Coming Out Party Saddle-Sore Woody Roamin' Roman The Case of the Maltese Chicken Hi-Seas Hi-Jacker Room and Bored Little Woody Riding Hood Hyde and Sneak Calling Dr. Woodpecker Crowin' Pains Short in the Saddle Careless Caretaker Tragic Magic Home Sweet Homewrecker Phoney Express Mississippi Slow Boat Sufferin' Cats Case of the Red-Eyed Ruby The Bird Who Came to Dinner St. Moritz Blitz Papoose on the Loose Busman's Holiday Phantom of the Horse Opera Fowled Up Falcon Heap Big Hepcat How to Stuff a Woodpecker Rough and Tumbleweed Bats in the Belfry Ozark Lark Pistol Packin' Woodpecker Kiddie League Fish Hooked Romp in a Swamp Log Jammed Jittery Jester Everglade Raid Three-Ring Fling Half Empty Saddles Misguided Missile Fodder and Son The Unbearable Salesman Round Trip to Mars Dopey Dick, the Pink Whale International Woodpecker Woodpecker from Mars Bunco Busters After the Ball Witch Crafty Private Eye Pooch Square Shootin' Square Bedtime Bedlam Helter Shelter Hot Rod Huckster Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure Τσίλυ Γουίλυ Maw and Paw Secret Agent Woody Woodpecker Window Pains Hot Diggity Dog Chiller Dillers The Nautical Nut Chilly and the Woodchopper Horse Play Real Gone Woody Highway Hecklers Tumble Weed Greed Wild Bill Hiccup Airlift a la Carte Buster's Last Stand A Lad in Bagdad Cool It, Charlie Gooney's Goofy Landings How to Trap a Woodpecker Gold Diggin' Woodpecker Show Biz Beagle Seal on the Loose Fat in the Saddle Charlie's Campout Prehistoric Super Salesman Sleepy Time Chimes Shanghai Woody The Snoozin' Bruin' Indian Corn Hook, Line, and Stinker A Peck of Trouble Chilly and the Looney Gooney Phoney Pony A Gooney Is Born The Rude Intruder The Bungling Builder A Horse's Tale Feudin Fightin-N-Fussin Project Reject Woody the Freeloader Jerky Turkey Kitty from the City Ship a-Hoy Woody Hi-Rise Wise Guys Paste Makes Waste Sleepy Time Bear The Genie with the Light Touch Under Sea Dogs Lotsa Luck One Horse Town Woody's Knight Mare Coo Coo Nuts Moochin' Pooch Chilly's Hide-a-Way Chilly's Ice Folly Flim Flam Fountain All Hams on Deck Woody's Magic Touch The Reluctant Recruit Pecking Holes in Poles Little Skeeter Chilly's Cold War Charlie the Rainmaker Have You Got Any Castles? Egghead Rides Again Chili Con Corny For the Love of Pizza Pigs Is Pigs Bye, Bye, Blackboard A Fish Story Gopher Broke Guest Who? Charlie in Hot Water Let Charlie Do It The Unhandy Man Charlie's Golf Classic Bugged in a Rug Mouse in the House Rah Rah Ruckus The Flying Turtle The Dog That Cried Wolf Rain Rain, Go Away Bee Bopped Unlucky Potluck Hay Rube The Goose Is Wild Tree's a Crowd Salmon Yeggs Plywood Panic Robin Hoody Woody His Better Elf Sinkin' in the Bathtub Congo Jazz Ups 'n Downs The Booze Hangs High Bosko's Holiday Hittin' the Trail for Hallelujah Land Freddy the Freshman One More Time Battling Bosko The Queen Was in the Parlor Bosko and Bruno I Wish I Had Wings Bosko's Woodland Daze The Secret Weapon Spook-a-Nanny The Mouse and the Lion The Tee Bird Dangerous Dan McFoo Shutter Bug Paw's Night Out Termites from Mars Pig in a Pickle A Cartoonist's Nightmare Truant Student It's a Grand Old Nag Little Dutch Plate Flowers for Madame Wicket Wacky Born to Peck Mousie Come Home Hold That Ghost Bathing Buddies The Woody Woodpecker Polka The King of Ads Country Boy The Tortoise and the Hare The Lion and the Mouse Symphony Night The Hound and the Rabbit Those Beautiful Dames