Truth About Rock

Truth About Rock 1989


For the past year or so, brothers Jim and Steve Peters, both ordained ministers, have been traveling around the nation on a mission from God. Convinced that rock and roll is "one of the largest satanic forces in the country," they have been exhorting American kids to build bonfires of albums in public places.


Confidential File: Horror Comics

Confidential File: Horror Comics 1955


In 1954 the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency conducted an investigation into how the comic book industry was supposedly contributing to the moral decay of a nation's youth. The investigations were spurred on by a number of articles that blamed comics for the rise in juvenile delinquency in post-war America. Chief among the critics was Doctor Frederic Wertham, whose book, "Seduction of The Innocent" has been blamed for nearly single-handedly crippling the entire comics industry. "Confidential File" was aired in 1955, after the senate hearings and the formation of the Comics Code, but it serves as a perfect example of how the media reacted to the comic book industry, and sought a scape goat by blaming the comic book publications for society's own lack of responsibility in raising its children.


The Hippie Temptation

The Hippie Temptation 1967


CBS TV news special hosted by Harry Reasoner explores the way-out world of the Hippies and the Haight-Ashbury psychedelic 1960s LSD scene. Footage of LSDs users experiencing bummer trips. The Diggers, the Oracle and cool street and Golden Gate Park scenes with hippies tripping out. The Grateful Dead are interviewed and are shown performing "Dancin' in the Streets" on a flatbed truck in Golden Gate Park. The Hippie Temptation!


Doorways To Danger

Doorways To Danger 1990


Dabbling in the occult is widespread and often thought of as harmless entertainment. But this video shows why it is dangerous to get involved with spiritism, fortune telling, witchcraft, magic, and Satanism. The program introduces the real life stories of those who have been involved in these activities and shows the way out based upon a Biblical perspective.


Kids And The Occult

Kids And The Occult 1994


Something is happening. It is happening nationally and locally. It is an ideology that manifests itself in graveyard desecrations, animal mutilations, human sacrifices and suicide. It categorically involves drug/ alcohol abuse, pornography, sexual perversion, physical/mental abuse, heavy metal music and drinking blood. And it is highly organized. Satanic/Occult organizations (churches) have corporate charters, own buildings, maintain national/ international computer networks, publish magazines/newsletters and hire professional public relations firms to polish their public image. It is both generational and self-styled. Some groups are esoteric while others are pantheistic.


The Devil Worshippers

The Devil Worshippers 1985


"The Devil Worshippers" investigates Satanism and focuses on allegations that there are satanic cults committing crimes and murders in the United States. “Police have been skeptical when investigating these acts, just as we are in reporting them. But there is no question that something is going on out there, and that’s sufficient reason for ‘20/20’ to look into it.”


Hell's Bells: The Dangers of Rock 'N' Roll

Hell's Bells: The Dangers of Rock 'N' Roll 1989


Journey through the dark side of rock as Hell's Bells unmasks the message behind the music. There you will look squarely into the face of something beyond the human potential - the spiritual power of rock and roll. Hell's Bells - The Dangers of Rock and Roll is shockingly real most comprehensive presentation ever done on the musical seduction of today's youth coupled with a positive message. Eric Holmberg, writer and host of Hell's Bells, spent his young adult life immersed in the rock music scene. This first-hand experience coupled with several years of research has produced this video - the most exhaustive analysis ever done on rock's spiritual roots