Claude Renoir The Mystery of Picasso The Spy Who Loved Me The Wing or the Thigh? Paul and Michelle The Married Couple of the Year Two The Witches of Salem Killer French Connection II The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun The Discord Barbarella Don't Look Now... We're Being Shot At! Animal The Green Glove Femmes Fatales The River Blood and Roses The Game Is Over Fabulous India The Unvanquished The Cheaters L'aventure est au coin de la rue La Bête Humaine The Adventurers Madame Butterfly The House Under the Sea Spirits of the Dead The Burglars End of Desire The Serpent The Track Maddalena Marco the Magnificent The Golden Coach Story of a Love Story Lafayette Prelude to Glory Rendezvous in July The Madwoman of Chaillot Circus World Gunman in the Streets Impasse of Two Angels Grand Illusion Doctor Francoise Gailland Toni A Day in the Country Monsieur Vincent Elena and Her Men The Mystery of Picasso Attention, the Kids Are Watching The Medic Schubert's Serenade Game of Seduction Lights of Paris Life Is Ours Puccini Wasteland Opéra-musette The Horsemen Soluna The Queer Assignment Behind These Walls Alice in Wonderland Symphony for a Massacre Born of Unknown Father Gorilla's Waltz The Lovers of Teruel