Gérard Blain The Cousins Handsome Serge The American Friend Hatari! Utopia The Mischief Makers The Virgins Le bal des passants Children of Chaos Son of France Deadlier Than the Male Gold of Rome Joe Caligula: Tallow for the Old Men Jour après jour The Hunchback Open Season The Eye of the Needle Negresco The Dolphins Winter's Child La Musica Run with the Devil Paolo e Francesca Bandits d'amour Amori pericolosi Natalia Chicken Soup La Flambeuse M.M.M. 83 Match contre la mort Skin and Bones Un dimanche de flics Children of Paradise Shock Troops Killing Time Crime and Punishment Charlotte and Her Boyfriend Until The End Of The Night Young Husbands Un amore Sexpot How to Make a French Dish La Machine Wild Fruit Via Veneto Il falso bugiardo The Pelican Lo sgarro Un moment d'inattention Der Schnee der Anden Michel Tournier La Fortune de Gaspard La Fortune de Gaspard A Child in the Crowd Pierre and Djemila The Friends The Pelican The Rebel The Rebel Second Wind Until The End Of The Night A Child in the Crowd Ainsi soit-il The Pelican Until The End Of The Night A Child in the Crowd Ainsi soit-il The Friends Second Wind Pierre and Djemila Les Rendez-vous du dimanche Midi Première Sacrée soirée