Mario Nascimbene Story of a Woman Barabbas The Little Rebel Where the Spies Are One Million Years B.C. When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth The Vengeance of She Cronaca di un delitto Blue Dolphin - l'avventura continua Days of Love Days of Love Rome 11:00 Angela The Secrets of the Bed The Quiet American Year One Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die Men and Wolves The Laws of War The Dream of Zorro Pronto... c'è una certa Giuliana per te The Bacchantes 100 Years of Love The Happy Thieves Girl of the Golden West Nel blu dipinto di blu Summit Parola di ladro Don Juan's Night of Love Dick Smart 2.007 Elementary School The Suitcase of Dreams If I Was Honest The Verona Trial Socrates Alexander the Great Desert War The Barefoot Contessa Indian Summer Prima di sera A Farewell to Arms Noi siamo le colonne Roman Tales Love in the City The Apartment The Story of William Tell It Happened in the Park Le Imprese di una Spada Leggendaria Mantelli e spade insanguinate Cartesius Subway in the Sky Commandos Commandos The Camp Followers Blaise Pascal Operazione Mitra La banda Casaroli The Messiah Death of a Friend Scent of Mystery Room at the Top Jessica Child in the House The Mongols Fantasmi del mare The Changing of the Guard Carthage in Flames Angela Vacation with a Gangster Idea di un'isola Gradiva Constantine and the Cross Un reietto delle isole Doctor Faustus Doctor Faustus Crazy Things Augustine of Hippo The Last Violence Francis of Assisi È l'amor che mi rovina O.K. Nero The Swordsman of Siena Light in the Piazza Light in the Piazza Sons and Lovers Solomon and Sheba Girl with a Suitcase The Widow Disorder The Street of Hope Togli le gambe dal parabrezza Joseph and His Brethren Creatures the World Forgot The Vikings The Vikings Violent Summer Story of San Michele Love and Chatter The Age of Indiscretion Operazione notte Knights of the Queen The Night of Counting the Years The Golden Arrow Lasciateci in pace Avamposto Argini