Zé Branco How Fernando Pessoa Saved Portugal Lisbon Story Aspern The Child Changing Times Transatlantique After Him Under Another Sky Far Away Far Away Until the End of the World The State of Things Twist of Fate Trance The Terrible Lovers Three Bridges on the River The Innocents Manoel’s Destinies Manoel’s Destinies Abraham's Valley No, or the Vain Glory of Command A Estrangeira City of Pirates City of Pirates In the Darkness of the Night In the Darkness of the Night 98 Octanas 98 Octanas The Uncertainty Principle Ossos The Satin Slipper Casa de Lava At an Uncertain Time Operation Autumn A Talking Picture The Fifth Empire My Case O Delfim Outside Outside The Divine Comedy Francisca Treasure Island Vanishing Point Vanishing Point The King's Trial Cisne The Inner Life of Martin Frost Cheaters Abraham's Valley Photo Voyage to the Beginning of the World Lovely Child Bad Three Less Me Three Less Me The Convent The Portuguese Nun Party The Three-way Wedding Alice and Martin Day of Despair Sea How Fernando Pessoa Saved Portugal The Lovebirds The Lovebirds Private Life Thieves Three Dancing Slaves Strayed