Aleksandr Pozharov No Love Elka Adventures of Alyonushka and Yerema Novye Priklyucheniya Alenushki i Eremy Miracles in Guslyar Наваждение Подлец SuperManager, or Hack of the Fate DMB-2 DMB-5 The Haunted House New Adventures of Babka Ezhka Kiss Bugs Pudya Bad Boy Perestroika Столичный сувенир Pilot Brothers Suddenly Decided to Hunt Born with a Silver Spoon Pilot Brothers Cook Pasta for Breakfast Pilot Brothers Sometimes Fish Pilot Brothers Drink Tea in the Evenings Pilot Brothers Show Each Other New Year's Magic Tricks Captain Pronin - Major Pronin's Grandson Captain Pronin 4: at the Opera We Are Drawing No Such Thing As New Николай Угодник и охотники Простой мужик Big Ear Babka Ezhka and Others Enchanted Princess Колобок Теремок Invention The Tale of the Old Echo Alone with Nature В стране Бобберов: Гомункулус В стране Бобберов: Обед с господином Грызли After Who's There? Azazel The Adventures of Munchausen Mountain of Gems The Adventures of Munchausen