El túnel de los deseos

El túnel de los deseos 2022


Kaoru encuentra el legendario Túnel de Urashima, que concede deseos a cambio de tiempo de vida. Junto a Anzu, una compañera intrigada por el misterio, decide explorarlo, sin saber qué consecuencias le esperan.


Berserk. La edad de oro I: El huevo del rey conquistador

Berserk. La edad de oro I: El huevo del rey conquistador 2012


Guts es un guerrero que lleva una espada mas grande que él, tiene una fuerza inmensa pues puede blandirla con facilidad. Es un mercenario, al que solo le importa luchar en los campos de batalla donde pone su vida en el filo de su espada. Un dia conoce a Griffith, un caballero líder de una banda conocida como La Banda del Halcón. Guts le reta y Griffith acepta a cambio de que si le vence, él se unirá a su banda. Guts es vencido y aunque no lo acepta termina por unirse a la banda. Poco a poco la banda de mercenarios va cogiendo fama al ganar importantes batallas, todo apunta a que el objetivo de Griffith de poseer su propio reino se hará realidad. Pero la tierra de Midland esconde muchos secretos…


Mononoke: El fantasma bajo la lluvia

Mononoke: El fantasma bajo la lluvia 2024


En los aposentos del harén de Edo, dos recién llegadas destapan intrigas políticas, rivalidades y un espíritu vengativo al que solo puede doblegar un vendedor de medicinas.


Berserk. La edad de oro II: La batalla de Doldrey

Berserk. La edad de oro II: La batalla de Doldrey 2012


Han pasado tres años desde que Guts se unió a Griffith para ayudarle a alcanzar su sueño de convertirse en rey. La genial estrategia de Griffith y el feroz dominio de la espada de Guts han permitido a la Banda de Halcones lograr todo tipo de victorias decisivas en el campo de batalla. Pero cuando Griffith asegura que con sus 5.000 hombres será capaz de tomar el Castillo de Doldrey, una fortaleza inexpugnable protegida por más de 30.000 soldados cuya conquista puede poner fin de una vez por todas a la Guerra de los Cien Años, muy pocos le toman en serio. En medio de la carnicería, las palabras de Griffith siguen resonando en la cabeza de Guts, lo que le llevará a tomar una decisión que enfrentará a ambos hombres en un duelo por sus almas. (FILMAFFINITY)


Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai

Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai 2019


En Fujisawa, donde los cielos son brillantes y los mares brillan, Sakuta Azusagawa está en su segundo año de secundaria. Sus días felices con su novia y estudiante de último año, Mai Sakurajima, se ven interrumpidos con la aparición de su primer amor, Shouko Makinohara. Por razones desconocidas, se encuentra con dos Shouko: una en la escuela secundaria y otra que se ha convertido en una adulta. Cuando Sakuta se encuentra impotente viviendo con las dos Shouko, la versión adulta causa una gran grieta en su relación con Mai. En medio de todo esto, descubre que la otra Shouko de escuela secundaria sufre de una enfermedad grave y su cicatriz comienza a latir ...


Violet Evergarden: La eternidad y la muñeca de recuerdos automáticos

Violet Evergarden: La eternidad y la muñeca de recuerdos automáticos 2019


Isabella es una chicca de la nobleza, que vive "recluida" por las estrictas reglas de su padre, hasta que recupera la esperanza al conocer a cierta persona… una chica llamada Violet Evergarden, una veterana de la guerra, que encontró un peculiar trabajo como escritora de cartas en los cuales tiene el reto de entender a los demás y escribir los sentimientos de sus clientes.


El jardín de las palabras

El jardín de las palabras 2013


Takao, quien está entrenando para convertirse en un zapatero, se salta la escuela para dibujar zapatos en un jardín de estilo japonés, un día se encuentra con una misteriosa mujer, Yukino, que es mayor que él. Los dos se comienzan a ver una y otra vez, pero sólo en días de lluvia. Con el tiempo ellos empiezan a profundizar su relación y a abrirse el uno al otro. Pero el final de la temporada de lluvias está muy cerca...


Bungou Stray Dogs - Dead Apple

Bungou Stray Dogs - Dead Apple 2018


La historia está protagonizada por una liga de figuras literarias con poderes sobrenaturales, como Ryunosuke Akutagawa, que en la vida real escribió varias novelas y en el manga tiene el poder de transformar su capa en una especie de monstruo. Él y sus compañeros escritores se dedicarán a resolver misterios como parte de la “Agencia Armada de Detectives”. Otros autores japoneses que aparecen en la obra son Rampo Edogawa, Kenji Miyazawa, Osamu Dazai, Atsushi Nakajima, Akiko Yoshino, Yukito Ayatsuji(Another),Natsuhiko Kyogoku (Loups-Garous), Agatha Christie o Dan Brown.


The Concierge

The Concierge 2023


¡Bienvenido a los grandes almacenes Hokkyoku! Esta inusual tienda atiende exclusivamente a animales, tanto peludos como emplumados. Akino es una nueva conserje en formación y rápidamente se está dando cuenta de las altas exigencias de sus clientes, especialmente aquellos en la lista de especies extintas. Desde un visón marino que busca un regalo especial hasta un búho risueño que busca complacer a su esposa, ¿podrá ella cumplir todos sus pedidos?


Goblin Slayer, la corona del Goblin

Goblin Slayer, la corona del Goblin 2020


En un mundo dominado por los monstruos, una joven sacerdotisa se somete a un entrenamiento para combatirlos. Adiestrada, se une a un grupo de guerreros sin experiencia que se dispone a derrotar a los seres malignos.


KonoSuba. La Película. La Leyenda del Carmesí

KonoSuba. La Película. La Leyenda del Carmesí 2019


La vida del amante de los videojuegos, Satou Kazuma, termina cuando es arrollado por un camión. En un inesperado giro del destino reencarna en otro mundo gracias a la diosa Aqua, a una torpe hechicera llamada Megumin y a una delirante caballero llamada Darkness. En esta película este peculiar grupo se enfrentará a una increíble amenaza. ¿Podrán salvar la Villa Carmesí? ¿Qué pasará con Kazuma?


El castillo a través del espejo

El castillo a través del espejo 2022


Siete adolescentes descubren espejos brillantes en sus habitaciones y son transportados a un castillo lleno de misterios. Deben resolver pistas para encontrar una habitación secreta donde se concederá un deseo, pero deben escapar antes de las cinco o enfrentar consecuencias. La clave para sobrevivir es compartir sus historias.


Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita 2012


La historia paralela tiene lugar en 2017 a.t.b., entre el surgimiento de la organización "Black Knights" y el regreso del supuestamente "muerto" Zero. El escenario está en Europa, donde las naciones aliadas de la Unión Europea (UE) están siendo invadidas por las abrumadoras fuerzas del Sacro Imperio Británico. Al borde de la derrota, la UE El ejército forma una unidad especial conocida como "W-0", de la cual es miembro un joven piloto llamado Akito Hyuga. Leila Malkal, una ex aristócrata británica, acude en ayuda de la UE, al mando del cuerpo de caballeros "Wyvern" compuesto por adolescentes japoneses. Se sumergen imprudentemente en un campo de batalla, donde la tasa de supervivencia es extremadamente baja, solo alrededor del 5%. Luchan por su libertad y por un "hogar" al que puedan regresar.


Los niños del mar

Los niños del mar 2019


Ruka es una joven adolescente cuyos padres se han separado. Su padre trabaja en el acuario local, por lo que pasa mucho tiempo allí, fascinada con la enorme cantidad de especies marinas que allí se dan cita. Un día, dos chicos llamados Umi y Sora son trasladados al acuario por problemas familiares. Tras entrar en contacto con ellos, Ruka se da cuenta de que ambos tienen una conexión especial con el océano, al igual que ella. Sin embargo, el poder de sus dos nuevos amigos parece interponerse con los intereses del acuario y de la población en la que todos residen.


Made in Abyss 3: Amanecer del alma profunda

Made in Abyss 3: Amanecer del alma profunda 2020


La película continúa con la aventura épica de los valientes Riko y Reg quienes se unen a su nueva amiga Nanachi. Juntos, descienden a la traicionera quinta capa del Abismo, el “Mar de los cadáveres”, en donde se encuentran con el misterioso Bondrewd, un legendario White Whistle cuya sobra cierne sobre el turbulento pasado de Nanachi. Bondrewd es increíblemente amistoso, pero los valientes aventureros saben que las cosas dentro del Abismo no son lo que parecen…


Berserk. La edad de oro III: El advenimiento

Berserk. La edad de oro III: El advenimiento 2013


Ha pasado un año desde que Guts se separó de Griffith. La Banda de los Halcones está planeando una misión de rescate para salvar a Griffith, que está confinado en la cárcel. Tercera película de la saga de "Berserk. La Edad de Oro", que adapta el manga creado por Kentarou Miura.


Hell Girl

Hell Girl 2005


A supernatural system allows people to take revenge by having other people sent to Hell via the services of a mysterious entity and her assistants who implement this system. Revenge, injustice, hatred, and the nature of human emotions are common themes throughout the series.


March Comes In Like a Lion

March Comes In Like a Lion 2016


Rei is a 17-year old professional shōgi player, who lives by himself, not having a real family, and has scarcely any friends. Among his acquaintances is a family, which consists of a young woman, Akari, and two young girls, Hinata and Momo, and who also keep a numerous number of cats.


Initial D

Initial D 1998


Takumi’s job as a tofu delivery boy has turned him into one of the most formidable drivers around. Behind the wheel of his Eight-Six, he’s one with the road—and his life shifts into high gear when the underground street racing world takes notice. Drivers from across the region are lining up for a shot at the new guy. Takumi’s not just focused on winning—he’s out to prove he’s the best.


Accel World

Accel World 2012


A short, overweight student uses the Neuro Link, an evolution of the Nerve Gear, to escape himself from the reality. But his skills in the virtual world brings him to the attention of Kuroyukihime, a popular student who introduces him to the Brain Burst.



Kaiji 2007


Kaiji Itou is a good-for-nothing loiterer who spends his days drinking beer and stealing hubcaps—that is, until he ends up being tricked by his former co-worker. Unable to suddenly repay his friend's huge debt all by himself, Kaiji is offered a shady deal to participate in an illegal underground gamble on a cruise ship. This turns out to be nothing more than the beginning of his new life of hell—thrown headlong into a life-threatening roller coaster of mind games, cheating, and deceit.


Ah! My Goddess

Ah! My Goddess 2005


Keiichi Morisato is looking forward to university life. But in reality, he has no luck in anything, and he has trouble with clubs, love, etc. The truth is that he has an unlucky star above his head. One day, Keiichi is stuck watching the dorm while his sempai are away, and has a mountain of chores to do to boot. But Keiichi is a good-natured person, and is set about doing his duties. As he is about to finish his final chore, he makes a phone call to his sempai. But the words that came through the receiver are, 'Goddess Help Line.' Shortly afterwards, a beautiful goddess named Belldandy appears in front of him from the mirror of his room.



Wagnaria!! 2010


Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16-year-old high school student Sōta Takanashi works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Popura Taneshima, a high school girl who—despite being a year older than Sōta—is easily mistaken for a elementary/middle schooler, and Kyoko Shirafuji, the 28-year-old store manager who does not bother to do any work at all.



Baccano! 2007


During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. Takes place in the same universe as Durarara (2010).


Hozuki's Coolheadedness

Hozuki's Coolheadedness 2014


Hōzuki is the aide to the great king of Hell, King Enma. Calm and super-sadistic, Hōzuki tries to resolve the various problems in Hell, including a rampaging Momotarō and his companions. However, he also likes spending his free time on his hobbies, such as fawning over cute animals and raising "Goldfish Flowers."


Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 2021


A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.


Ghost Hound

Ghost Hound 2007


In an isolated region of Kyushu lies the town of Suiten. Though seeming small and modest, Suiten is not a picturesque place for a vacation, unless it is from the “Unseen World”. Taro, Makoto and Masayuki, three boys with traumatic pasts, learn to let their souls cross between the two parallel worlds. However, the Unseen World is no mere copy of the real Apparent World. The Unseen World is the home of ghosts, but changes are now allowing the souls of the dead to pass over into the Apparent World, with unpredictable effects. Follow the journey of Taro, Makoto and Masayuki, as they cross between the two worlds, trying to unravel a great mystery.


Haibane Renmei

Haibane Renmei 2002


A dream of falling from the sky...and then birth. Rakka is born from a large cocoon into the Old Home, greeted by a group of females with small wings on their backs and shining halos above their heads. Soon Rakka’s own wings grow, a halo is placed on her head and she is told that she must work in the nearby town of Grie. She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind the Wall, a tall, impenetrable wall that none except the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit.



Air 2005


Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey in search of the Winged Maiden who was bound to the sky centuries ago after hearing the old childhood tale from his mother. As Yukito shows his puppet show to people in an attempt to make some money, he finds himself in a small town in which he did not expect to stay very long. However, when he meets an unusual girl named Misuzu, things take a drastic turn as he is invited to stay with her.



A-Channel 2011


Tooru and Run have been best friends forever, so when Tooru learns that she's managed to get into the same high school as Run, she runs to tell her... only to find Run in a compromising position with yet another girl, Yuko. Needless to say, that makes things a bit awkward at school, with Tooru fending off those who might be interested in Run while Yuko and their other girlfriend, Nagi, have to deal with Run's own penchant for drama.


Stigma of the Wind

Stigma of the Wind 2007


Four years ago, Kazuma Kannagi was defeated by his cousin Ayano Kannagi for the right to be the successor of Enraiha, a sword passed down in the Kannagi family. His defeat, along with his lack of talent for En-Jutsu, the fire arts, the Kannagis' specialty, resulted in his banishment from the family. Now, Kazuma returns as Kazuma Yagami, a skilled master of Fū-Jutsu, the wind arts.



Oreshura 2013


A young boy called Eita enters high school aiming for the National University School of Medicine. Because of his parents' divorce and his goal, he shuns anything to do with romance or love. One day Masuzu, the school beauty with the silver hair, who's just returned to the country, enters his life in a most unexpected way. Chiwa, his childhood friend since elementary school, will not let this go without a fight.


Boogiepop and Others

Boogiepop and Others 2019


There is an urban legend that tells of a shinigami that can release people from the pain they are suffering. This "Angel of Death" has a name—Boogiepop. And the legends are true. Boogiepop is real. When a rash of disappearances involving female students breaks out at Shinyo Academy, the police and faculty assume they just have a bunch of runaways on their hands. Yet some students know better. Something mysterious and foul is afoot. Is it Boogiepop or something even more sinister...?


Place to Place

Place to Place 2012


Tsumiki Miniwa, a small girl who packs a punch, is in love with her best friend, tall and easygoing Io Otonashi. The only problem is that she can't bring herself to come out and say it. And, despite the fact that he can otherwise read her like a book, Io doesn't seem to be able to pick up the obvious clues—even with all of their friends teasing that there's no one better suited for each other. Acchi Kocchi follows Tsumiki and her circle of friends as they go through their day-to-day lives. Between Mayoi the electronics nerd, Sakaki the good-natured prankster, and the nosebleed-prone Hime, Tsumiki's friends will never let her live down her crush. But only time will tell if Tsumiki will gain the courage to finally say how she truly feels.


Tamako Market

Tamako Market 2013


Tamako is just a normal young girl whose family has been making mochi for generations. As her birthday approaches, she happens to meet a talking bird who claims to be a royal court attendant looking for a bride for his master. After the encounter, Dera the bird decides to stay around her and becomes a part of Tamako's life and the neighborhood that she lives in.


The Ryuo's Work is Never Done!

The Ryuo's Work is Never Done! 2018


The story is about a teenage boy who happens to be a shougi master. One day, a nine-year-old girl turns up at his house, requesting to be taken as his disciple. From there, all kinds of wacky hijinks ensue.