Dave Tendlar Candy Cabaret Popeye's 20th Anniversary Dreamnapping Shotgun Shambles Sappy New Year Meat, Drink, and Be Merry Mint Men Two-Ton Baby Sitter Outer Space Visitor One Funny Knight Sky Scrappers Hide and Peak Pedro and Lorenzo Insect to Injury Swab the Duck Sleuth But Sure Poop Goes the Weasel Kitty Cornered Rabbit Punch Git Along Lil' Duckie Robin Rodenthood Surf and Sound Rail-rodents Drinks on the Mouse A Self-Made Mongrel The Invisibeam Deep Sea Doodle Play Safe Private Eye Popeye Taxi-Turvy A Job for a Gob The Fresh Vegetable Mystery Grateful Gus Grateful Gus Mousieur Herman Cat In The Act Starting from Hatch Off We Glow Pest Pupil Jumping with Toy Kooky Cucumbers The Rain Drain The Big Clean-Up Foofle's Picnic Clown Jewels River Boat Mission A Flight to the Finish Camp Clobber The Famous Ride Nearlyweds The Crystal Brawl Patriotic Popeye Beaus Will Be Beaus Gift of Gag Penny Antics A Haul in One Spooky Swabs Spree Lunch Assault and Flattery Foofle's Train Ride The Minute and a ½ Man Hill-billing and Cooing Popeye for President Out to Punch Insect to Injury Parlez Vous Woo Abusement Park Mister and Mistletoe Betty Boop and Grampy Base Brawl Bride and Gloom Fright to the Finish Greedy Humpty Dumpty Females Is Fickle The Ski's the Limit Baby Huey y Sus Amigos Pop-Pie a la Mode Lulu Gets the Birdie Superman: Destrucción Incorporada Nix on Hypnotricks The Anvil Chorus Girl Snow Place Like Home For Better or Nurse Spinach Packin' Popeye Lulu's Birthday Party Base Brawl The Golden State The Lone Star State No Mutton fer Nuttin' Sheep Shape The Goal Rush A Lamb in a Jam A Mutt in a Rut The Big Flame Up Ups an' Downs Derby Sock-a-Bye Kitty Ration Fer the Duration Mice Paradise As the Crow Lies Slip Us Some Redskin Cat-Choo Saved by the Bell Mice Meeting You Party Smarty The Baby Sitter Gag And Baggage Clown on the Farm Cat Tamale Huey's Ducky Daddy Cat Carson Rides Again Much Ado About Mutton The Old Shell Game Hep Cat Symphony Is My Palm Read A Car-Tune Portrait The Ski's the Limit The Cobweb Hotel Expert Explorer The Sky's The Limit Molecular Mixup Gems From Gemini Friend Fox Daniel Boone, Jr. Drum Roll The First Fast Mail Klondike Strikes Out The Red Tractor Short Term Sheriff Oil Thru the Day The Wayward Hat The Phantom Skyscraper Gaston's Easel Life Hashimoto-San The Tale of a Dog Tin Pan Alley Cat Watch the Butterfly The Rock Hound Land Grab Tea Party The First Telephone Railroaded to Fame The Hectormobile High Flyer Hold the Fort Hold It! Naughty But Mice Song Shopping Cartoon Craze Vol. 24 presents: Sing A-Longs Blunder Below Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp Alona on the Sarong Seas Alona on the Sarong Seas Choose Your 'Weppins' Choose Your 'Weppins' Beware of Barnacle Bill We Aim to Please The Dance Contest Shiver Me Timbers! Shoein' Hosses The Man on the Flying Trapeze Wild Elephinks King of the Mardi Gras King of the Mardi Gras I Wanna Be a Life Guard I Wanna Be a Life Guard I'm in the Army Now Organ Grinder's Swing Fowl Play Popeye's Premiere Klondike Casanova Grampy's Indoor Outing Popeye and the Pirates All's Fair at the Fair All's Fair at the Fair Rodeo Romeo Rodeo Romeo Better Bait Than Never Melvin the Magnificent Mixed Up Matador Movie Magic Nobody's Ghoul Rebel Trouble Space Cowboy The Square Planet Valley Forge Hero Ça cartoon : Spécial Popeye