Sparky Marcus The Stableboy's Christmas Viernes loco Banjo the Woodpile Cat Friendly Persuasion The Incredible Book Escape Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood The Reluctant Dragon Goldie and the Boxer The Last Day Un genio con dos cerebros Cabbage Patch Kids: First Christmas Nate the Great Goes Undercover The Pinballs Someone I Touched Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman Sigmund and the Sea Monsters WKRP in Cincinnati Trapper John, M.D. El desafío de los GoBots Starsky y Hutch El show de Bob Newhart Happy Days The Hardy Boys / Nancy Drew Mysteries Las aventuras de Ricky Ricón Los Herculoides The Nancy Walker Show Saturday Supercade The Get Along Gang Space Stars The Bad News Bears ABC Afterschool Special Grandpa Goes to Washington Space Ace The Richie Rich/Scooby-Doo Show and Scrappy Too! ABC Afterschool Special Goodtime Girls