Tisha Sterling La jungla humana El desayuno de los campeones Un asesino dentro de mí Las ballenas de agosto Hollywood Screen Tests: Take 1 The Sandpit Generals The Name of the Game Is Kill Betrayal Night Slaves Jornada a Shiloh Death Is a Bad Trip Norwood The Space-Watch Murders Snatched Another Part of the Forest Powderkeg In the Glitter Palace El pueblo de los gigantes A Death of Innocence Big Daddy Kiss Me, Kill Me Sonic Boom Burned at the Stake Tres mujeres peligrosas Colombo Batman Hawaii 5-0 Los ángeles de Charlie El Superagente 86 Ironside The Immortal Run for Your Life La mujer policia The Donna Reed Show The Sixth Sense Mr. Novak CBS Playhouse Vacation Playhouse Dr. Kildare The Feather And Father Gang Galería nocturna (Night Gallery) The Name of the Game The Name of the Game Bonanza Los ángeles de Charlie The Ann Sothern Show La hora de Alfred Hitchcock