Märksõna Terrorism
Tagasi tulevikku 1985
Dr. Emmett Brown(Christopher Lloyd) leiutab autost ajamasina, millega ta saaks reisida tulevikku, kuid ööl, mil ta seda imepärast leiutist katsetab lastakse Dr. Brown maha, temaga kaasas olnud 17-aastane Marty McFly(Michael J. Fox) põgeneb ajamasinaga Emmetti tapjate eest ja satub aastasse 1955, kus ta segab kogemata ära tema vanemate esmakordse kokkusaamise ning juhtub ka selline keeruline asi, et Marty ema armub temasse. Nüüd on ajalugu sassi löödud ning tal tuleb abistada George McFly'd(Crispin Glover), et ta saaks kokku Lorraine Bainesiga(Lea Thompson), sest muidu ei sünni Marty't. Muidugi pole asi lihtne ning ega tagasi 80-ndatesse tagasi pöörduda, sest ajamasina tööks on vaja väga võimast jõudu ja Marty peab abipalvega pöörduma noore Dr. Emmett Browni poole. Marty ülesanded pole kerged, sest kaalul on tema enda elu.
Next 2007
Pimeduse rüütli taastulek 2012
Sellest on möödunud kaheksa aastat, kui Batman haihtus, muutudes kangelasest tagaotsitavaks. Nüüd aga peab pimeduse rüütel võitlema Bane'iga, peatamatu vaenlasega, kel on tohutu füüsiline ja vaimne jõud. Pea kümme aastat pärast Harvey Denti surma enda peale võtmist ja pimedusse haihtumist jälgib tagaotsitav Batman varjust, kuidas Denti seadus Gotham City tänavad kuritegevusest vabad hoiab. Samal ajal korraldab aga üks maski kandev anarhist terve seeria hävitavaid rünnakuid, mille eesmärk on Batman varjust välja meelitada. Otsustades mitte hüljata inimesi, kelle kaitsmise nimel ta kunagi oma eluga riskis, naaseb pimeduse rüütel pagulusest, kuhu end ise saatnud oli, ja valmistub taas võitlema.
Tenet 2020
Peategelane on relvastatud vaid sõnaga "Tenet", kui ta võitleb kogu maailma ellujäämise nimel rahvusvahelise luure hämaras maailmas. Tema missioon hargneb lahti väljaspool reaalaega. Tegu pole ajas rändamisega, vaid inversiooniga.
Võimatu missioon 1996
Palja relvaga 1988
Tema majesteet Elizabeth II tahab Los Angelese linna külastada. See võrdub loomulikult katastroofiga kui selgub, et vastuvtõtukomitee esimees võib olla narkokaupmees ja mõrvar. Selline juhtum nõuab superpolitseinik Frank Drebini abi. Hoogsalt asub ta sündmuseid uurima ja jätab endast maha kaose raja. Juhuslikult avastab ta, et kuningannat tahetakse tappa, kuid keegi ei võta tema hoiatusi tõsiselt. Nüüd tuleb päästa kuninganna ja tekitada veel kaost.
Agent 007: Casino Royale 2006
James Bond on oma kaks professionaalset palgamõrva tööd korralikult ära teinud ning teda tõstetakse "00" staatusesse. Bondi esimene 007 missioon viib ta Madagaskarile, kus peab luurama terroristi Mollaka järele. Kõik ei lähe plaanipäraselt ja ta otsustab asja uurida iseseisvalt, et välja nuhkida ülejäänud terrorivõrgustik. Bond suundub Bahamale ning ta saab teada, et terrorivõrgustikuga seotud Le Chiffre peatamiseks peab ta teda võitma pokkerimängus Montenegros asuvas kasiinos Casino Royale. Alguses ei meeldi James Bondile, et M saatis kaasa Vesper Lyndi, kes peab jälgima, et midagi valesti ei läheks. Kuid aja möödudes hakkab Bondil huvi naise vastu kasvama.
Captain Phillips 2013
Visa hing 1988
New Yorgi võmm John McClane saabub jõulude ajal Los Angelesse, kuhu tema abikaasa on elama asunud. Perekonna rõõmuküllane taasühinemine katkestatakse kõige ootamatumal ja jõhkramal moel, kui Nakotomi Plaza pilvelõhkuja võtavad enda kontrolli alla terroristid. Pantvangide ainsaks pääsemise lootuseks jääb kurjamite eest varjunud McClane, kes alustab pealtnäha lootusetut võitlust.
Predestination 2014
Die Hard 2 1990
The Rock 1996
The Foreigner 2017
Hing anumas 2017
Lähitulevikus on Major esimene omataoline: inimene, kes päästeti kohutavast lennuõnnetusest, seejärel täiustati kübertehnoloogia abil täiuslikuks sõduriks, kes on pühendunud maailma kõige ohtlikumate kurjategijate peatamisele.
Déjà Vu 2006
The Jackal 1997
Palja relvaga 3 1994
Leitnant Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) on pensionil ja abielus Jane Spenceriga (Priscilla Presley). Kuid abielu varjutavad tema tegevuseta olek ja järelkasvu puudumine. Kui terroristid ähvardavad Oscarigala õhku lasta asub Frank usinalt asja uurima minnes valenime all vanglasse, kust põgeneb koos ühe terroristide käsilasega (Fred Ward).
The Blacklist 2013
Raymond "Red" Reddington, one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives, surrenders in person at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. He claims that he and the FBI have the same interests: bringing down dangerous criminals and terrorists. In the last two decades, he's made a list of criminals and terrorists that matter the most but the FBI cannot find because it does not know they exist. Reddington calls this "The Blacklist". Reddington will co-operate, but insists that he will speak only to Elizabeth Keen, a rookie FBI profiler.
Counterstrike 1990
Counterstrike is a Canadian/French crime-fighting/espionage television series. It premiered on November 2, 1991 on CTV in Canada and on November 20, 1991 on TF1 in France. It also aired in the United States on cable channel USA Network, premiering on July 1, 1990. The series ran for three seasons, airing 66 hour-long episodes in total. Counterstrike has since aired in reruns in Canada on Showcase and TVtropolis.
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero 1983
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero is a half-hour American animated television series based on the successful toyline from Hasbro and the comic book series from Marvel Comics. The cartoon had its beginnings with two five-part mini-series in 1983 and 1984, then became a regular series that ran in syndication from 1985 to 1986. Ron Friedman created the G.I. Joe animated series for television, and wrote all four miniseries. The fourth mini-series was intended to be a feature film, but due to production difficulties was released as a television mini-series.
MacGyver 1985
He's everyone's favorite action hero... but he's a hero with a difference. Angus MacGyver is a secret agent whose wits are his deadliest weapon. Armed with only a knapsack filled with everyday items he picks up along the way, he improvises his way out of every peril the bad guys throw at him. Making a bomb out of chewing gum? Fixing a speeding car's breaks... while he's riding in it? Using soda pop to cook up tear gas? That's all in a day's adventures for MacGyver. He's part Boy Scout, part genius. And all hero.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 2007
The year is 2307 A.D. Although fossil fuels have been depleted, humanity has obtained a new source of energy to replace them, in the form of a large-scale solar power generation system based on three huge orbital elevators. However, the benefits of this system are available only to a handful of major powers and their allies. In this world of never-ending conflict, a private armed organization appears, dedicated to the elimination of war through armed force. Its name is Celestial Being, and it is in possession of "Gundam" mobile suits.
Designated Survivor 2016
Tom Kirkman, a low-level cabinet member is suddenly appointed President of the United States after a catastrophic attack during the State of the Union kills everyone above him in the Presidential line of succession.
Homeland 2011
CIA officer Carrie Mathison is tops in her field despite being bipolar, which makes her volatile and unpredictable. With the help of her long-time mentor Saul Berenson, Carrie fearlessly risks everything, including her personal well-being and even sanity, at every turn.
Slow Horses 2022
Follow a dysfunctional team of MI5 agents—and their obnoxious boss, the notorious Jackson Lamb—as they navigate the espionage world's smoke and mirrors to defend England from sinister forces.
Psycho-Pass 2012
Psycho-Pass is set in a futuristic era in Japan where the Sibyl System, a powerful network of psychometric scanners, actively measures the biometrics of its citizens' minds. The resulting assessment is called a Psycho-Pass. When the calculated likelihood of an individual committing a crime, measured by the Crime Coefficient index, exceeds an accepted threshold, he or she is pursued, apprehended, and either arrested or decomposed by the field officers of the Crime Investigation Department of the Public Safety Bureau.
The State 2017
The experiences of four British men and women who leave their lives behind to join ISIS in Syria.
Manhunt 2017
Inspired by actual events, this true crime anthology series takes a deep dive into the dark, twisted minds of terrorists and follows the brave souls who hunt them down.
Black Lagoon 2006
The story follows a team of pirate mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company, that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia in the early to mid 1990s. Their base of operations is located in the fictional harbor city of Roanapur in southeast Thailand near the border of Cambodia.
World's End Harem 2022
The Man-Killer Virus: a lethal disease that has eradicated 99.9% of the world's male population. Mizuhara Reito has been in cryogenic sleep for the past five years, leaving behind Tachibana Erisa, the girl of his dreams. When Reito awakens from the deep freeze, he emerges into a sex-crazed new world where he himself is the planet's most precious resource. Reito and four other male studs are given lives of luxury and one simple mission: repopulate the world by impregnating as many women as possible! All Reito wants, however, is to find his beloved Erisa who went missing three years ago. Can Reito resist temptation and find his one true love?
Hijack 2023
When Flight KA29 is hijacked during its seven-hour journey from Dubai to London, Sam Nelson—an accomplished corporate negotiator—tries using his professional skills to save everyone on board. Will this high-risk strategy be his undoing?
Bodyguard 2018
A troubled war veteran is assigned to protect a controversial politician who may be the target of a terror plot.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury 2022
A. S. (Ad Stella) 122 ― An era when a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. Suletta Mercury, a lone girl from the remote planet Mercury, transfers to the Asticassia School of Technology, run by the Beneritt Group which dominates the mobile suit industry.
SIX 2017
Action drama series inspired by the real missions of Navy SEAL Team Six.
24 JAPAN 2020
Japanese adaptation of the American TV Series "24". Genba Shido is the director of Team A in the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). He is excellent at his job and a reasonable person, but he often has to make drastic decisions to save lives.
Fire Force 2019
Year 198 of the Solar Era in Tokyo, special fire brigades are fighting against a phenomenon called spontaneous human combustion where humans beings are turned into living infernos called "Infernals". While the Infernals are first generation cases of spontaneous human combustion, later generations possess the ability to manipulate flames while retaining human form. Shinra Kusakabe, a youth who gained the nickname Devil's Footprints for his ability to ignite his feet at will, joins the Special Fire Force Company 8 which composes of other flames users as they work to extinguish any Infernals they encounter. As a faction that is creating Infernals appears, Shira begins to uncover the truth behind a mysterious fire that caused the death of his family twelve years ago.