
Pahupidi 2015


11-aastane Riley peab läbi tegema oma senise elu kõige suurema muutuse - kolima kodusest Minnesotast kaugele San Fransiscosse, kuhu neid viib isa uus töö. Kaugele seljataha jäävad kõik tuttavad kohad, sõbrad ja mälestused. Küll aga reisivad temaga tema "peakorteris" kaasa tema enda isiklikud Rõõm, Kurbus, Hirm, Vastikus ja Viha, kes kõik soovivad, et Rileyga läheks kõik hästi, tal oleks alati turvaline ja keegi ei teeks talle ülekohut. Peakorteris hakkavad aga asjad vägisi käest ära minema, kui Kurbus oma tundeid enam üldse vaka all ei suuda hoida, mis paneb omakorda Hirmu kangesti pabistama, Vastikuse nina kirtsutama ja Viha mõistagi pahuralt käiseid üles käärima. Kui tormiliselt arenenud sündmuste tõttu seni asju enam-vähem kontrolli all hoidnud Rõõm ühes Kurbusega end Riley pikaajalise mälu sügavatest soppidest leiab, peavad nad alustama pikka ja rasket tagasiteed peakorterisse, kus samal ajal Hirm, Vastikus ja Viha püüavad jooksvalt probleeme "lahendada".



It 2017



Must Luik

Must Luik 2010


Nina (Natalie Portman) on baleriin, kes on kogu oma elu pühendanud tantsimisele. Ta elab koos teda fanaatiliselt toetava ema Ericaga (Barbara Hershey) New Yorgis. Kui lavastaja Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel) asub valima peaosalist oma uuele etendusele "Luikede järv" on Nina esimene valik. Kuid talle pakub konkurentsi uus tantsija Lily (Mila Kunis), kes on samuti märkimisväärselt osav. "Luikede järv" nõuab tantsijat, kes suudaks olla süütu ja graatsiline Valge Luik, ning samas ka salakaval ja sensuaalne Must Luik. Nina sobib ideaalselt Valge Luige rolli kuid Lily on Musta Luige kehastus. Kahe tantsija omavaheline võistlus muutub veidraks sõpruseks ning Nina avastab oma tumedama külje, mis teda hoolimatult hävitama asub.


Hea dinosaurus

Hea dinosaurus 2015


Eepiliste mõõtmetega rännak dinosauruste maailma, kus nooruke apatosaurus nimega Arlo ühel päeval endale ootamatult inimlapsest sõbra leiab. Olles sattunud kodunt kaugele ja püüdes leida teed tagasi oma perekonna juurde, saab Arlo selle ootamatu tutvuse kaudu teada, kuidas oma hirmudega silmitsi seista, milleks ta tegelikult võimeline on ja mis kõige tähtsam - mida tähendab sõprus.



Hulk 2003




Us 2019



Higurashi: When They Cry

Higurashi: When They Cry 2006


After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem.


Fear Factor

Fear Factor 2001


Competition reality series in which contestants must decide if they have the guts and determination to face their fears while outpacing the competition.


Fear Itself

Fear Itself 2008


A horror/suspense anthology series directed by the biggest horror directors working in feature films.


Ghost Hound

Ghost Hound 2007


In an isolated region of Kyushu lies the town of Suiten. Though seeming small and modest, Suiten is not a picturesque place for a vacation, unless it is from the “Unseen World”. Taro, Makoto and Masayuki, three boys with traumatic pasts, learn to let their souls cross between the two parallel worlds. However, the Unseen World is no mere copy of the real Apparent World. The Unseen World is the home of ghosts, but changes are now allowing the souls of the dead to pass over into the Apparent World, with unpredictable effects. Follow the journey of Taro, Makoto and Masayuki, as they cross between the two worlds, trying to unravel a great mystery.


Up Here

Up Here 2023


Set in New York City in 1999, Lindsay and Miguel fall in love and discover that the single greatest obstacle to finding happiness together might just be themselves — and the memories, obsessions, fears, and fantasies that lives inside their heads.


Los Espookys

Los Espookys 2019


A group of friends turn their love for horror into a peculiar business, providing horror to those who need it, in a dreamy Latin American country where the strange and eerie are just part of daily life.



Kowabon 2015


Kowabon, a horror story, will be animated using a technique called rotoscoping. Animators will trace live-action footage frame-by-frame to recreate it as animation.



Rector 2024


Lavrenty Semenovich Timoshin, or simply Lavrik, is a young, promising, but very anxious candidate of sciences, who heads the biochemistry laboratory of a serious research institute and has been developing a cure for fear for several years. Mostly from his own. Lavrik is afraid of everything — scientific achievements, his mother's anger, love and reforms at the National Research University. The latter are not long in coming. The rector of the Bogomolov Institute, who has held this position for a long time, wants to give up his post to the younger generation, and Lavrik is the best candidate. But will this position be a boon for Lavrik and will it still allow him to complete his research, especially when such drastic changes go far beyond career growth?



Curon 2020


When their mother mysteriously vanishes shortly after they all arrive in her hometown, teen twins discover secrets behind the village’s tranquil facade.


Stalked: Someone's Watching

Stalked: Someone's Watching 2011


It may seem like it, but victims of stalking are not just celebrities and those in the public eye; the widely-misunderstood crime affects millions of people in the United States each year, people who are in perpetual fear for their lives; criminal psychologist Dr. Michelle Ward -- a stalking victim herself -- presents stories of the crimes and explores the twisted psychology of those who committed them; victims and their families also recount their personal experiences and provide firsthand insight into effective steps they took to protect themselves; Dr. Ward offers practical tips that viewers can use to keep themselves safe.


Ida Takes Charge

Ida Takes Charge 2022


Ida has just arrived in Oslo to study psychology at the University, after dropping out of her literature studies in Trondheim. Ida's is anxious for most things. Not getting of the bus at the right stop, running out of toilet paper on the public toilet, environmental changes and world war three. But her greatest fear is terror. There is nothing that frightens her more than being a victim of a random attack.


Fear Thy Roommate

Fear Thy Roommate 2020


This nail-biting series follows people who take the risk to move in with relative strangers. Small disagreements soon bring out the worst in one another until tensions escalate, provoking claustrophobic rages that erupt into heinous acts of violence.


13: Fear Is Real

13: Fear Is Real 2009


13: Fear Is Real is a reality television series which premiered on January 7, 2009.