Karge meele igavene sära

Karge meele igavene sära 2004


Joel (Jim Carrey) ning Clementine (Kate Winslet) on paar, kel on olnud küllaltki rahutu ning omapärane suhe. Kuid ühel päeval laseb Clementine kõik nende ühised mälestused enda peast eemaldada. Suurde masendusse langenud Joel pöördub seepeale Dr. Mierzwaiki (Tom Wilkinson) poole ning laseb Clementine'l ka enda peast kaduda. Protsessi käigus, kui Joel'i mälu tasapisi kustub, avastab ta nende ammu ununenud kire ning üritab seepärast veel alles oleva mälu alles jätta. Nüüd on Dr. Mierzwaikil ning tema meeskonnal tükk tegemist, et protseduur peatada ...


Viis legendi

Viis legendi 2012


"Viis legendi" on suurejooneline, maagiline seiklus, milles peategelasteks on Jõuluvana, Lihavõttejänes, Hambahaldjas, Une-Mati ja Pakasepoiss. Legendaarsed tegelased lapsepõlvest, kelle erakordsed võimed on tänaseni saladuses hoitud. Kui üks eriti tugev kurikael otsustab maailma hirmu abil endale allutada, peavad viis legendi ühendama oma jõuvarud, et kaitsta kogu maailma laste lootusi, uskumusi ja kujutlusvõimet.



Memento 2000


Leonard Shelby otsib meest, kes vägistas ja mõrvas tema naise. Tema naise mõrvari leidmist raskendab aga asjaolu, et ta kannatab harvaesineva ja ravimatu lühiajalise mälukaotuse all. Kuigi ta suudab meenutada üksikasju elust enne õnnetust, ei mäleta Leonard, mis juhtus viisteist minutit tagasi, kuhu ta läheb või miks.


Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive 2001


Pärast Mulhollandi teel toimunud autoõnnetust tuigub selle ainuke ellujäänu, mustajuukseline naine, Los Angelese tänavatel ning jõuab lõpuks ajutiselt elanikuta korterisse. Järgmise päeval kolib sinna elama heasüdamlik Betty, noor naine, kes loodab alustada näitlejakarjääri. Koos üritavad nad lahendada mõistatust brüneti ümber, kes õnnetusest saadik midagi ei mäleta



Liblikaefekt 2004


Valusatest lapsepõlvemälestustest üle saada võitlev noormees Evan Treborn avastab tehnika, mis võimaldab tal ajas tagasi rännata ja oma lapse keha hõivata, et muuta tema valusa ajaloo kulgu. Ent ka see avastab, et kõik väikesed muutused minevikus muudavad tema tulevikku oluliselt.


Kalatüdruk Dory

Kalatüdruk Dory 2016


Hoogne ja naljakas seiklus “Kalatüdruk Dory” toob tagasi puuduliku mäluga sinise Dory ning tema ustavad sõbrad Nemo ja Marlini, kes püüavad aidata oma sõpra, kui too otsib vastuseid küsimustele oma mineviku kohta. Mida ta mäletab? Kes on ta vanemad? Ja kuidas ta õppis rääkima vaalade keelt?


Bourne'i identiteet

Bourne'i identiteet 2002


Itaalia kalalaeva meeskond päästab amneesiaki, kui see ujub merel. Tal ei ole identiteeti ega minevikku, kuid tal on terve rida erakordseid andeid keele-, võitlus- ja enesekaitsekunstis, mis viitavad riskikutsele. Segaduses ja segaduses teeb ta meeletu otsingu, et teada saada, kes ta on ja miks on tema elu võtnud sellise ohtliku pöörde.


Mu pruudil on mälukas

Mu pruudil on mälukas 2004


Hawaii mere zooloog Henry pühendab kogu oma vaba aja ahvatlevatele naistele, kes tulevad Hawaiile puhkama. Ühel päeval kohtuvad tüdrukud aga armsa ja jumaliku Lucyga, kellesse ta esimesest silmapilgust armunud on. Lucy kannatab pärast autoõnnetust siiski lühiajalise mälukaotuse all. Ta mäletab vaid ühe päeva sündmusi. Tema jaoks on igal hommikul õnnetusejärgne hommik. Nii et Lucy kohtub Henryga alati esimest korda. Ja Henry võib ainult loota, et Lucy huvitab teda ikka ja jälle.


Bourne'i ülemvõim

Bourne'i ülemvõim 2004


Jason Bourne'i minevik tuleb tema jaoks tagasi. Kolme filmi saaga teises osas, mis põhineb Jason Bourne'il, endisel CIA agendil, kes kaotab mälu ja kui ta üritab seda taastada ja teada saada, kes ta tegelikult on, satub ta spionaaživõrku ja valitsuse manipuleerimine Ameerika Ühendriikide poolt, kus teda jälitavad kutselised tapjad, poolsõjaväelised palgasõdurid ja endised CIA seltsimehed. Film algab Indias Goa osariigis, kus Jason ja Marie on läinud elama Treadstone'i eest peitu, kuid seal asub ka endine ettevõte agent otsib ja jälitab neid ning jälitab neid. Jason Bourne alustab oma seiklust oma mineviku avastamisega, mäletades osa sellest ja jälitades esindajat, kes samuti poseerib temana.


Suur Diktaator

Suur Diktaator 1940


Juudi soost habemeajaja (Charles Chaplin) kaotab Esimeses maailmasõjas mälu. Aastaid hiljem, kui mees jälle ilmakorrast aru hakkab saama, on tema kodumaad, Tomaaniat, valitsemas diktaator Adenoid Hynkel (Charles Chaplin), kes juute taga kiusab. Juutidele saabub kergem ajahetk kui Hinkel üritab juudist pankurilt laenu võtta, et naaberriigi vallutuses liitlastest ette jõuda. Kuna habemeajaja välimus on diktaatori omaga hämmastavalt sarnane, aetaksegi ta Hinkeli pähe segi ning tal on ainulaadne võimalus kogu Maailm selle hullu käest päästa. Teise Maailmasõja algusaastail valminud geniaalne pilafilm näitas, et Chaplin nägi Hitleri tõelist palet juba aastaid ette.


Princess Agents

Princess Agents 2017


During the Warring Period, the Western Wei enslaved large numbers of civilians. The slave girl, Chu Qiao, is thrown into a forest along with other slaves and becomes the next hunting target for the rich lords. She is saved by the Prince of Northern Wei, Yan Xun. Afterwards, she is brought into a powerful family of Yuwen and witnesses their bloody power struggle. Seeing this, she swears to take her younger sister and flee from the situation. However, she catches the attention of Yuwen Yue, and undergoes strict training while building a sense of companionship with Yan Xun. Unfortunately, Western Wei goes into battle and Yan Xun’s family is slaughtered. After that incident, Yan Xun grows ambitious and cruel to avenge for the things and the people he lost. He doubts Chu Qiao and takes advantages of her loyalty and love many times, disregarding their relationship as well as the sacrifices he will have to make for power. Disappointed with the man she once loved, Chu Qiao eventually breaks off her relationship with Yan Xun and chooses to fight with Yuwen Yue, destroying Yan Xun’s plans of vengeance. She eventually convinces Yuwen to free the country from slavery, becoming a successful military strategist/female general in the people’s hearts.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.



Blindspot 2015


A vast international plot explodes when a beautiful Jane Doe is discovered naked in Times Square, completely covered in mysterious, intricate tattoos with no memory of who she is or how she got there. But there's one tattoo that is impossible to miss: the name of FBI agent Kurt Weller, emblazoned across her back. "Jane," Agent Weller and the rest of the FBI quickly realize that each mark on her body is a crime to solve, leading them closer to the truth about her identity and the mysteries to be revealed.


An Oriental Odyssey

An Oriental Odyssey 2018


Ye Yuanan is the daughter of the Assistant Minister of Revenue during the Tang Dynasty. Somewhat of an amateur sleuth, Yuanan loves solving mysteries and is constantly in competition with Zhao Lanzhi, a police officer who is trying to do his job. Yuanan has the assistance of Mu Le, a young man she took in as a family servant after saving him from danger. But what will Yuanan do when she discovers Mu Le’s true identity?


Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss 2017


Located in the center of a remote island, the Abyss is the last unexplored region, a huge and treacherous fathomless hole inhabited by strange creatures where only the bravest adventurers descend in search of ancient relics. In the upper levels of the Abyss, Riko, a girl who dreams of becoming an explorer, stumbles upon a mysterious little boy.


My Girlfriend is an Alien

My Girlfriend is an Alien 2019


The alien girl Chai Xiaoqi tells the story of Fang Xiaoqi, the overbearing president of the alien girl who died from the "Cape Town Planet", who was suffering from the "rainy weather heterosexual amnesia". A high-energy hilarious and romantic cross-star love story. The female host Chai Xiaoqi is not only an alien, but also a true-handed witch. Once she inhales the hormones emitted by the males in the earth, she will fall into the "flowery state" and suffer from various diseases. The fun and ridiculously ridiculous romance will restore the singularity of the girl in the perfection of the girl. In order to survive on the human earth, Chai Xiaoqi will use his various super powers to solve one accident after another, like a roller coaster. The ups and downs will make the audience hooked. The male lord is cold and is an alternative overbearing president.


I Have a Lover

I Have a Lover 2015


A woman who lost her memory falls in love with the husband she despised.


Transformers: Cyberverse

Transformers: Cyberverse 2018


When Bumblebee begins to suffer amnesia, his partner, Windblade, comes to the rescue, and repairs his memory chips, enabling him to rediscover his past adventures on Cybertron. Once his memories are repaired, Bumblebee gets a clue that will lead both him and Windblade to complete their current mission and save their friends, unaware that Megatron sent his Decepticon assassins to hunt them down.


Ressha Sentai ToQger

Ressha Sentai ToQger 2014


The evil empire, Shadow Line appeared to cover the world in darkness. Five childhood friends who have great imaginations were selected as the ToQgers to fight the Shadow Line.



07-Ghost 2009


Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and its law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, "The Eye of Mikhael", made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, and what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.



Noragami 2014


Hiyori Iki is a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including Hiyori's to fix her body.


I'm Sorry Kang Nam-Goo

I'm Sorry Kang Nam-Goo 2016


Jung Mo-A (Kim Min-Seo) marries Park Do-Hoon (Lee In). They both grew up at the same orphanage. Park Do-Hoon learns that he is the son from a wealthy family. He dumps Jung Mo-A and marries Cha Young-Hwa (Lee Na-Kyung). Her father is a powerful politician.


Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts 2009


Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. At his coming-of-age ceremony, however, everything changes. For no reason that he can discern, he's cast into the prison known as the "Abyss", only to be saved by a "chain" known as Alice, the bloodstained black rabbit. It is unknown why was he cast into Abyss, how does Alice factor into it all, and what does the organization known as "Pandora" want with him.


Princess Silver

Princess Silver 2019


Rong Le, a princess who loses her memory, is forced to marry Wu You, the prince of Beilin. After being rejected, she adopts a new identity and embarks on a journey to find a legendary book, unknowingly falling in love with Wu You, only to have their relationship tested by family obligations.


Humanity Has Declined

Humanity Has Declined 2012


It has been several centuries since human population has declined. Food has become harder to find and what little sources the humans have are considered highly valuable. The most prosperous species on the Earth are "Fairies", 10 cm tall creatures with high intelligence and a great love for sweets. A nameless girl, the main character, became a UN arbitrator between the humans and the fairies and had returned to her hometown to help her grandfather. One day, the village is sent some strange products made by a company called FairyCo. Since the villagers are wary of using the products, the girl, her grandfather, and a nameless boy decide to go to the factory to find out about the mysterious products and who is behind making them.


100 Days My Prince

100 Days My Prince 2018


Lee Yool falls off a cliff and nearly dies in an attempted assassination. He loses his memory, and wanders for 100 days under a new name and personality. During this period, he meets Hong Sim, head of the first detective agency in Joseon.


Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash 2016


Fear, survival, instinct. Thrown into a foreign land with nothing but hazy memories and the knowledge of their name, they can feel only these three emotions resonating deep within their souls. A group of strangers is given no other choice than to accept the only paying job in this game-like world—the role of a soldier in the Reserve Army—and eliminate anything that threatens the peace in their new world, Grimgar. When all of the stronger candidates join together, those left behind must create a party together to survive: Manato, a charismatic leader and priest; Haruhiro, a nervous thief; Yume, a cheerful hunter; Shihoru, a shy mage; Mogzo, a kind warrior; and Ranta, a rowdy dark knight. Despite its resemblance to one, this is no game—there are no redos or respawns; it is kill or be killed. It is now up to this ragtag group of unlikely fighters to survive together in a world where life and death are separated only by a fine line.


Love Better Than Immortality

Love Better Than Immortality 2019


A woman from the future arrives at a fantasy-like universe to experience love for the first time. She goes by the name Chun Hua and falls into a complicated romance with two young men who are opposites like black and white.


Nabari no Ou

Nabari no Ou 2008


In the shadows of this world, ninjas fight for control of an ancient technique which holds untold strength. This coveted power dwells within apathetic Miharu, a fact the guy really couldn't care less about - until the rival clans bring their battle to him. Now, he must choose a side if he hopes to survive - but when conflict is waged in secret, friend and foe prove difficult to tell apart.