Märksõna Sadness
Pahupidi 2015
11-aastane Riley peab läbi tegema oma senise elu kõige suurema muutuse - kolima kodusest Minnesotast kaugele San Fransiscosse, kuhu neid viib isa uus töö. Kaugele seljataha jäävad kõik tuttavad kohad, sõbrad ja mälestused. Küll aga reisivad temaga tema "peakorteris" kaasa tema enda isiklikud Rõõm, Kurbus, Hirm, Vastikus ja Viha, kes kõik soovivad, et Rileyga läheks kõik hästi, tal oleks alati turvaline ja keegi ei teeks talle ülekohut. Peakorteris hakkavad aga asjad vägisi käest ära minema, kui Kurbus oma tundeid enam üldse vaka all ei suuda hoida, mis paneb omakorda Hirmu kangesti pabistama, Vastikuse nina kirtsutama ja Viha mõistagi pahuralt käiseid üles käärima. Kui tormiliselt arenenud sündmuste tõttu seni asju enam-vähem kontrolli all hoidnud Rõõm ühes Kurbusega end Riley pikaajalise mälu sügavatest soppidest leiab, peavad nad alustama pikka ja rasket tagasiteed peakorterisse, kus samal ajal Hirm, Vastikus ja Viha püüavad jooksvalt probleeme "lahendada".
The Notebook 2004
Encanto 2021
Madrigali pere elab Colombia mägedesse peidetud maagilises paigas nimega Encanto. Kõiki selle pere lapsi on õnnistatud ainulaadsete annetega üliiinimlikust jõust kuni tervendamisvõimeni. Ainus, kellele pole sellist kinki osaks saanud, on pere pesamuna Mirabel. Kuid kui ta avastab, et Encantot ümbritsev maagia on ohus, otsustab Mirabel, et tema, ainus tavaline Madrigal, võib olla oma erakordse perekonna ainsaks lootuseks.
Shrek Kolmas 2007
Fionaga abielludes polnud Shrekil aimugi, et seetõttu peab ta ühel päeval võibolla kuningaks hakkama. Kui Shreki äiapapa, kuningas Harold korraga lahkub, ootab teda just see au. Välja arvatud juhul, kui Shrek (koos oma ustavate kaaslaste Eesli ja Saabastega Kassiga) leiaks enda asemele sobiva kuninga. Kõige lubavam kandidaat oleks Fiona nõbu Artie, keskkoolis õppiv ebakuninglik hädavares, kellest väärilise troonipärija kasvatamine näib olevat üks raskemaid ülesandeid, millega Shrek ja sõbrad eales silmitsi seisnud on.
Edward Scissorhands 1990
Seven Pounds 2008
버닝 2018
Aftermath 2017
Billy Elliot 2000
Death at a Funeral 2007
Poetic Justice 1993
The Big Sick 2017
Never Let Me Go 2010
La dolce vita 1960
A Ghost Story 2017
The Queen 2006
Rewrite 2016
Green City Kazamatsuri is a city built on the ideal of a harmonious relationship between civilization and environment.. However, the peaceful Kazamatsuri will soon be faced with its annual commotion, the Harvest Festa at the turn of the year. It's an event that is much like a massive school festival, and Tennoji Kotaro decides to head out to research topics for his articles. It's an easy decision for him, because the town is filled with rumors about unidentified creature sightings and various other occult occurrences. At the same time, strange things start happening to Kotaro himself.
Elfen Lied 2004
The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet...
After Life 2019
Tony had a perfect life. But after his wife Lisa suddenly dies, Tony changes. After contemplating taking his own life, he decides instead to live long enough to punish the world by saying and doing whatever he likes from now on.
Seven Year Switch 2015
Four married couples try to save their marriages by entering into a social experiment. During this experiment, the four couples switch spouses and live with another participants spouse for two weeks as husband and wife.