Seal, kus elavad metsakollid

Seal, kus elavad metsakollid 2009


Maurice Sendak'i armastatud raamatul "Seal, kus elavad metsakollid" põhinev film räägib loo ohjeldamatust ja tundlikust poisist Max'st (Max Records), kes tunneb, et teda kodus ei mõisteta ja põgeneb sinna, kus metsikud end peidavad. Max randub saarel, kus ta kohtub saladuslike ja veidrate olevustega, kelle emotsioonid on sama metsikud ja ettearvamatud, kui nende tegevused. Metsakollid otsivad meeleheitlikult omale liidrit, kes neid juhendaks, täpselt nagu Max unistab kuningriigist, mida valitseda. Kui Max kroonitakse kuningaks, siis lubab ta luua paiga, kus kõik oleksid õnnelikud. Max avastab aga peagi, et oma kuningriiki polegi nii lihtne valitseda ja tema suhted metsikutega võivad olla keerukamad, kui ta algselt arvas.



Adam 2009




Enid 2009



Dr. Seuss Beginner Book Video

Dr. Seuss Beginner Book Video 2002


Dr. Seuss Beginner Book Video is a 30-40 minute video series where the creators from Random House started a project by bringing Dr. Seuss' books to a video premiering series. The Dr. Seuss books are used as being on screen by computer animation and characters of the pages are moving at some point as the story from the book is being narrated.


Wonderland: From JM Barrie to JRR Tolkien

Wonderland: From JM Barrie to JRR Tolkien 2022


An extraordinary variety of writers, who often suffered terrible adversity throughout their lives, created wonderful places full of happiness in which children lived far from the sorrows of adult life.


Katie Morag

Katie Morag 2013


Based on the much-loved series of books by Mairi Hedderwick, Katie Morag is a small red-headed girl who lives with her family on the remote and beautiful fictional Scottish island of Struay. Although she lives in a fairly unique setting, her adventures are full of experiences and feelings that all children can recognize and identify with. Her stories are full of jealousy, bravery and rivalry – surrounded by an annoying little brother, busy shopkeeper parents, a perfectly perfect best friend and a couple of grandmothers who between them know everything about everything. The stories celebrate the intrinsic sense of community, the preciousness of the environment and the universal tensions and joys of family life. Katie Morag is a feisty character who has been known to get herself into scrapes but who generally emerges from them (usually with some assistance from one or other of her Grandmothers) in a funny and endearing way.