Silmad pärani kinni

Silmad pärani kinni 1999


Dr. Bill Harford hakkab igapäevarutiinist välja saama, kui ühe peo ajal kaks modelli talle külge löövad. Järgmisel päeval paljastab mehe naine, et tal on olnud seksuaalfantaasiaid ühe võõra mehe suhtes, keda ta mõni aeg tagasi oli kohanud. Sellest hetkest alates ei suuda Dr. Harford end enam tagasi hoida ning säärased fantaasiad saavad tema kinnisideeks. Seksuaalne kokkupuutmine prostituutide, teiste meeste naiste ning isegi ühe enda surnud patsiendi tütrega hakkavad aga tõsiselt ähvardama mehe igapäevarütmi ning lõpuks ka abielu ...


Hit Man

Hit Man 2024


Gary Johnson on kõige nõutum palgamõrvar New Orleans'is. Oma klientidele on ta nagu mees filmist, sinu unistuste palgamõrvar. Aga kui sa otsustad ta palgata, vaata ette, ta töötab politsei heaks. Üks tööots läheb veidi vasakule, kui ta otsutab aidata naist, kes püüab pageda väärkohtleva mehe käest. Meie nõutud võlts-palgamõrvar leiab end ühe oma väljamõeldud persoona külge aheldatuna ning armumine kaunisse klienti tundub vältimatu.



Jälitatav 1993


Dr. Kimble on õnnelikult abielus, tal on hea töö ja ka muidu tundub ta elu täiuslik. Ühel õhtul koju tulles leiab ta oma majast ühekäelise sissemurdja ja tapetud naise. Kõik märgid näitavad, et Kimble tappis oma naise ning talle määratakse surmanuhtlus. Keegi ei usu tema juttu ühe käega sissemurdjast. Teel vanglasse õnnestub tal põgeneda ja ta asub kurjategijat otsima.


Borati järgmine kinofilm

Borati järgmine kinofilm 2020


Riigile häbi toomise eest vanglas olnud kasahhi naljamees Borat saab taas vabaks ning riskib oma 15 aastase tütrega Ameerikasse naastes elu ja tervisega.


Charlie's Angels

Charlie's Angels 1976


Beautiful, intelligent, and ultra-sophisticated, Charlie's Angels are everything a man could dream of... and way more than they could ever handle! Receiving their orders via speaker phone from their never seen boss, Charlie, the Angels employ their incomparable sleuthing and combat skills, as well as their lethal feminine charm, to crack even the most seemingly insurmountable of cases.


Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver 2021


A former special forces soldier delivers revenge for victims of injustice while working for a secret organization that fronts as a taxi company.



Lupin 2021


Inspired by the adventures of Arsène Lupin, gentleman thief Assane Diop sets out to avenge his father for an injustice inflicted by a wealthy family.


Invader ZIM

Invader ZIM 2001


Zim dreams of greatness. Unfortunately, though, he's hopelessly inept as a space invader. Desperate to be rid of the annoying Zim, his planet's leaders send him on a mission to infiltrate Earth, providing him with leftover, cobbled-together equipment. To their consternation, Zim succeeds in setting up a base on Earth and infiltrating human culture, posing as a human child as he plots the planet's downfall. Only Zim's archnemesis, Dib, recognizes that Zim is an alien, and of course, nobody believes Dib's claims.


Dorg van Dango

Dorg van Dango 2020


Follow the adventures of Dorg, a normal teen, living in the very normal town of Normill. That is, until he befriends several paranormal characters (a cool unicorn, an ancient witch and an eerie ghost). They are all escapees from Area 52 and in desperate need of help and refuge. To have them blend in with the citizens of Normill, Dorg disguises them as teenagers and hides them in the basement in the local shopping mall. With his new best friends attempting to help navigate life's challenges, Dorg's world just got a whole lot less normal and a lot more fun.


Horseless Knight

Horseless Knight 2002


Hafez Naguib was raised between his mother's sophisticated family, and his father's poor and modest family. When his father gets killed at the time of the English occupation, he swears to take revenge for him and every other persecuted Egyptian citizen, and leads the life of a true patriot.


You Are Beautiful

You Are Beautiful 2009


Posing as her twin brother in a boy band, a young woman wins the heart of her bandmates and fans, all the while searching for her long-lost mother.


Ai Tenchi Muyo!

Ai Tenchi Muyo! 2014


In this story, the world is in chaos, thanks to Washu. Now in order to save it, Tenchi Masaki must go undercover as a student teacher at an all-girls school. Unfortunately for him, trouble always comes his way as he has a hard time dealing with the hijinks of his new students.


K.O.3an Guo 2017

K.O.3an Guo 2017 2017


While testing out the interdimensional traveling gear, the representatives from KO One accidentally repeated the same mistake their predecessor made: They crushed Liu Bei with a boulder. In order to maintain silver dimension's timeline, Zhi Ge assumed the identity of his doppelganger Liu Bei and completed the sworn brotherhood ceremony with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. As he awaits for Liu Bei's recovery, Zhi Ge must learn the ins/outs of Silver dimension while avoid being exposed as a fake.


Dance Monsters

Dance Monsters 2022


In this feel-good competition, amateur dancers disguised as CGI avatars bring their best moves, hoping to win $250,000 — and a second shot at their dreams.


Angel 'N' Devil

Angel 'N' Devil 2014


A group of high school girls is Copper Dimension's last defense against the dark forces. They signed a contract with Xiong Ya, a guardian of light, to protect the innocent with their lives in exchange for having one wish come true. When one of their own is killed in school, their hunt for the devils in human skin brings them face to face with their own inner demon. They soon discover they are not above the influence of evil.


The Robonic Stooges

The Robonic Stooges 1977


The Robonic Stooges was a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series featuring the characters of The Three Stooges in new roles as clumsy crime-fighting bionic superheroes. It was developed by Norman Maurer and produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions from September 10, 1977, to March 18, 1978, on CBS and contained two segments, The Robonic Stooges and Woofer & Wimper, Dog Detectives. The Robonic Stooges originally aired as a segment on The Skatebirds from September 10, 1977, to December 24, 1977, on CBS. When CBS canceled The Skatebirds in early 1978, the trio was given their own half-hour timeslot which ran for 16 episodes.


Ku Kaen San Rak

Ku Kaen San Rak 2021


Songkran is a real estate mogul a total womanizer with a son named Pe. But he didn’t start out like this, though. Pe’s mother left him when he was young to be with another man. Kran was heartbroken and began treating women like toys and gained the nickname ‘Invincible Casanova’ along with his best friend Sia Ou who runs a modelling agency.



Irreverent 2022


A criminal from Chicago who bungles a heist is forced to hideout in a small Australian reef town in Far North Queensland posing as the new church Reverend.


CB Bears

CB Bears 1977


CB Bears was an American 60-minute animated comedy television series produced by Hanna-Barbera which aired on NBC from September 10 to December 3, 1977. It contained the following short segments: CB Bears, Blast-Off Buzzard, Heyyy, It's the King, Posse Impossible, Shake, Rattle & Roll, and Undercover Elephant. In syndication, CB Bears is shown in a shortened half-hour format with Blast-Off Buzzard and Posse Impossible. Heyyy, It's the King was also shown in a shortened half-hour format with Shake, Rattle & Roll, and Undercover Elephant. The show has also been rebroadcast on Cartoon Network from 1995-1997. The CB Bears theme is also heard in the ending credits of The Skatebirds and Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels.