Märksõna Planet Invasion
Riddicki kroonika 2004
Riddick on viimased viis aastat veetnud galaktikat rännates, püüdes eemale pääseda teda otsivatest palgasõduritest. Nüüd leiab ta end Helioni planeedil, kus elab progressiivne ja mitmekultuuriline ühiskond, kuhu on tunginud lord marssal - despoot, kes on tänu oma sõdalaste armukesele Necromancersile orjuses.
Alien: Rubicon 2024
Osmosis 2023
Rabbids Invasion 2013
The Rabbids are back in their new tv show. The rabbids discovers new things and learn what they do. But that they don't know is that they are curious.
Defiance 2013
In the near future, planet Earth is permanently altered following the sudden—and tumultuous—arrival of seven unique alien races. In the boom-town of Defiance, the newly-formed civilization of humans and aliens must learn to co-exist peacefully.