Z 1969



Tahte triumf

Tahte triumf 1935


Tahte triumf on 1935. aastal valminud Saksamaa propagandistlik dokumentaalfilm, mille lavastaja, produtsent, monteerija ja üks stsenariste oli Leni Riefenstahl. Filmis kujutatakse 4.–10. septembrini 1934 Nürnbergis toimunud Natsionaalsotsialistliku Saksa Töölispartei parteikongressi, kus osales üle 700 000 rahvussotsialistide toetaja, ning sel puhul korraldatud suurejoonelisi pidustusi. Film algab tolleaegse Saksamaa riigipea Adolf Hitleri saabumisega kongressile lennukil.


Ott Tänak - The Movie

Ott Tänak - The Movie 2019


Vaatajale avaneb harukordne võimalus elada maailma eri paigus kaasa Oti püüdlustele võita WRC-sarja ihaldatud maailmameistritiitel ja olla tunnistajaks kriitilistele hetkedele. Kinolinale tuuakse ilustamata reaalsus närvesöövate võistluste telgitagustest ning näidatakse seda, mis muidu avalikkusele kättesaamatuks jääb. Paralleelselt võidusõidu tõusude ja mõõnadega rullub lahti inimlik lugu, kuidas põikpäine Saaremaa poiss murdis end kõige kiuste maailma tippu. Tema teekond maailma üheks kiiremaks rallipiloodiks on olnud kui sõit ameerika mägedel. Oti seiklusrikka elu ja karjääri tagamaid avavad talle erinevatel aegadel lähedal olnud inimesed ja loomulikult ka Ott ise. Kinnise iseloomu poolest tuntud tippsportlane on filmis ootamatult otsekohene rääkides nii oma elu kõrghetkedest kui madalseisudest.


Engineering the World Rally

Engineering the World Rally 2007


Signing up for the 2006 season of the most extreme and exciting motorsport, six-part series Engineering the World Rally joins the Subaru World Rally Team as they and 2003 champion, Petter 'Hollywood' Solberg, fight for the championship through six countries and 11 months of intense competition. This ultimate off-road challenge pits massively powerful four-wheel drive rally cars - in the hands of some of the world's greatest drivers - against the toughest and most varied terrain on the planet. These guys hurtle down narrow twisty roads, along bumpy, dusty tracks, through deep water and across solid ice at speeds exceeding 130mph. They're supported by teams of dedicated engineers and mechanics, together with their straight-talking bosses and success-hungry sponsors. It's a world of fragile egos, high emotions and constant human drama. With unprecedented access, Engineering the World Rally gets under the skin of the Subaru WRC team and follows their every move as they engineer and prepare the cars for each event, test and shakedown, and enjoy the highs and suffer the lows of each three-day rally. It is an emotional rollercoaster of action both behind-the-scenes and on the rally stage.


À fond de train

À fond de train 2017


This family game show consists of a thrilling rally that will take the contestants from one end of the country to the other. The participating families will have to be smart to find clues and overcome challenges in order to win the race!



Bullrun 2007


Bullrun is an American reality television series based on the trans-American Bullrun road rally of the same name. The televised version has 12 teams compete in a 4,000-mile 18-day road rally to win the grand prize of US$200,000. Bullrun uses a modified 12-car rally format.


Lancia - The Legend of Rally

Lancia - The Legend of Rally 2023


The Italian rally, between the Seventies and Nineties, achieved success and popularity never seen before: Lancia, with its Racing Department, dominated the world scene.