
Brutalist 2024


Holokausti küüsist pääsenud arhitekt jõuab Uude Maailma ja hakkab püüdlema omaenda Ameerika unelma poole. Lugu Ungari juudi päritolu arhitektist Laszlo Tothist, kes pärast holokausti üleelamist emigreerub USAsse et alustada uut elu, oodates päeva mil saabuks tema Ida Euroopasse lõksu jäänud naine Erzsebet. See mida Lászlo läände saabudes leiab on hoopis teistsugune Ameerika kui ta ootas. Ameerika unistus osutub illusiooniks, kuna tema maine eduka arhitektina Budapestis ei tähenda uues keskkonnas Pennsylvanias mitte midagi.


Armastus, valed, veri

Armastus, valed, veri 2024


Režissöör Rose Glassi verine armastuslugu, kus eraklik jõusaali töötaja Lou armub kõrvuni ambitsioonikasse kulturisti Jackiesse, kes on teel Las Vegasesse, et täita oma unistus. Nende (keelatud) armastus sütitab kättemaksuiha ja vägivalda, tõmmates neid aina sügavamale Lou isa kuritegelikku võrku. Kinoekraanidelt valgub seiklusi, erootikat, verd, higi ja maagilist realismi! Kes võidab – kas meestemaailma reeglid või naiste tingimusteta armastus?


Veri hakkab voolama

Veri hakkab voolama 2007


Draama, mis räägib perekonnast, ahnusest, võimust ja naftast. Loo keskmes on mees nimega Daniel Plainview, kellest saab võimas naftamagnaat. Mehe majandusliku edukuse taga ei peitu aga õnn. Aina kasvav rikkus ja võim seab ohtu armastuse, lootuse, usu, ambitsioonid ning isa ja poja suhted.



Dogville 2003


Kuritegeliku jõugu eest pagev Grace saabub väikesesse asulasse nimega Dogville. Sealsed elanikud on nõus teda varjama kui naine vastutasuks nende heaks töötab. Kuid külaelanikud hakkavad aimama, et riskivad põgenikku varjates küllaltki paljuga ning tekib kahtlus, kas ettevõtmisel üldse mõtet on.


All in the Family

All in the Family 1971


Archie Bunker, a working class bigot, constantly squabbles with his family over the important issues of the day.


Superman: The Animated Series

Superman: The Animated Series 1996


Superman, an incredibly powerful alien from the planet Krypton, defends Metropolis from supercriminals. Superman hides his identity behind the glasses of Clark Kent; a mild-mannered reporter for the newspaper the Daily Planet. At the Daily Planet Superman works with fellow reporter Lois Lane and photographer Jimmy Olsen.


The Green Veil

The Green Veil 2024


Gordon Rogers attempts to save an unraveling secret mission that threatens to reveal an unthinkable conspiracy.


Little America

Little America 2020


An anthology series that goes beyond the headlines to look at the funny, romantic, heartfelt, inspiring and surprising stories of immigrants in America at a time when they are more relevant than ever.


Killing It

Killing It 2022


Craig Foster, a Miami bank security guard, enters a state-sponsored snake-hunting contest to achieve his American dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.


Ellis Island

Ellis Island 1984


Ellis Island is a television miniseries broadcast in three parts in 1984 on the CBS television network. The screenplay was co-written by Fred Mustard Stewart, adapted from his 1983 novel of the same title. The series tells the story of several immigrants from the late 1800s until the early 1910s, trying to achieve the American Dream and arriving on Ellis Island, hoping for a better life. Ellis Island highlighted numerous important events which occurred up to and during World War I, and many of the characters are based on real persons, such as Irving Berlin.


The Emigrants

The Emigrants 1974


Karl and Kristina Nilsson work on a farm in a cold and desolate area of 19th century rural Sweden. Growing privations, combined with increasing social and religious persecution, motivate the Nilssons and many of their neighbors to strike out for the United States. Following a treacherous ocean crossing and an equally grueling land passage, the emigrants find themselves in seemingly idyllic Minnesota.


James Brown: Say It Loud

James Brown: Say It Loud 2024


Traces the incredible trajectory of Brown’s life and career from a 7th grade drop-out arrested and jailed at the age of 16 for breaking into a car in the Jim Crow-era South, to an entertainment legend whose groundbreaking talent and unique perspective catapulted him to become a cultural force.