Roheline miil

Roheline miil 1999


Cold Mountaini vangla surmamõistetute osakonnas hukatakse vangid elektritoolil. Teekond vangikongist hukkamiskambrisse on kaetud rohelise linoleumiga ning kannab nime "Roheline miil". Kui vanglasse satub topeltmõrva eest surmamõistetud John Coffey, ei usu keegi, isegi mitte valvurid, et ta oleks midagi sellist teha suutnud. Coffeyl on mingid ennenägematud võimed ning soov teha head ja teisi aidata. Ta sõbruneb valvur Paul Edgecombiga, kes üritab meest aidata, kui mõistab, et Coffey on ekslikult süüdi mõistetud.


Kadunud kiirtee

Kadunud kiirtee 1997


Saksofonimängija Fred Madison on võõrdumas oma naisest Reneest, kui elu tema ümber järjest imelikumaks muutub: ta hakkab saama videokassette lindistustega tema majast ja selle sisemusest ning ta kohtub pahaendelise kaame näoga mehega. Peavalud ja nägemused sagenevad ning ühtäkki on Fred oma naise mõrva eest arreteeritud. Vanglas aga muutub ta kummalise seansi käigus hoopis teiseks meheks, Pete Daytoniks. Kui Dayton vanglast vabaneb, tuleb peatselt temalgi teha tegemist nii kaame mehe, kui ka saatusliku naise Alice’iga, kes näeb välja nagu tapetud Renee õde.



Rectify 2013


After 19 years on Death Row for the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence. Now he has to return to a world he no longer knows and his reentry into the outside world may be as unforgiving as prison. Daniel is haunted by the past, dogged by the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his homecoming reignites the fears of a small town and threatens to shatter his family’s fragile peace. Daniel’s alleged crime divided a community. Will his freedom tear it in half?


Life and Death Row

Life and Death Row 2014


How do you live with a death sentence? Real stories from the prisoners facing their final days - and the victims' families desperate for closure.



生死牢房 2014


The story of capital punishment through the eyes of young people whose lives have been shaped by it.


Just Cause

Just Cause 1970


Madison “Madi” Cowart, a struggling reporter for a Florida newspaper, receives a letter from a death row inmate who claims to be innocent. As the investigation unfolds, not only does the case against the inmate prove to be shaky, but other horrors are lurking in the background.


Inside Death Row With Trevor McDonald

Inside Death Row With Trevor McDonald 2013


Trevor McDonald goes inside one of America's most notorious maximum security prisons - Indiana State - where he comes face-to-face with condemned men awaiting execution.