
Udu 2007


Stephen Kingi loomingul põhinev õudusdraama räägib kunstnik David Draytonist, kes elab väikeses mereäärses linnakeses. Ühel päeval peale kohutavat äikesetormi kattub terve linn uduga, mille varjus hakkavad linnas toimuma kõhedad rünnakud tundmatute olendite poolt. Kohalikku supermarketisse taganedes peavad Drayton ja teised kohalikud kõigepealt üle saama omavahelistest konfliktidest ning alles seejärel vastu astuma vaenlasele, keda isegi näha ei ole.



Fog 2010


A detachment of young fighters of the Russian Army breaks away from the main formation during a march, in order to shorten the path, runs across, but gets into a fog that takes him back to the past, during the Great Patriotic War. The guys who saw the war only in the movies fall into the clutches of the ruthless events of that time. Everything is on the edge: bravery, fear, love, hate, life, death. And there's no time to ask questions. Live, fight for the Motherland – it is one for all time.