Ameerika ajalugu X

Ameerika ajalugu X 1998


Derek Vineyardit karistatakse pärast seda, kui ta on 3 aastat vangistust kandnud kahe päkapiku tapmise eest, kes üritasid tema veokisse sisse tungida. Oma venna Danny Vineyardi jutustuse kaudu saame teada, et enne vanglasse minekut oli Derek nahapea ja vägivaldse valge ülipopulaarse jõugu juht, kes pani kogu L.A rassilise kuriteo toime ja tema teod mõjutasid Dannyt suuresti. Reformeeritult ja värskelt vanglast välja astudes katkestab Derek kontakti jõuguga ja saab kindlameelseks, et Danny ei peaks minema sama vägivaldset rada pidi.


The Crimson Rivers

The Crimson Rivers 2018


Old-school police detective Pierre Niemans and his former student Camille Delaunay tackle complex, brutal murder cases.


NSU German History X

NSU German History X 2016


After German reunification, the neo-Nazi National Socialist Underground begins a killing spree while cops fight an uphill battle to catch them.


Die neuen Nazis – rechts, dumpf, tot

Die neuen Nazis – rechts, dumpf, tot 2012


This documentary focuses on the development of right-wing extremism, especially in Germany, since the time around the founding of the NPD in 1964. The film reports with known examples of right-wing extremist activities are contrasted with the reactions from official state policy, the judiciary and the majority society, and these reactions are critically questioned in their partially unintentional favoring of the right-wing scene.