
Gattaca 1997


Tulevikus, kus inimeste karjäärivõimalused määratakse juba sündides geenianalüüsiga, ei ole loomulikul teel sündinud Vincentil lootustki kõrgele positsioonile jõuda. Ühel päeval avaneb tal võimalus kasutada autoõnnetuse tagajärjel ratastooli jäänud Jerome'i identiteeti. Peagi saavutab ta Gattaca korporatsioonis edu ja ka tema eluaegne unistus võib täituda - ta valitakse Saturnile mineva meeskonna hulka. Kuid siis tapetakse missiooni juht ja kuritööpaigast leitakse tema ripsmekarv. Missioonini on jäänud loetud päevad ja nii peab mees üha kitsamaks muutuvas testiderägastikus oma identiteeti varjama...


Altered Carbon

Altered Carbon 2018


After 250 years on ice, a prisoner returns to life in a new body with one chance to win his freedom: by solving a mind-bending murder.


Outlaw Star

Outlaw Star 1998


Gene Starwind is a jack-of-all-trades responsible for odd jobs and bounty hunting with his partner, Jim Hawking. Stuck on a rundown planet, he’s going nowhere fast. But when a bodyguard job goes sideways, he finds himself the proud owner of the Outlaw Star and on an adventure to find the mysterious Galactic Leyline. Facing pirates and dangers galore, can he survive the journey through space?


Blood Free

Blood Free 2024


After diving down a rabbit hole of tangled leads, a former bodyguard finds himself recruited to protect the CEO of a controversial lab-grown meat company who is also a survivor of the fateful attack that changed his life.



Biohackers 2020


Mia goes to medical school to get close to a professor she suspects had a hand in her past family tragedy and gets tangled in the world of biohacking.


Tomorrow and I

Tomorrow and I 2024


This series reimagines Thailand in a dystopian future where technology scrapes at the surface of old customs, exposing rips in the fabric of culture.