Must kood 2025
George ja Kathryn on tippagentidest abikaasad, kelle suhe satub kriisi. Kui naist kahtlustatakse väärtusliku salainfo varguses ja edasimüümises, seisab George simitsi valikuga: kas olla lojaalne oma abikaasale või oma riigile?
George ja Kathryn on tippagentidest abikaasad, kelle suhe satub kriisi. Kui naist kahtlustatakse väärtusliku salainfo varguses ja edasimüümises, seisab George simitsi valikuga: kas olla lojaalne oma abikaasale või oma riigile?
Dom Cobb on kurjategija, kes varastab teiste saladusi alateadvusest nende magamise ajal. Cobb on spetsialist kaasaegse tööstusspionaaži vallas. Samas on see teinud temast põgeniku. Nüüd pakutakse mehele võimalust lunastuseks. Viimane töö võib anda talle tagasi elu, kuid selle saavutamiseks peab ta tegema võimatut. Uue röövi asemel peab Cobb tegema vastupidist. Tema ülesandeks on uue idee istutamine. Kui neid saadab edu, on see ideaalne kuritegu.
2015. aastal tutvustas üllatushitt "Kingsman: Salateenistus" maailmale iseseisvat rahvusvahelist luureagentuuri Kingsman, mis tegutseb erakordse diskreetsuse ja salastatuse tähe all ning mille eesmärgiks on maailma turvalisuse tagamine. Filmis "Kingsman: Kuldne ring” seisab meie kangelaste ees uus väljakutse. Kui nende peakorter hävitatakse ning maailma hoitakse pantvangis, viib ootamatu niidiots nad ookeani vastaskaldale, kus tegutseb sarnane salaorganisatsioon Statesman. Kardinaalselt erineva stiiliga agendid asuvad tegutsema ühise eesmärgi nimel: päästa maailm.
"Kingsman: Salateenistus" on Mark Millari ("Wanted", "Kick-Ass") ja Dave Gibbonsi ("Watchmen") populaarsel koomiksil põhinev haarav lugu supersalajasest spioonide organisatsioonist, mille esiagent (Colin Firth) värbab lihvimata, kuid paljulubava tänavapoisi (Taron Egerton), kes kaasatakse agentuuri kurnavasse treeningprogrammi ajal, kui esile kerkib ülemaailmne oht väärastunud tõekspidamistega miljardärist tehnoloogiageeniuse (Samuel L. Jackson) näol.
Kui M-i tuleb vaenama minevik, pannakse proovile Bondi lojaalsus. MI6 satub rünnaku alla - agent 007 peab ohu allika leidma ning hävitama, olgu lõiv selle eest kuitahes isiklikku laadi.
Salapärane sõnum minevikust ajendab James Bondi alustama omavolilist missiooni, mis viib ta Méxicosse ja lõpuks Rooma. Seal kohtub Bond Lucia Sciarraga (Monica Bellucci), kurikuulsa roimari imeilusa ja kättesaamatu lesega. Bondil õnnestub pääseda salajasele kohtumisele ja veenduda SPECTRE-i-nimelise kuritegeliku organisatsiooni olemasolus. Samal ajal seab Londonis asuva riikliku julgeolekuteenistuse uus juht Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott) kahtluse alla Bondi tegevuse tagamaad ja uurib sedagi, kui vajalik on tegelikult MI6, mida juhib M (Ralph Fiennes). Bond palub endale salaja appi Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) ja Q (Ben Whishaw) ning asub otsima Madeleine Swanni (Léa Seydoux), oma ammuse verivaenlase Mr White’i (Jesper Christensen) tütart, kes võib aidata tal kergitada SPECTRE-it ümbritsevat saladusloori.
Tema Majesteedi salateenistuse parim agent Lorraine Broughton on osav spioon, kel ei jää vajaka ka sensuaalsusest ja metsikusest, ning kes on valmis oma oskusi võimatul missioonil ellu jäämiseks ära kasutama. Ta saadetakse kokkuvarisemise äärel Berliinist hindamatut toimikut ära tooma. Sealse osakonnajuhi David Percivali näol leiab ta partneri, kes aitab tal eluohtlikest spioonimängudest võitjana välja tulla.
Film jutustab uskumatu ja seni kuulmata tõestisündinud loo esimesest eriüksusest, mille asutasid teise maailmasõja päevil ÜK peaminister Winston Churchill ja veel mõned sõjaväe ametnikud, kelle seas oli ka kirjanik Ian Fleming. Isepäistest sõduritest koosnev ülisalajane üksus asus natsidega võitlusse täiesti tavatuid ja äärmiselt väärituid võtteid kasutades. Nende julge lähenemine muutis sõja kulgu ja pani aluse Briti SAS-ile ja tänapäevastele salaoperatsioonidele.
Teises maailmasõjas põgenesid paljud eurooplased Ameerikasse, kuid sinna jõudmiseks tuli minna läbi Maroko linna Casablanca, kust läbi raskuste muretseti viisad edasipääsemiseks. Ööklubi omanik Rick Blaine kohtab linnas oma kunagist armastust Ilsat, kes on seal koos oma abikaasa, Victor Lazloga. Lazlo on üks vastupanuliikumise juhtidest ja põgeneb sakslaste eest. Tema ainukeseks lootuseks on Rick, kes suudaks ta maalt lahkumise korraldada... kuid kas ta ka tahab seda teha?
Based on true events, "The Bay of Spies" follows Franz Neumann, a young Nazi Abwehr officer, who discovers that his real father was Polish. Using this information to his advantage Franz becomes a spy for the Allies with the code name Got’ His task is to obtain information about the activities of the German Navy, the Kriegsmarine and report back to the allies. Using his charm and charisma, Franz manipulates the men he gets close to, makes women fall in love with him, and snakes his way into the German elite.
Covert CIA agent Martian is ordered to abandon his undercover life and return to London Station. When the love he left behind unexpectedly reappears, their romance reignites, pitting his career, his real identity and his mission against his heart while hurling them both into a deadly game of international intrigue and espionage.
Follow a dysfunctional team of MI5 agents—and their obnoxious boss, the notorious Jackson Lamb—as they navigate the espionage world's smoke and mirrors to defend England from sinister forces.
World peace is at stake and secret agent Twilight must undergo his most difficult mission yet—pretend to be a family man. Posing as a loving husband and father, he'll infiltrate an elite school to get close to a high-profile politician. He has the perfect cover, except his wife's a deadly assassin and neither knows each other's identity. But someone does: his adopted daughter, who's a telepath!
Former British soldier Jonathan Pine navigates the shadowy recesses of Whitehall and Washington where an unholy alliance operates between the intelligence community and the secret arms trade. To infiltrate the inner circle of lethal arms dealer Richard Onslow Roper, Pine must himself become a criminal.
In the 1960s, Israeli clerk-turned-secret agent Eli Cohen goes deep undercover inside Syria on a perilous, years-long mission to spy for Mossad.
Mission: Impossible is an American television series that chronicles the missions of a team of secret American government agents known as the Impossible Missions Force. The show is a revival of the 1966 TV series of the same name. The only actor to return for the series as a regular cast member was Peter Graves who played Jim Phelps, although two other cast members from the original series returned as guest stars. The only other regular cast member to return for every episode was the voice of "The Tape", Bob Johnson.
Totally Spies! depicts three girlfriends 'with an attitude' who have to cope with their daily lives at high school as well as the unpredictable pressures of international espionage. They confront the most intimidating - and demented - of villains, each with their own special agenda for demonic, global rude behavior.
A retired professor gets a new lease on life when a private investigator hires him to go undercover inside a San Francisco retirement home.
Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent.
Alex Rider is an ordinary teenager enlisted to work on behalf of MI6, where he uses skills he didn't know he had to become an extraordinary spy.
When a father and daughter discover they both secretly work for the CIA, an already dicey undercover mission turns into a dysfunctional family affair.
Sterling Archer is the world's most daunting spy. He works for ISIS, a spy agency run by his mother. In between dealing with his boss and his co-workers - one of whom is his ex-girlfriend - Archer manages to annoy or seduce everyone that crosses his path. His antics are only excusable because at the end of the day, he still somehow always manages to thwart whatever crises was threatening mankind.
He's everyone's favorite action hero... but he's a hero with a difference. Angus MacGyver is a secret agent whose wits are his deadliest weapon. Armed with only a knapsack filled with everyday items he picks up along the way, he improvises his way out of every peril the bad guys throw at him. Making a bomb out of chewing gum? Fixing a speeding car's breaks... while he's riding in it? Using soda pop to cook up tear gas? That's all in a day's adventures for MacGyver. He's part Boy Scout, part genius. And all hero.
A paragliding mishap drops a South Korean heiress in North Korea -- and into the life of an army officer, who decides he will help her hide.
Howard Silk is a lowly cog in a bureaucratic UN agency who is turning the last corner of a life filled with regret when he discovers the agency he works for is guarding a secret: a crossing to a parallel dimension.
Brilliant young actress Charlie strikes up an acquaintance with an intriguing stranger while on holiday in Greece, but it rapidly becomes apparent that his intentions are far from romantic.
K.C. Cooper, a high school math whiz and karate black-belt, learns that her parents are spies when they recruit her to join them in the secret government agency, The Organization. While she now has the latest spy gadgets at her disposal, K.C. has a lot to learn about being a spy, including keeping her new gig a secret from her best friend Marisa. Together, K.C. and her parents, Craig and Kira, and her younger siblings, Ernie and Judy (a humanoid robot), try to balance everyday family life while on undercover missions, near and far, to save the world.
The Avengers is a British television series created in the 1960s. It initially focused on Dr. David Keel and his assistant John Steed. Hendry left after the first series and Steed became the main character, partnered with a succession of assistants. His most famous assistants were intelligent, stylish and assertive women: Cathy Gale, Emma Peel and Tara King. Later episodes increasingly incorporated elements of science fiction and fantasy, parody and British eccentricity.
Exposed as an ex-Russian spy, an American single mom must juggle family life and unique shape-shifting skills in a battle against an insidious enemy.