
Gladiaator 2000


Kui Rooma imperaator Marcus Aurelius sureb otsustab ta, et võim Roomas peab minema kindral Maximuse ja senati kätte. Marcuse võimujanuline poeg ei saa sellega leppida ning laseb Maximuse pere tappa ja annab korralduse Maximus hukata, kuid ta suudab riigist põgeneda. Proximo orjastab ta ja teeb tast gladiaatori. Maximust hoiab elus ainult tema kättemaksu iha. Tema võimalus saabub, kui ta saadetakse Roomasse Colosseumisse suurele gladiaatorite võitlusele. Rooma jõudes alustab ta kohe oma kättemaksu plaani elluviimist.


Võimatu missioon: surmav otsus - osa I

Võimatu missioon: surmav otsus - osa I 2023


Ethan Hunt ja tema tiim asuvad oma senise karjääri kõige ohtlikumale missioonile: otsida üles kohutav uus relv enne, kui see valedesse kätesse langeb. Algab tappev tagaajamine, kus kaalul on kontroll homse üle ning kogu maailma saatus ja mängus tumedad jõud Ethani minevikust. Seistes silmitsi salapärase võimsa vastasega, peab Ethan kaaluma, kas missioon on tähtsam kõigest muust, kaasa arvatud nende elud, kellest ta kõige rohkem hoolib.


Oceani kaksteist

Oceani kaksteist 2004


Kolm aastat on möödunud Danny Oceanist (George Clooney) ja tema meeskonnast - jaemüüja Rusty Ryani (Brad Pitt), tulevasest taskuvarasest Linus Caldwelli (Matt Damon), lõhkeainete eksperdist Basher Tarrist (Don Cheadle) ja seifist Frank Cattonist jää. (Bernie Mac) - tõmbas maha ajaloo ühe julgema ja tulutoovama loo, röövides halastamatust ärimehest Terry Benedictist (Andy Garcia) iga senti, mida ta oma läbitungimatus Las Vegase võlvis hoidis. Pärast nende kogutud 160 miljoni dollari väljamõtlemist üritasid kõik Ookeani tuntud näitlejate liikmed käituda, jääda märkamatuks ja elada legaalset elu ... kuid see oli Danny naise Tessi (Julia Roberts) kurjusele palju kulunud. ).



Rome 2005


A down-to-earth account of the lives of both illustrious and ordinary Romans set in the last days of the Roman Republic.


The Borgias

The Borgias 2011


Set in 15th century Italy at the height of the Renaissance, The Borgias chronicles the corrupt rise of patriarch Rodrigo Borgia to the papacy, where he proceeds to commit every sin in the book to amass and retain power, influence and enormous wealth for himself and his family.



Baby 2018


Fed up with their families and classmates, two teen girls from a wealthy part of Rome are drawn to the city's underworld and start leading double lives.


I, Claudius

I, Claudius 1976


Acclaimed blackly comic historical drama series. Set amidst a web of power, corruption and lies, it chronicles the reigns of the Roman emperors - Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula and finally Claudius.


R.I.S. Roma – Delitti imperfetti

R.I.S. Roma – Delitti imperfetti 2010


R.I.S. Roma – Delitti imperfetti is an Italian television series.The episodes starts from 18 of March 2010 on Canale 5.


Public Disorder

Public Disorder 2025


Following the fateful aftermath of a demonstration, tensions rise within a riot squad that struggles to separate work from personal life.


To Rome with Love

To Rome with Love 1969


To Rome with Love is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 1969 to September 1971.


Roman Empire

Roman Empire 2016


This stylish mix of documentary and historical epic chronicles the reign of Commodus, the emperor whose rule marked the beginning of Rome's fall.


Assassin's Creed: Lineage

Assassin's Creed: Lineage 2009


When the Duke of Milan is brutally murdered, the Assassin Giovanni Auditore is dispatched to investigate. What he uncovers implicates Italy's most powerful families reaching all the way back to the Vatican itself. As Giovanni draws closer to the truth, he becomes hunted himself. He must expose the conspirators before he joins their ever-growing list of victims. Three short films based on the Assassin's Creed II video game.



Empire 2005


As Conqueror Julius Caesar is drawing his last breath, he swears Tyrannus—Rome's finest warrior—to an oath to protect his successor, Octavius, his 18-year-old nephew. Tyrannus and Octavius are forced into exile to protect the young man from those who want to sever Caesar's bloodline once and for all.


Luna Park

Luna Park 2021


In 1960s Rome, a meeting between a free-spirited young woman who grew up in her family's circus and a girl of wealthy descent leads to secrets, intrigue, and unexpected loves.



Christian 2022


Christian lives in a "city-palace" where he earns his living doing dirty work for LINO, the criminal boss of neighborhood. When stigmata appear on his hands, Christian finds physically impossible to carry out his work, but also discovers he has gained mysterious healing powers to fight against Lino. But MATTEO, a mysterious Vatican postulator in search of signs and confirmations, is tracking him down bringing too close to a truth that could upset his life and that of the whole world.


Måneskin On The Road - The Series

Måneskin On The Road - The Series 2022


Four loud kids, the biggest festival stages in the world, thousands of screaming fans. Get on the road with us, rockin’ Europe, America, Asia and our home too, Italy. This is Måneskin.


Rome: The World's First Superpower

Rome: The World's First Superpower 2014


The history of Rome is a 1,000-year-long epic, filled with murder, ambition, betrayal and greed and encompassing such legendary characters as Rome’s Iron Age founders Romulus and Remus and its greatest general Julius Caesar. Larry is accompanied by some of Europe and America’s foremost classical experts who reveal the atmosphere of intrigue, conflict and violence at the places where the saga unfolded.


The Six Wives of Henry VIII

The Six Wives of Henry VIII 2001


Through dramatic reconstructions and his own passionate narration, Dr. David Starkey, the controversial Tudor historian, profiles the six women who married Henry Vlll.


On Hannibal's Trail

On Hannibal's Trail 2010


Series in which three Australian brothers - Danny, Ben and Sam Wood - set out cycling on the trail of Hannibal, the warrior who marched from Spain to Rome at the head of an invading army.


Imperium: Nero

Imperium: Nero 2004


As a young boy, future emperor Nero witnesses the mad Emperor Caligula kill his father and exile his mother. While in exile in the pontine islands, Agrippina, his mother, sees a vision telling her that her son can become emperor, but she will have to die first. She accepts the proposal. Back in Rome, Nero, now being raised by emperor Claudius after Caligula's death, Agrippina returns. She poisons Claudius' food and Nero becomes emperor. At first, Nero cuts taxes and introduces successful programs and invades Brittania. Soon he meets a beautiful slave named Claudia Acte, and marries her, throwing off his engagement with Claudius' daughter, Claudia Octavia, telling her she can marry someone she will be happy with. Heartbroken, she arrives at an island and kills herself. Nero enjoys being married to Claudia Acte, but soon he gradually goes mad with power and sets fire to Rome.


From Paris to Rome with Bettany Hughes

From Paris to Rome with Bettany Hughes 2022


Bettany Hughes follows in the footsteps of 18th century aristocrats going on a Grand Tour as she travels through France and Italy to see how travel, the arts and culture and the finest foods can enrich and inspire our lives.


The Borgias

The Borgias 1981


A a serial in ten parts on the lives of one of the most intriguing families in history.