Märksõna Fighter
Kung fu panda 3 2016
Po saab taas kokku oma pikalt kadunud olnud isa Liga. Nad siirduvad koos pandade pelgupaika, kus kohtuvad lõbusate veidrikega. Ent kui välja ilmub müstiline kurjam Kai, õel pull, kes varastab kung fu meistrite elujõudu, peab Po oma metsameestest kaaslastele kung fu'd õpetama.
องค์บาก 2003
Arès 2016
Bleed for This 2016
Farang 2023
Double Impact 1991
10,000 eKr 2008
Kauges mägihõimus elav noor kütt D'Leh (Steven Strait) on leidnud endale unistuste tüdruku, kelleks on kaunis Evolet (Camilla Belle). Kui nende küla ründavad salapärased sõdalased, kes tüdruku röövivad, peab D'Leh alustama teekonda maailma otsa, et armastatu päästa. Koos vaprate kaaslastega peab noor kütt võitlema mõõkhambuliste tiigrite ja muude eelajalooliste kiskjatega, liikudes üha lähemale oma retke üllatavale sihtpunktile.
椿三十郎 1962
新警察故事 2004
The Medallion 2003
ต้มยำกุ้ง 2005
聖闘士星矢 神々の熱き戦い 1988
聖闘士星矢 最終聖戦の戦士たち 1989
北斗の拳 1986
師弟出馬 1980
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple 2006
Yeah, Kenichi’s a total wimp. He’s always getting picked on and doesn’t have a lot of friends to stick up for him. The guy needs motivation if he hopes to graduate in one piece. Well, Miu’s the perfect motivation. She’s hot, she accepts him, and she just so happens to live at a dojo with six martial arts masters. You could say fate has led Kenichi to their door, or you could say he was just following the hottie. Either way, he’s about to get whipped into serious shape. If he can survive some hard-core training, he might survive another day at school. He might even score with Miu. Yeah, you could call Kenichi a wimp. But let’s go with underdog instead.
Lucha Underground 2014
Lucha Underground introduces U.S. audiences to the high-flying, explosive moves of lucha libre. An ancient combat tradition, watch as good and evil wage war in a gritty battleground called “The Temple.”
Anderson "The Spider" Silva 2023
How many barriers does a champion have to overcome to become the black icon of his generation? Anderson Spider Silva's journey through victories and defeats, in and out of the ring.
Invincible Fight Girl 2024
Andy dreams of becoming the greatest pro wrestler of all time. Assuming the wrestler alias: "Fight Girl", Andy sets out into the bizarre and colorful Wrestling World, determined to make a name for herself.
The Fate of Arad 2017
The Fate of Arad