Hüvasti Lenin

Hüvasti Lenin 2003


On aasta 1989. Kommunistlik plokk on lagunemas. Christiane Kerner (Katrin Sass) elab Ida-Saksamaal, olles paadunud kommunist ja sotsialismi maurline poolehoidja. Kuid veidi enne Berliini müüri langemist tabab teda infarkt ja tal jääb Saksamaa liitmine nägemata. Olles mitmeid kuid koomas, ärkab ta lõpuks, kuid arstid ei luba naisel enam ärrituda, kuna uus infarkt tähendaks surma. Seega mõtlevad ta lapsed Alex (Daniel Brühl) ja Ariane (Maria Simon) välja vale, väites, nagu midagi poleks juhtunud ja sotsialism õitseb endiselt, püüdes niimoodi kaitsta ema uuest infarktist.


Kuues meel

Kuues meel 1999


Dr Malcolm Crowe on tuntud lastepsühholoog, kes on kinnisideeks noore tasakaalustamata patsiendi valusast mälust, mida ta ei suutnud aidata. Cole Sear on hirmunud ja segaduses 8-aastane inimene, kes vajab ravi ning Crowe näeb võimalust lunastada ennast, tehes kõik endast oleneva, et teda aidata. Lastepsühholoog pole aga valmis teadma kohutavat tõde oma patsiendi üleloomuliku kingituse kohta: ta saab piinatud vaimudelt soovimatuid visiite.


Kill Bill - pruudi kättemaks, vol 2

Kill Bill - pruudi kättemaks, vol 2 2004


Pärast mõne pulmapäeval teda tappa üritanud jõugu liikme elimineerimist jätkab "Mamba Negra" kättemaksu ja üritab ülejäänud jõugu lõpuni viia, eriti kunagise ülemuse Billiga, kes ta surnuks jätis, jättes ta maha. koomas.


8 Mile

8 Mile 2002


Tegemist on räpistaar Eminemi debüütfilmiga, mis räägib noore vihase ja andeka räppar Jimmy elust. Ta elab agulis koos alkohoolikust emaga ja väikse õega. Sealt pääsemine ja normaalse elu alustamine pole kergest, kuid Jimmy usub, et muusikaga on see võimalik. Aga millised on võimalused läbi lüüa kandis, kus enamik su sõpradest ei ela isegi 30. sünnipäevani?


Nagu noateral

Nagu noateral 2005


1955. aastal astus Memphises asuva Sun Studio uksest sisse noor vihane mees, kitarr käes, ise üleni mustas. Ta nimetas end J.R. Cashiks ning tol hetkel ei teadnud veel keegi, kuivõrd kustumatu jälje jätab ta muusikaajalukku. Ta oli mässuline hääl, kes muutis rock'n'rolli näo. Lindprii, kellest on eeskuju võtnud lugematud hilisemad mässajad. See on lugu taltsutamatust Johnny Cashist ja tema elu suurimast armastusest, June Carter Cashist.


Suur Poiss ja Väike Poiss

Suur Poiss ja Väike Poiss 2002


Will (Grant) on muretu elulaadiga paadunud poissmees, kes väldib püsisuhteid kui katku. Ometigi teeb ta avastuse, et naiste hulgas on lihtsaimaks ssagiks üksikemad. Ühega tutvudes saab Will tuttavaks ka noore poisi Marcusega (Hoult), kellel on probleeme nii kodus kui ka koolis. Kõige ebaküpsema 36-aastase poisi ja kõige täiskasvanulikuma 12-aastase poisi konarlikult alanud tutvusest kujuneb välja sõprus, mis õpetab Willi elule teise pilguga vaatama.


Love Is Blind: Sweden

Love Is Blind: Sweden 2024


The unique dating experiment lands in Sweden as local singles seek true love and propose marriage — all before seeing each other in person.


Home Alone

Home Alone 2013


It can be a badge of honor to be “single.” “I Live Alone” is a documentary-style South Korean reality series that follows the members of a self-formed club called Rainbow, which is comprised of celebrities who are single and live alone.


Love Is Blind

Love Is Blind 2020


Nick and Vanessa Lachey host this social experiment where single men and women look for love and get engaged, all before meeting in person.


Too Hot to Handle

Too Hot to Handle 2020


On the shores of paradise, gorgeous singles meet and mingle. But there’s a twist. To win a $100,000 grand prize, they’ll have to give up sex.


How Not to Live Your Life

How Not to Live Your Life 2008


Sitcom about 20-something Don, a man with bad luck and even worse instincts. Don's overactive imagination is always in full flow in the form of quick-fire fantasy sequences as he imagines what he would really like to say.


He Who Can't Marry

He Who Can't Marry 2006


Kekkon dekinai otoko, known in English as He Who Can't Marry, is a 2006 Japanese drama broadcast by Fuji TV. The theme song is "Swimmy" by Every Little Thing. The drama was produced by Kansai Telecasting Corporation and Media Mix Japan.


Love Is Blind: UK

Love Is Blind: UK 2024


Emma and Matt Willis host a social experiment where British singles look for love and get engaged before meeting in person. But who will say "I do"?


Suddenly Susan

Suddenly Susan 1996


Suddenly Susan is an American television sitcom. Shields plays Susan Keane, a glamorous San Francisco magazine writer who begins to adjust to being single, and who learns to be independent-minded, after being taken care of all her life.



S1ngle 2008


Based on the original cartoons, the show revolves around the professional and private adventures of three bachelor nurses in a Dutch hospital. Fatima is pretty, but pretentious, picky and insecure, even about having dumped perfect fiancé Jeroen. Nienke is fat and blunt, but optimistic. Stella is a ruthless man-eater. Their matron Wilma, gentleman-MD Jurriaan and gay nurse Thomas all find the trio quite a handful.


Kitchen For Singles

Kitchen For Singles 2019


Natsuki Hayashi is a 26-year-old office worker who leaves home at 8:00 a.m. and returns home at 6:00 p.m. everyday. She is usually dressed in a suit, but when she comes home, it is her castle. She lives in a 2DK apartment complex, surrounded by the sundries she has collected since her school days. Her daily routine is to cook dinner while listening to music. All recipes are in her head. The events of the day, things that interest her, and nostalgic memories. Whatever pops into her head, she cooks it rhythmically. Muttering to herself, she lets the music take over and today, too, a new recipe is born.


Gareth's All Star Choir

Gareth's All Star Choir 2014


Choirmaster Gareth Malone brings together an array of untrained voices from the world of television, sport and theatre to release the official 2014 BBC Children in Need single.


Southern Belles: Louisville

Southern Belles: Louisville 2009


Southern Belles: Louisville was an American reality television series on the Soapnet cable network that aired for one season from May 21 to July 23, 2009. The show focused on the lives of five women in Louisville, Kentucky.


Love Is Blind: France

Love Is Blind: France 1970


French version of Love Is Blind, a social experiment dating format where single men and women look for love and get engaged, all before meeting in person.


Muslim Matchmaker

Muslim Matchmaker 2025


From cringey first dates to moments of profound connection, matchmakers Hoda Abrahim and Yasmin Elhady support their clients in navigating the complexities of dating with the intention of marriage while staying true to their values and beliefs.


Too Hot to Handle: Italy

Too Hot to Handle: Italy 2025


A group of flirty singles mixes in paradise, but to win the cash prize, there's a catch: no sex. Will they resist temptation or let desire take over?