Märksõna Woods
Wolf Man 2025
Jõulueelne õuduslugu 1993
Friday the 13th 1980
Paani labürint 2006
10-aastane Ofelia, kes elab koos oma türannist kasuisa ja raseda emaga uues kodus, tunneb end üksi, kuni ta avastab laguneva labürindi, mida valvab salapärane faun, kes väidab, et teab tema saatust. Kui ta soovib naasta oma pärisisa juurde, peab Ofelia täitma kolm hirmuäratavat ülesannet.
First Blood 1982
Homaar 2015
Film leiab aset lähitulevikus, mil vastavalt seadustele arreteeritakse kõik vallalised inimesed ning suunatase kinnipidamisasutusse, mida kutsutakse Hotelliks, kus viimased peavad endale järgmise 45 päeva jooksul leidma paarilise. Kui paarilist ei leita, muundatakse inimene loomaks, kelleks ta saada tahab ning lastakse vabana Metsa.
Le Maître d'école 1981
Antikristus 2009
Leinav abielupaar naaseb oma metsasügavuse eraldatuses paiknevasse suvekodusse Eden, lootes ürgse looduse rüpes hingehaavadele leevendust saada. Paraku võtab loodus võimust ja halb, mida maale sõites loodeti parandada, moondub vapustavaks õuduseks…
Men 2022
Wolfwalkers 2020
Jason X 2001
Calvaire 2005
Cabin Fever 2003
Berserk 1997
Guts, a man who calls himself "The Black Swordsman", looks back upon his days serving as a member of a group of mercenaries. Led by an ambitious, ruthless, and intelligent man named Griffith, together they battle their way into the royal court, and are forced into a fate that changes their lives.
Over the Garden Wall 2014
Two brothers, Wirt and Greg, find themselves lost in the Unknown; a strange forest adrift in time. With the help of a wise old Woodsman and a foul-tempered bluebird named Beatrice, Wirt and Greg must travel across this strange land, in hope of finding their way home. Join them as they encounter surprises and obstacles on their journey through the wood.
Dark 2017
A missing child causes four families to help each other for answers. What they could not imagine is that this mystery would be connected to innumerable other secrets of the small town.
Robin of Sherwood 1984
Robin of Sherwood was a British television series, based on the legend of Robin Hood. Created by Richard Carpenter, it was produced by HTV in association with Goldcrest, and ran from 1984 to 1986 on the ITV network. In America it was retitled Robin Hood and shown on the premium cable TV channel Showtime and on PBS. The show starred Michael Praed and Jason Connery as two different incarnations of the title character. Unlike previous adaptations of the Robin Hood legend, Robin of Sherwood combined a gritty, authentic production design with elements of real-life history, 20th century fiction, and pagan myth. The series is also notable for its haunting title music by Clannad, which won a BAFTA award.
Sonnigsburg 2016
Sonnigsburg is a mystery; a town in the woods that hasn't been visited for seventy years. Or so the legend goes. Nearby is the town of Mount Sunshine - and it's there that our main character, Savannah, stops on her way to research Sonnigsburg. Savannah's ex, Jade, has called her out of the blue, eight years after breaking-up and desperate for help - but when Savannah arrives in town and her past begins to catch up with her, the history of the town begins to seep through the cracks and she realises that the residents of Mount Sunshine are all haunted in their own way.