Oin Handiaren Semea

Oin Handiaren Semea 2017


Adam mutiko jatorra misio epiko batean abiatu da misterio bat argitzen saiatzeko: aitaren desagertzea. Azkenean aita elezaharretako Oin Handi berbera dela jakingo du eta urteetan egon dela oihanean ezkutatuta bere burua eta bere familia babesteko. Izan ere, genetika-laborategi batekoek, lotsarik gabe, esperimentuak egiteko erabili nahi zuten. Adam laster ohartuko da berak ere baduela DNA berezia. Imajina ezinezko super-ahalmenak tarteko, aitarekin elkartu beharko du familia babesteko.


Medical Investigation

Medical Investigation 2004


An elite team of medical experts of the National Institutes of Health investigates unusual public-health crises, such as sudden outbreaks of serious and mysterious diseases.


Pinky and the Brain

Pinky and the Brain 1995


Pinky and Brain are genetically enhanced laboratory mice who reside in a cage in the Acme Labs research facility. Brain is self-centered and scheming; Pinky is good-natured but feebleminded. In each episode, Brain devises a new plan to take over the world, which ultimately ends in failure, usually due to Pinky's idiocy, the impossibility of Brain's plan, Brain's own arrogance, or just circumstances beyond their control.



LAB 2021
