Superheroien Familia

Superheroien Familia 2022


Hedvigek 11 urte ditu eta aitaren superheroi-mozorroa txikitu egin du, horregatik, aita ezingo da gehiago 'Super lehoi' izan. Baina bere bizitzak sekulako aldaketa jasango du, aita ordezkatuz, hiriko superheroi bihurtzeko aukeratzen duenean. Horretarako, ordea, arazo bakarra dago: baldarra eta nagia da, ez dago oso sasoian eta superheroi izateko baino interesa handiagoa du bideojokotan jolasean ibiltzeko. Aitak, hurrengo superheroi bihur dadin, bere lehengusu Adrian aukeratzen du. Orduan, Hedvigek erreakzionatzeko ordua dela ikusiko du. Aurkitu ahal izango al ditu superbotereak?


Taronga: Who's Who In The Zoo

Taronga: Who's Who In The Zoo 2020


Join us at Taronga Zoo in Sydney for a new documentary series narrated by Naomi Watts. The series provides a look behind the scenes at what it takes to run one of the world's most famous and magnificent zoos.



Madagascar 2011


Over 80 per cent of Madagascar's animals and plants are found nowhere else on Earth. Discover what made Madagascar so different from the rest of the world, and how evolution ran wild here.


Last Chance to See

Last Chance to See 2009


A follow-up to the 1990 Radio 4 series in which the late Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine travelled around the world in search of endangered species. 20 years later Stephen Fry and Mark Carwardine go back to see what has become of the animals in two decades, and to discover what has affected their fortunes.



Primates 2020


A celebration of the animals you thought you knew. Primates is the definitive portrait of a hugely charismatic family of animals, to which we all belong.