Hitz gakoa Delivery Service
Zikoinak 2016
Zikoinek haurrak ematen dituzte… edo eman ohi zituzten behintzat. Orain interneteko mundu mailako konpainia txikizkari baten paketeak ematen dituzte. Junior (Andy Samberg), konpainiako banatzailerik hoberena den zikoina, postuz igotzekotan da nahigabe Umeak Egiteko Makina aktibatu eta baimendu gabeko ume zoragarri bat egiten duenean. Etsiak hartuta, bere nagusia konturatu baino lehen pakete arazotsua eman nahi du. Horretarako, Stork Mountaineko gizaki bakarra den Tulipen laguntza izango du. Haurtxoa emateko, familia bat baino gehiagoren segurtasunari eragin liezaioken abentura basati eta errebelatzailean murgilduko dira eta munduan zikoinen benetako egitekoa berrezarriko dute.
Sorry We Missed You 2019
타로 2024
Lady of the Manor 2021
Baby Bottleneck 1946
Inside DPD 2024
Set Sail for Candy 2023
Pseudo Mailman 2022
Shift 2021
Futurama 1999
The adventures of a late-20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after being unwittingly cryogenically frozen for one thousand years, finds employment at Planet Express, an interplanetary delivery company in the retro-futuristic 31st century.
Breadwinners 2014
Two ducks fly around in a rocket-powered van, delivering bread to other ducks in Pondgea.
Tarot: Seven Stories 2024
A brutal fate mystery series that tells the story of being trapped in the curse of tarot cards twisted by a moment's choice.
Strongest Deliveryman 2017
Two gutsy food delivery workers strive to overcome their socioeconomic disadvantages to achieve big goals -- and bump into love along the way.
Express Delivery: Mongolia Edition 2023
Celebrity best friends known as Dragon Club and a younger actor embark on an exciting adventure in Mongolia as they deliver parcels to residents living in secluded area.
Backroad Truckers 2021
Welcome to the crazy world of “hot-shot truckers” – a special breed of independent truckers who will haul anything, anywhere, at any time. In northern BC, two rival families and their crews as they tackle some of the most harrowing roads and dangerous off-road locations in their custom ‘monster’ trucks. These bands of maniacs will do anything to get the job done.