
Antz 1998



Inurri zapaltzailea

Inurri zapaltzailea 2006


Lukas gaixoari dena oker ateratzen zaio. Duela gutxi beste hiri batera aldatu, eta lagun bakar bat ere ez du egin. Haren arreba Tiffanyk behin eta berriz gogaitzen du eta, hau dena gutxi balitz, bere gurasoek kasu zipitzik ere ez diote egiten, haien ezkontzaren urteurreneko bidaia prestatzen baitabiltza. Lukasek badu zaletasunik: inurriek egiten dituzten lur-muino txikiak zapaldu eta ostikatu. Era horretan apaltzen du bere fustrazioa...


Ant Gets Married

Ant Gets Married 1970


Ant lives in an typical European metropolis, and is a typical representative of the generation of young, well-educated and ambitious European women. She works for a corporation, goes to a beautician, attends yoga classes, is trying to lose some fictitious weight, watches TV, and reads tabloids. She tries her best to be a successful woman: independent, professionally fulfilled, beautiful, and happy.Unwittingly, however, she craves great love, maybe even kids and a family… Our story begins when the Ant recognises the need and decides to fall in love. Though theoretically easy, it actually appears nearly impossible.