Labyrinth 1986
Nuoren naisen on ratkaistava vaarallinen labyrintti pelastaakseen veljensä, jonka peikkokuningas on napannut hänen toiveestaan.
Nuoren naisen on ratkaistava vaarallinen labyrintti pelastaakseen veljensä, jonka peikkokuningas on napannut hänen toiveestaan.
Skekseiksi kutsuttujen liskomaisten olentojen rotu on tuhat vuotta aiemmin kaapannut vallan salaperäisen Tumman kristallin avulla. Skeksit ovat ajaneet rauhaa rakastavien mystisten klaanin maanpakoon, sekä tappaneet ihmismäiset gelflingit sukupuuton partaalle. Viimeisiin gelflingeihin lukeutuva Jen on kasvanut perheensä kuoleman jälkeen mystisten parissa. Taivaan kolme aurinkoa ovat kuitenkin jälleen yhdistymässä, joten Jenin on lähdettävä kylästään etsimään Kristallista kauan sitten irronnutta sirpaletta. Tämä on asetettava ajoissa skeksien linnassa olevaan Kristalliin. Jos Jen epäonnistuu, laskeutuu maailman ylle ikuinen pimeys.
Billy-poika saa joululahjaksi herttaisen mutta hieman erikoisen lemmikkiotuksen, jota koskevat aivan erityiset hoito-ohjeet: otus ei saa joutua tekemisiin veden kanssa, sitä ei saa altistaa valolle eikä sitä saa missään tapauksessa ruokkia keskiyön jälkeen. Kun hoito-ohjetta kuitenkin vahingossa rikotaan, seuraukset ovat hurjat – kaupunki vilisee pian Gizmoksi ristityn otuksen lajitovereita, jotka ovat valitettavasti vain toinen toistaan pahansuovempia.
Billy Peltzer on muuttanut mielitiettynsä Katen kanssa New Yorkiin. Billy saa selville, että hänen entinen lemmikkinsä, hyväntahtoinen mogwai-otus Gizmo on joutunut ilkeiden tiedemiesten koe-eläimeksi. Billy pelastaa Gizmon ja piilottaa tämän työpaikallaan pöytälaatikkoon, mutta onnettoman sattuman myötä rakennuksessa vilistää pian uusi pesue pahansuopia riiviöitä. Billyn on kumppaneineen ryhdyttävä toimeen, ennen kuin New Yorkiin tykästyneet otukset valtaavat koko kaupungin.
South Parkin tekijöiden elokuva irvailee kaikelle ja kaikille: terroristeille, kiihkoisänmaallisille amerikkalaisille, Hollywood-tähdille, elokuvantekijöille. Team America, maailmanlaajuisen tasapainon ylläpitämiseen erikoistunut kansainvälinen poliisiyksikkö, saa selville, että vallannälkäinen diktaattori kaupittelee joukkotuhoaseita terroristeille. Sankarit suuntaavat suorittamaan tehtäväänsä maailman pelastamiseksi. Soluttautuakseen terroristiverkostoon Team America värvää peitetehtävään nousevan Broadway-tähden Gary Johnstonin. Vaikka Gary onkin aluksi varsin haluton uhraamaan lupaavaa uraansa, hän tajuaa lopulta, että hänen lahjojaan tarvitaan täyttämään tärkeämpää tehtävää, sillä "näyttelijät ovat täydellinen ase".
Elokuva sijoittuu Los Angelesin laitamille, jossa nuket ja ihmiset elävät rinta rinnan. Kaksi erimielistä etsivää, toinen ihminen, toinen nukke, joutuvat työskentelemään yhdessä selvittääkseen kuka murhaa julmasti suositun ”The Happytime Gang” -nukkeshow’n entisiä tähtiä.
Tämä ihastuttava jalokivi sädehtii viehätystä ja on tärkeä Disneyn historiassa. Se oli viimeinen animaatioelokuva, jossa Walt Disney esiintyi Mikki Hiiren äänenä. Lisäksi se on ainoa elokuva, jossa esiintyy neljä Waltin kuuluisinta hahmoa: Mikki Hiiri, Aku Ankka, Hessu Hopo ja Samu Sirkka. Disneyn klassisessa perinteessä on hienoa tarinankerrontaa, unohtumattomia hahmoja, musiikkia ja seikkailuja. Samu Sirkka esittelee nämä kaksi eläväistä tarinaa. Bongo on hassu tarina pienestä sirkuskarhusta, joka todistaa, että sen aivot ja sydän ovat suurempia kuin karhumaisinkaan kiusaaja. Mikki ja pavunvarsi on Disneyn animaatioversio sadusta Jaakko ja pavunvarsi, ja siinä Mikki, Aku ja Hessu kohtaavat Willie-jättiläisen.
Kuuluisa huimapää Suuri Gonzo tarttuu ystävänsä katkarapu-Pepen kanssa elämänsä suurimpaan haasteeseen ja viettää yön maailman pelottavimmassa paikassa, joka sattuu olemaan - Kummituskartano.
Dokumentissa seurataan nukketaiteilija Kevin Clashia, joka tunnetaan karvaisen hirviöhahmo Elmon näyttelijänä. Kertojana on Whoopi Goldberg.
The series provides children with valuable tools for growth in key areas of music, social skill development, and cognitive learning through integrated programs combining music, movement, and exploration. With Bear and all his friends, learn about cooperation, teamwork and more.
The show was hosted by Jake, a jovial polar bear, and Stinky, his skunk friend. Other main characters included Armstrong the Chicken Hawk, Ollie the Tapir, Bunnie Bear, Tizzy the Bee, Yves St. La Roache, Rhonda Rat, and Dullard the Aardvark. Structured as a talk show, the hosts interviewed two guest animals in each episode. The animals talked about themselves and showed clips of their real-life counterparts.
In an Eastern-styled fantasy setting, a brother and sister team of sacred guardians is beset by the Xuan Gui Zong, minions of Miè Tian Hai, who seeks the Tian Xing Jiàn sword that they possess. Hai showing up himself leads to the defeat of the brother, but his sister, Dan Fei, jumps off a cliff to temporary safety. Later, a wandering swordsman comes across a ruined temple where a statue of Buddha is protected by an umbrella against the rain. When he takes the umbrella for himself, a man resting under a tree nearby informs him the he must be compassionate to the next traveler he meets as trade-off for taking the umbrella. But the next traveler is Dan Fei, who is still being pursued by the Xuan Gui Zong minions, and between that and the sorcery of the other man he finds himself unable to avoid getting involved.
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season, for refashioning characters and themes from the original Dr. Seuss books into new stories that often retained much of the flavor of Dr. Seuss's own works. It derives its name from wubble, a type of unicycle mentioned in the Dr. Seuss book I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew.
A stranded spaceship pilot captured by mad scientists survives a blitz of cheesy B movies by riffing on them with his funny robot pals.
Tweenies Bella, Milo, Fizz and Jake get into many adventures such as visiting a farm, watching puppet shows, learning new songs and listening to stories.
Dinosaurs follows the life of a family of dinosaurs, living in a modern world. They have TV's, fridges, microwaves, and every modern convenience.
The Book of Pooh is an American television series that aired on the Disney Channel. It is the third television series to feature the characters from the Disney franchise based on A. A. Milne's works; the other two were the live-action Welcome to Pooh Corner and the animated The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh which ran from 1988-1991. It premiered on February 9, 2001, and completed its run on July 8, 2003. The show is produced by Shadow Projects, and Playhouse Disney. This is the first Pooh show where Jim Cummings voices Tigger filling in for the late Paul Winchell. It was shown in U.K on a Channel 5 Block known as 'Milkshake!' as well as Playhouse Disney. It's run on Milkshake! ended around 2006 to 2007.
Return to the world of Thra, where three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power and set out to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world.
Jim Henson's Pajanimals is a children's TV series on PBS Kids Sprout. The Pajanimals are characters that were made by Jim Henson's Creature Shop at The Jim Henson Company.
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, often referred to as Captain Scarlet, is a 1960s British science-fiction television series produced by the Century 21 Productions company of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, John Read and Reg Hill. First broadcast on ATV Midlands from September 1967 to May 1968, it has since been transmitted in more than 40 other countries, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Characters are presented as marionette puppets alongside scale model sets and special effects in a filming technique that the Andersons termed "Supermarionation". This technology incorporated solenoid motors as a means of synchronising the puppet's lip movements with pre-recorded dialogue. Set in 2068, Captain Scarlet presents the hostilities between Earth and a race of Martians known as the Mysterons. After human astronauts attack their city on Mars, the vengeful Mysterons declare war on Earth, initiating a series of reprisals that are countered by Spectrum, a worldwide security organisation. Spectrum boasts the extraordinary abilities of its primary agent, Captain Scarlet. During the events of the pilot episode, Scarlet acquires the Mysteron healing power of "retro-metabolism" and is thereafter considered to be virtually "indestructible", being able to recover fully from injuries that would normally be fatal.
The Hoobs is a BAFTA-winning television programme created and produced by The Jim Henson Company and Sesame Workshop.
Meet Cody and the Helpsters, a team of vibrant monsters who love to solve problems. Whether it's planning a party, climbing a mountain, or mastering a magic trick, the Helpsters can figure anything out — because everything starts with a plan.
The cult hit is back AGAIN! Captured by mad scientists, returning host Jonah and new host Emily survive a blitz of cheesy B movies by riffing on them with their funny robot pals.
Jack takes a break everyday from his busy kid schedule to visit his favorite place in the world—his backyard clubhouse. Here he can do what he loves best—create and enjoy music, sing, dance and have a ball with his friend Mary, his faithful dog Mel and all of his neighborhood pals who stop by. Anything can happen in Jack’s clubhouse.
Eureeka's Castle is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon from September 4, 1989 to June 30, 1995.
The story follows Dudley, a dragon who recently woke up from centuries of hibernation and his new ten-year-old friends Matt and Sally. The two kids would guide Dudley around the modern world and the trio would learn about environmentalism, friendship and pro-social values.
Big Bag is a live action television puppet program for preschoolers that was produced by Children's Television Workshop with the puppet characters made by The Jim Henson Company. It aired from 1996 to 1999 on the Cartoon Network. There were also localized versions for Canal J in France and Yorkshire Television in the UK.
Curious puppet pals Waffles and Mochi travel the world exploring the wonders of food and culture while learning how to cook with fresh ingredients.
CBS Children's Film Festival is a television series of live action films from several countries that were made for children. Originally a sporadic series airing on Saturday mornings, Sunday afternoons, or weekday afternoons during the summer from 1967, it became a regularly scheduled program in 1971 on the CBS Saturday morning lineup, running one hour with some films apparently edited down to fit the time slot. The program was hosted by 1950s television act Kukla, Fran and Ollie, aka puppeteer Burr Tillstrom and actress Fran Allison. Kukla, Fran and Ollie were dropped from the series in 1977 and the program was renamed CBS Saturday Film Festival. In 1978 CBS canceled the show in favor of the youth targeted magazine 30 Minutes which was modeled after its adult sister show 60 Minutes. CBS canceled 30 Minutes in 1982 and brought back Saturday Film Festival which ran for two seasons until CBS cancelled it for good in 1984. Perhaps the most famous "episode" of the series was the 1960 British film Hand in Hand, the story of a deep friendship between two elementary school students, one a Roman Catholic boy and the other a Jewish girl. In addition to many American and British films, the series also featured motion pictures from Russia, France, Bulgaria, Japan, Sweden, Italy, China, Australia, South Africa, and Czechoslovakia as well as several other countries.