
Disconnect 2013


Kännykkäänsä addiktin lailla koukuttunut, pitkää päivää painava lakimies ei löydä aikaa perheelleensä ja avioparin suhde salaisuuksineen on vaarassa vuotaa nettiin. Toisaalla, leskeytynyt ex-kyttä painii pirullisen, nettikoulukiusaamiseen keskittyneen teini-ikäisen poikansa kasvatusongelmien parissa. Omalla tahollaan kunnianhimoinen lehtimies näkee tilaisuutensa tulleen valmistellessaan juttua aikuissivustolla maksusta esiintyvästä teinistä. Pysäyttävässä trillerissä niin toisilleen tuntemattomat, naapurit kuin yhteystyökumppanitkin nivoutuvat julmaan tarinaan tavallisista ihmisistä jotka yrittävät selviytyä jokapäiväisessä nettimaailmassa.


F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers

F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers 2021


Gorya is a simple girl who works at a flower shop. She passes an exam and gets accepted into a prestigious and luxurious school attended by the wealthy. The school is ruled by an elite clique known as the F4 consisting of four rich, handsome and spoiled boys. Gorya is the only one who stands up to their bullying, leaving all the boys in awe, especially Thyme, the group's leader. Almost instantly smitten by Gorya, Thyme romantically pursues her but she has no interest in him due to first impressions. She instead falls for his best friend Ren, However, Ren is still in love with his childhood love Mira. In all the chaos of school, Gorya can't help but find herself falling for Thyme because of his generosity to her and her family and his change of character.



Lost 2021


A forty year old woman who feels like she has not accomplished anything in life and a twenty-seven year old man who's frightened of himself.