The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project 1999


21. lokakuuta 1994 Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard ja Michael Williams vaelsivat Black Hillsin metsään Marylandissa tehdäkseen dokumentin paikallisesta myytistä, Blairin noidasta. Vuotta myöhemmin heidän filmimateriaalinsa löytyi. Sen perusteella tehtiin tämä elokuva, joka kertoo filmintekijöiden viisipäiväisestä raastavasta matkasta läpi metsän ja taltioi kaikki kauhistuttavat hetket, jotka johtivat heidän katoamiseensa.


The Witch

The Witch 2016


Uusi-Englanti vuonna 1630: William ja Katherine elävät viiden lapsensa kanssa hartaiden kristittyjen elämää vaikeakulkuisen erämaan tuntumassa. Kun heidän poikavauvansa katoaa mystisesti ja sato epäonnistuu, perheenjäsenet alkavat kääntyä toisiaan vastaan.


Hannu ja Kerttu: Noitajahti

Hannu ja Kerttu: Noitajahti 2013


Hannusta ja Kertusta on tullut ammattilaisia, jotka jahtaavat palkkiota vastaan noitia – purkaen samalla vankeuden aiheuttamia lapsuuden traumojaan. Kun ilmeisen pysäyttämättömät palkkionmetsästäjät kuitenkin tapaavat vertaisensa vihollisen, heidän täytyy hyödyntää kaikki oppimansa, aseensa ja rohkeutensa selvitäkseen hengissä.



Suspiria 2018


Nuori amerikkalainen tanssija Susie Bannion saapuu 1970-luvun Berliiniin pyrkiäkseen maailmankuuluun tanssiryhmään. Susie lumoaa taidoillaan koreografi Madame Blancin ja hänestä tulee Helena Markos Dance Companyn uusi jäsen. Susielle avautuu mahdollisuus tulevan esityksen pääosaan, kun roolin tanssiva Olga romahtaa ja syyttää ryhmää johtavia naisia noituudesta. Uhkaavista enteistä huolimatta uuden tanssiteoksen harjoitukset käyvät intensiivisemmiksi ja Susien ja Madame Blancin välinen yhteys syvenee. Alkaa vaikuttaa siltä, että Susiella on ryhmässä tarkoitus, joka ylittää tanssin rajat. Samaan aikaan psykoterapeutti tri Klemperer tutkii Helena Markosin tanssijoihin kuuluvan potilaansa katoamista. Nuoren naisen päiväkirja väittää koulun johtajien eli "äitien" harjoittavan ikivanhoja demonisia rituaaleja. Kun poliisin tutkimukset eivät tuota tuloksia, tohtori päättää ottaa asian omiin käsiinsä. Tanssikoulun uumenissa, salaisten käytävien kätköissä piilee kauheita salaisuuksia.


Kerttu ja Hannu

Kerttu ja Hannu 2020


Tarina sijoittuu hamaan menneisyyteen, kaukaiseen maalaismaisemaan. Ruuasta ja työstä on pulaa, ja niiden perässä nuori Kerttu johdattaa veljensä metsään, jossa turvan ja helpotuksen sijaan nuoret kohtaavatkin pahuuden keskittymän.


Fear Street – Osa 3: 1666

Fear Street – Osa 3: 1666 2021


Vuoteen 1666 päätynyt Deena saa selville totuuden Sarah Fieristä. Vuonna 1994 ystävykset taistelevat henkensä ja Shadysiden tulevaisuuden edestä.


La Doña

La Doña 2016


A story of revenge and ambition, seduction and betrayal; all told from the perspective of an offended and abused woman named Altagracia. Altagracia represents the hundreds of thousands of Mexican women who have been victims of the violence by faceless men who are protected by impunity. But Altagracia, transformed into a strong-willed, ruthless man-eater known as La Doña, will seek out each and every one of these men to bring them to justice.



Bewitched 1964


Samantha Stephens is a seemingly normal suburban housewife who also happens to be a genuine witch, with all the requisite magical powers. Her husband Darrin insists that Samantha keep her witchcraft under wraps, but situations invariably require her to indulge her powers while keeping her bothersome mother Endora at bay.


American Horror Story

American Horror Story 2011


An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an asylum, a witch coven, a freak show, a hotel, a farmhouse in Roanoke, a cult, the apocalypse and a summer camp.


The Owl House

The Owl House 2020


An animated fantasy-comedy series that follows Luz, a self-assured teenage girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to a magical world where she befriends a rebellious witch, Eda, and an adorably tiny warrior, King. Despite not having magical abilities, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda's apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting.


A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery of Witches 2018


Closet witch Diana Bishop and centuries-old vampire Matthew Clairmont are drawn into a deadly mystery and forbidden romance when a magical book shows up in an Oxford library.


Mayfair Witches

Mayfair Witches 2023


An intuitive young neurosurgeon discovers that she is the unlikely heir to a family of witches. As she grapples with her newfound powers, she must contend with a sinister presence that has haunted her family for generations.


Hemlock Grove

Hemlock Grove 2013


One cannot quench his all-consuming thirst. The other cannot tame the beast clawing its way out. In the sleepy Pennsylvania village of Hemlock Grove, two young men struggle to accept painful truths: about family, themselves, the mystery of the White Tower - and a terrifying new threat so powerful it will turn them from predators into prey.


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 2018


As her 16th birthday nears, Sabrina must choose between the witch world of her family and the human world of her friends. Based on the Archie comic.


Agatha All Along

Agatha All Along 2024


Agatha Harkness gathers a coven of witches and sets off down, down, down The Witches' Road.



Taboo 2017


Adventurer James Keziah Delaney returns to London from Africa in 1814 along with fourteen stolen diamonds to seek vengeance after the death of his father.


Dark Winds

Dark Winds 2022


This psychological thriller follows two Navajo police officers, Leaphorn and Chee, in the 1970s Southwest as their search for clues in a grisly double murder case forces them to challenge their own spiritual beliefs and come to terms with the trauma of their pasts.


The Worst Witch

The Worst Witch 1998


Mildred Hubble is a young witch attending Cackles Academy. She's called the "Worst Witch" because she's always caught getting into trouble.


The Pale Horse

The Pale Horse 2020


After a list of names is found in the shoe of a dead woman, one of the named people begins investigating and is drawn to the The Pale Horse, the home of a trio of rumored witches living in a small village. Word has it that the witches can do away with wealthy relatives using dark arts.


Witch's Love

Witch's Love 2018


In plain sight in bustling Seoul, three generations of witches have been living below the radar of everyone around them. Kang Cho Hong operates a restaurant with her fellow witches, Maeng Ye Soon and Jo Aeng Doo. They try to keep a low profile, but Cho Hong’s youthful good looks attracts the attention of a neighborhood guy, Hwang Jae Wook, who is constantly trying to get close to her. Cho Hong and her fellow witches’ quiet lives become complicated when their building landlord, Ma Sung Tae, shows up one day. Sung Tae wants to face a traumatic incident that happened to him in that building when he was a little boy. With Sung Tae nosing around their business on a regular basis, can Cho Hong keep her true identity a secret from him?


Eureeka's Castle

Eureeka's Castle 1970


Eureeka's Castle is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon from September 4, 1989 to June 30, 1995.


Wicked City

Wicked City 2022


A group of urban witches push their powers to new heights and uncover dark secrets that attract dangerous enemies their way.


Weirdsister College

Weirdsister College 2001


As a follow-up to The Worst Witch serial, we follow Mildred Hubble in her first year at Weirdsister College, a university for students of magic. Similar to her adventures at Cackle's, Mildred usually messes up, but saves the day in the end. The series has a darker side than The Worst Witch, with evil creatures and a possible doomsday.


The Witches and the Grinnygog

The Witches and the Grinnygog 1983


When a family come into possession of a statue called The Grinnygog, a trio of benevolent witches are summoned to the village where they live.


Suhagan Chudail

Suhagan Chudail 2024


A witch with an insatiable appetite to gain power and beauty aims to sacrifice 16 men to attain her goal.


Romantic Witch's Starlight Sonata

Romantic Witch's Starlight Sonata 2019


Love never waits. The secret door opens widely only for whom tries to get. Jeongyoon, always say what she want to say. Yejin, always depend on Jeongyoon. They keep playing hot and cold with or without notice each other. One day, the shadow came in front of Jeongyoon and Yejin. Everything changes on the night with darkness.