Myrskyn ratsastajat

Myrskyn ratsastajat 1991


Johnny Utah on kapinallinen. Aina menossa, täysillä... Kun loukkaantuminen katkaisee lupaavasti alkaneen ammattijalkapalloilijan uran, pestautuu Johnny FBI:hin. Mutta hänen on vaikea sopeutua arkeen. Johnny saa siirron Los Angelesiin selvittämään täydellistä rikosta hipovaa pankkiryöstö-sarjaa. Jäljet johtavat Etelä-Kalifornian rannikolle ja Johnny soluttautuu surfaajien pariin. Siellä hän törmää Bodhiin, hengen ja kehon jättiläiseen, joka vähitellen ajaa ystäväänsä (ja vihollistaan) kohti lopullista taistelua...


Top Secret!: Huippusalaista!

Top Secret!: Huippusalaista! 1984


Amerikkalaisnen rock-muusikko ajautuu hankaluuksiin kiertueellaan Itä-Saksassa. Sankari rakastuu hemaisevaan kaunottareen, Hillary Flammondiin, joka osoittautuu saksalaisten vangitseman tiedemiesneron tyttäreksi. Nick ja Hillary yrittävät löytää piilotetun tiedemiehen, ennen kuin tämän kehittämä superpommi - Polaris Mine on valmis.


The Shallows

The Shallows 2016


Nancy on surffaamassa yksin syrjäisellä rannalla, kun hänen kimppuunsa hyökkää valkohai, ja hän jää saarroksiin rannan lähistöllä olevalle pikkuruiselle luodolle. Vaikka turvaan on matkaa vain parisataa metriä, sinne pääsemisestä muodostuu äärimmäinen tahtojen taistelu.


Rip Tide

Rip Tide 2017


Newyorkilaisen mallin nolo video leviää netissä, ja hän päättää paeta ahdistavaa elämäänsä kaukaisen tätinsä luo Australiaan.


Point Break

Point Break 2015


Johnny Utah on entinen extreme-urheilija ja Youtube-julkkis, joka on lopettanut temppuilut kaverinsa kuoltua. Hän haluaa tehdä elämänmuutoksen ja liittyy FBI:n palvelukseen. FBI alkaa tutkia naamioidun jengin eri puolilla maailmaa tekemiä ryöstöjä, jotka päättyvät aina hurjapäiseen tempaukseen, kuten pakenemiseen moottoripyörillä pilvenpiirtäjän ikkunan läpi. Tutkimukset johtavat ryhmän jäljille - mutta siitä tarvitaan sisäpiirin tietoa. Ryhmään soluttautumisessa on haasteensa: sen kaikki jäsenet ovat nimittäin toinen toistaan kovakuntoisempia ja taitavampia extreme-urheilijoita, jotka ovat tavoittamattomissa yhtä lailla maalla, merellä kuin ilmassa - Johnny on tietysti oikea mies ujuttautumaan tällaiseen porukkaan mukaan.



Ride 2014


The New Yorker -lehden toimittaja (Helen Hunt) matkaa Los Angelesiin tavatakseen siellä poikansa, joka on lopettanut yliopisto-opinnot ja ryhtynyt harrastamaan surffausta etsiäkseen vastausta kysymykseen kuka hän on. Asioilla on tapana muuttua ja nyt käykin niin, että toimittajalla itsellään on edessään matka omaan sisimpäänsä. Hän ystävystyy autonkuljettajana toimivaan Ramoniin (David Zayas), löytää uudelleen seksuaalisuutensa nuoremman surffausopettajan Ianin (Luke Wilson) kanssa ja ryhtyy rakentamaan uudelleen suhdettaan poikaansa ja itseensä.


Wave Breakers

Wave Breakers 2013


Andy ja Jimmy Kelly ovat uhkarohkeat surffariveljekset, joita yhdistää yksi asia: intohimo mahdollisimman suurten aaltojen löytämiseen. Itsepäiset veljekset perustavat oman surffikauppansa 1970-luvun Australiassa ja valmistavat lautoja muille ikuista kesää viettäville paikallisille. Mutta ehtivätkö vanhoillisen yhteiskunnan epäluulot ja armoton moottoripyöräjengi vielä sekoittamaan kaiken?


Chasing Mavericks

Chasing Mavericks 2012


Gerard Butler , Elisabeth Shue ja Hollywood-talentti Jonny Weston ovat päärooleissa tässä vaikuttavassa tarinassa epätavanomaisesta ystävyydestä ja päättäväisyydestä, jotka saavat unelmat toteutumaan. 15-vuotias Jay on kiinnostunut vain ja ainoastaan surffauksesta. Hän yrittää kaikin keinoin saada paikallisen surffausmestarin Frostyn opettajakseen. Jayltä löytyy tarvittavat kyvyt, mutta hänen pakkomielteinen kiinnostuksensa Mavericksin aaltoihin voi koitua hänen kohtalokseen.


Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer 2011


Soul Surfer on uskomaton tositarina teini-ikäisestä surffaajatytöstä, Bethany Hamiltonista, joka menettää toisen kätensä hain hyökätessä hänen kimppuunsa. Vanhempiensa, Tomin ja Cherin avulla Bethany aloittaa pitkän matkan takaisin surffaajien kärkeen. Soul Surfer on inspiroiva elokuva, jossa tunnettujen näyttelijöiden ohella näemme mm. Carrie Underwoodin ensimmäisessä elokuvaroolissaan. Bethanyn päättäväisyys ja horjumaton usko antavat hänelle voimaa kääntää murhenäytelmä menestystarinaksi, joka tuo toivoa muillekin.


Blue Crush

Blue Crush 2002


Havaijilla asuva Anne-Marie rakastaa surffausta. Joka aamu hän harjoittelee mahtavilla aalloilla, sillä hän haluaa menestyä lajin parissa. Sitten kuvaan ilmestyy Mark, ja nuoret ihastuvat toisiinsa. Miten rakkaus vaikuttaa Anne-Marien urahaaveisiin?


Näkymä meren rannalla

Näkymä meren rannalla 1991


Kaunis kertomus kuurosta pojasta Shigerusta (Kurôdo Maki), joka kohdistaa päivittäiset puuhansa ja intohimonsa rannalla surffailuun löydettyään roskakuskin apulaisena vahingoittuneen lainelaudan. Tyttöystävänsä kanssa hän lähtee jokapäivä merenrannalle harjoittelemaan korjaamallansa laudalla, kuitenkaan ilman mitään erityistä motiivia harrastukseensa kohtaan.


Top Model

Top Model 1989


Maria Eduarda "Duda" Pinheiro is a successful top model. After being hired to model Covery brand clothes, she meets the Kundera brothers, Alex and Gaspar, owners of the company. Gaspar, a former beatnik, is over 40 but still practices surfing, lives in a beach-side house and raises five children: Elvis (named after Elvis Presley), Ringo (Starr), Jane (Fonda), Olívia (Newton-John) and (John) Lennon, all from different mothers who left them with him. Anastácia "Naná" Passos, Duda's friend and mentor, loves him platonically, and rivalizes with Mariza Borges over him. Alex by contrast is a yuppie. He and their mother Morgana have a love-hate relationship and rivalry with his brother over Morgana's attention and the company. Alex begins to love Duda, however she falls in love with Lucas, a graffiti artist who is on the run from the São Paulo police due to his involvement in a crime there. He is also searching for his real father, and thinks it's either Alex or Gaspar.


Outer Banks

Outer Banks 2020


A tight-knit group of teens unearths a long-buried secret, setting off a chain of illicit events that takes them on an adventure they'll never forget.


Surviving Summer

Surviving Summer 2022


Rebellious Brooklyn teen Summer Torres is sent to live with family friends in the tiny town of Shorehaven on the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, AUS. Despite her best efforts, Summer falls in love with the town, the people and the surf.


Angry Boys

Angry Boys 2011


Angry Boys is an Australian television mockumentary series written by and starring Chris Lilley. Continuing the mockumentary style of his previous series, the show explores the issues faced by young males in the 21st century – their influences, their pressures, their dreams and ambitions. In Angry Boys, Lilley plays multiple characters: S.mouse, an American rapper; Jen, a manipulative Japanese mother; Blake Oakfield, a champion surfer; Ruth "Gran" Sims, a guard at a juvenile detention facility; and her grandchildren, South Australian twins Daniel and Nathan Sims. The series is a co-production between the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and US cable channel HBO, with a pre-sale to BBC Three in the United Kingdom. Filmed in Melbourne, Los Angeles and Tokyo, Angry Boys premièred on 11 May 2011 at 9:00 pm on ABC1.



Summerland 2004


Bradin, Nikki and Derrick are 3 kids from an average normal Kansas household. Their whole life is thrown upside-down when their parents are tragically killed in a car accident. Ava Gregory (their aunt) gets custody of her niece and nephews and they move into her Californian home (in Summerland). Ava, a struggling clothes designer, lives with her best friend and business partner, Susannah Rexford, her friend, an ex- pro.surfer, Jay Robertson and her ex-boyfriend, real estate agent, Johnny Durrant. All four of them are highly unequipped to handle children and are not use to including them in their everyday lives.


John from Cincinnati

John from Cincinnati 2007


In Imperial Beach, California, the Yosts—a dysfunctional family of surfers—intersect with two new arrivals to the community: a dim-but-wealthy surfing enthusiast and man spurned by the Yosts years ago.


The Eighth Sense

The Eighth Sense 2023


Ji Hyun is a freshman at a university in Seoul. He comes from a small rural town and is used to living in the quiet countryside. He struggles to form meaningful relationships, and moving to the busy South Korean capital has left him feeling disorientated and confused. The older Jae Won, meanwhile, is now returning to Seoul – and the same university – after completing his mandatory military service.


Blue Water High

Blue Water High 2005


Blue Water High is an Australian television drama series, broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on ABC1 and on Austar/Foxtel Nickelodeon channel in Australia and on various channels in many other countries. Each season follows the lives of a young group of students at Solar Blue, a high-performance surf academy where several lucky 16-year-olds are selected for a 12-month-long surfing program on Sydney's northern beaches. There are three series in Blue Water High. The first two series were screened in 2005 and 2006 and the producers did not intend to create a third series. However, due to popular demand by fans, they relented and made one more series with only Kate Bell returning in a main role. Series three ended with the closure of Solar Blue, indicating that the show would most likely not continue.


Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach 2004


Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beaches, beautiful friends and love triangles. But unlike other teens, they had cameras following them around. It may look like fantasyland, but they're not acting: they really are this rich and beautiful. For them, life really is a day at the beach.


100 Foot Wave

100 Foot Wave 2021


The decade-long odyssey of surfing pioneer Garrett McNamara, who, after visiting Nazaré, Portugal in hopes of conquering a 100-foot wave, pushed the sport to ever-greater heights and alongside locals helped transform the small fishing village into the world’s preeminent big-wave surfing destination.


High Tide

High Tide 1994


Brothers work as private investigators.


Beyond the Break

Beyond the Break 2006


Four passionate women with diverse backgrounds pursue their dreams of becoming professional surfers. But in order to remain afloat, each of them must overcome issues to capture surf stardom from WaveSync, a struggling surf company eager to reinvigorate itself.


Skysurfer Strike Force

Skysurfer Strike Force 1996


Jack Hollister, aka Skysurfer One, is an extraordinary skydiver who leads a group of vigilante crime fighters known as the Skysurfer Strike Force. Jack's mission is to seek out and defeat the robotic Cybron - a man with a computer for a brain who may have played a sinister role in the mysterious death of Jack's scientist father. The Skysurfers battle Cybron, and his bio-borgs, to stop his attempts at world domination and clear Jack's late father Adam's name, by using anti-gravity skyboards that fly on their own rocket power. This group of daredevils soars the skies at breakneck speeds and performs amazing acrobatic feats in their battle for justice. The Skysurfers use technologically advanced watches, Digitrans, that transformed them from their casual clothing to their battle attire and weapons; at the same time, their cars transform into rocket-powered surfboards that they can ride in the air.


Edge of the Earth

Edge of the Earth 2022


Follow four groups of elite action-adventure athletes on four unique, never-before-accomplished missions taking place around the globe, within awe-inspiring, undiscovered realms of nature.


Puberty Blues

Puberty Blues 2012


Based on Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey's iconic novel, Puberty Blues tells the story of two girls, Debbie and Sue, of innocence lost and experience gained against the backdrop of Australia in the 1970s.


Lightning Point

Lightning Point 2012


When a spaceship carrying pretty, teen aliens Zoey and Kiki lands in the quiet Australian surf town of Lightning Point, the girls have to befriend local surfiegirl Amber and let her in on their secret. But while the duo learns about Earth, surf and falling in love, the girls soon realize that they aren't the first extraterrestrial visitors.


Good Vibes

Good Vibes 2011


Transplanted Jersey boy Mondo and his best buddy Woodie live out their California dreams in the colorful beach community of Playa Del Toro, where the likeable, down-to-earth duo search out the wildest parties, prettiest girls and biggest waves. While Mondo tries to look the part among the tanned, sculpted rich kids, his portly frame is sometimes a source of embarrassment, especially when he tries to impress super-cool Jenna. Through thick and thin, however, Woodie and his heart of gold is always by Mondo's side. "I've never had a bro before,'' Woodie says. "I've always been kind of a loner, but it's fun being loners together.''


His - I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love

His - I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love 2019


Nagisa is 17 years old and attends second grade in high school. He is apart from his parents and lives alone in the seaside town of Fujisawa in Kanagawa. He is passionate about surfing and works at a bathhouse in a hostel on the island Enoshima linked to Fujisawa. Shun is the same age as Nagisa and visits Fujisawa for spring break. They meet and develop a relationship more than friendship. However, the surfing equipment store owner's daughter, Chika, has been secretly in love with Nagisa.


Big Wave Dave's

Big Wave Dave's 1993


Big Wave Dave's is a sitcom that ran from August 9, 1993 until September 13, 1993. In it, three friends decide to drop everything and run a surf shop in Hawaii. When they arrive, they find out that it's not as easy as they thought. The show was produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions in association with Paramount Television.