Peter Lorre Sukelluslaivalla maapallon ympäri Arsenikkia ja vanhoja pitsejä Casablanca Maltan haukka Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea F.P.1 antwortet nicht M – kaupunki etsii murhaajaa Salainen asiamies The Movie Orgy Maailman ympäri 80 päivässä Black Angel The Boogie Man Will Get You Jerry neropattina Pettävällä pohjalla Was Frauen träumen Beat the Devil Mies joka tiesi liikaa Fünf von der Jazzband The Hollywood Clowns The Face Behind the Mask Mad Love Background to Danger The Mask of Dimitrios The Conspirators Heroes of Horror Three Strangers Invisible Agent Musta hansikas The Beast with Five Fingers The Chase Korppi Tales of Terror Double Confession Murha 3. kerroksessa Mysterious Mr. Moto The Comedy of Terrors All Through the Night The Sad Sack Silk Stockings The Story of Mankind Five Weeks in a Balloon Rope of Sand Crime and Punishment The Horror Hall of Fame: A Monster Salute Du haut en bas Casbah Hollywood Canteen Mr. Moto Takes a Chance Meet Me in Las Vegas John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick My Favorite Brunette Mr. Moto's Last Warning Passage to Marseille You'll Find Out Strange Cargo Creepy Classics (Sin título) Descartes Arrebato The Constant Nymph Think Fast, Mr. Moto Mr. Moto's Gamble Thank You, Mr. Moto Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation Mr. Moto in Danger Island The Cross of Lorraine They Met in Bombay Der Verlorene Island of Doomed Men Collector’s Item Lancer Spy Nancy Steele Is Missing! Moto Is Missing Bomben auf Monte Carlo Scent of Mystery Mr. District Attorney The Big Circus The Buster Keaton Story Confidential Agent Congo Crossing Hotel Berlin Die verschwundene Frau Hell Ship Mutiny Crack-Up Monster Madness: The Golden Age of the Horror Film Die Koffer des Herrn O.F. The Horror of It All Five Fingers : Thin Ice Schuß im Morgengrauen Der weiße Dämon Casino Royale I'll Give a Million Stupéfiants I Was an Adventuress Operation Undersea Cole Porter in Hollywood: Satin and Silk Terror in the Pharaoh's Tomb The Last Tycoon Der ewige Jude Peter Lorre : Derrière le masque du maudit Les requins du pétrole Peter Lorre: The Master of Menace Undercover: How to Operate Behind Enemy Lines Muscle Beach Party Unsichtbare Gegner No. 5 Checked Out Bogart: The Untold Story Cinéastes de notre temps : Le Dinosaure et le Bébé, dialogue en huit parties entre Fritz Lang et Jean-Luc Godard Cinema's Exiles: From Hitler to Hollywood A Physical History of 'M' Mann ist Mann The Disneyland Story Famous Monster: Forrest J Ackerman Peter Lorre - Das doppelte Gesicht Der Verlorene Der Verlorene 77 Sunset Strip Kraft Suspense Theatre Checkmate Route 66 The Merv Griffin Show Alfred Hitchcock Presents Rawhide Lux Video Theatre Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Climax! The 20th Century Fox Hour Suspense The Gertrude Berg Show Climax! The Red Skelton Show The Red Skelton Show The George Gobel Show The Jack Benny Program The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Alfred Hitchcock Presents Climax! Climax! Climax! The Red Skelton Show Bambi-Verleihung What's My Line? The Wonderful World of Disney Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland Screen Director's Playhouse Alfred Hitchcock Presents Studio 57 Studio 57