Cliff Martinez Red Hot Chili Peppers - What Hits!? Red Hot Chili Peppers: [1986] St. Louis, MO Seksiä, valheita ja videonauhaa Kafka The Limey - Kostaja Lontoosta Traffic Solaris Wicker Park Narc Wonderland Murders Pump Up the Volume Gray's Anatomy Tartunta Oikeuden palvelija Spring Breakers Hotel Artemis Kimi Espion(s) À l'origine The Neon Demon Genghis Khan My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn Golem Drive The Fifth Element - puuttuva tekijä Only God Forgives Copenhagen Cowboy: I neonlyset med Nicolas Winding Refn First Snow Havoc The Underneath Touch of Crude Stiletto Stan Ridgway's Holiday In Dirt Game Night Keinottelua The Company You Keep - Ikuiset liittolaiset War Dogs The Normal Heart Den of Thieves Wicked Schizopolis Vice Severe Clear The Legend of Red Hand The Secret Slaves of the Middle East NWR Mea Culpa King of the Hill The Foreigner Black Magic Narc: Shooting Up