The Kashyyyk Life Day Carol

The Kashyyyk Life Day Carol 2025


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away MALLA THE WOOKIEE is worried her husband, CHEWBACCA, won’t make it home in time for LIFE DAY! Cooking, classic rock and EROTIC VR can’t distract her, her son LUMPY and father-in-law ITCHY! Will Han and Chewie make it in time? Is this really the first appearance of Boba Fett? Can Princess Leia carry a tune?


The Naboo Movie

The Naboo Movie 2024


Can two Jedi Knights resolve a trade dispute, rescue the queen, test a child for MIDICHLORIANS, and succeed at sports betting before the deadly BATTLE DROIDS attack? Yippee!!


Mustafar Takes Los Angeles

Mustafar Takes Los Angeles 2024


The infamous CLONE WARS have reached a crescendo as ANAKIN SKYWALKER and OBI-WAN KENOBI confront the fiendish GENERAL GRIEVOUS and his manager COUNT DOOKU. There may be greater forces at work, so will YODA and the other JEDI be able to defeat the mysterious DARTH SIDIOUS?