Mot-clé Myths
Le Proche-Orient : Carrefour des religions 2022
Berceau du judaïsme, du christianisme et de l’islam, le Proche-Orient fascine depuis des siècles les Occidentaux. Bien qu’elle soit malheureusement plus souvent associée, de nos jours, à la violence et au terrorisme, cette région du monde a témoigné durant des siècles d’une riche diversité, notamment en ce qui concerne les religions. Partant d’Istanbul, en Turquie, où il se rend dans la basilique Sainte-Sophie (redevenue mosquée sous la présidence d’Erdogan), Daniel Gerlach voyage à travers plusieurs pays du bassin méditerranéen qui, comme les nôtres, firent partie de l’Empire romain. De sites antiques renommés comme Petra en Jordanie, ou le sanctuaire libanais d’Héliopolis à Baalbek, en lieux plus secrets tels que la mosquée des Sept Dormants, perdue dans les sables tunisiens, il remonte aux sources des mythes et des croyances nés dans l’Antiquité, qui ont influencé le christianisme et l'islam.
مداين 2019
Otherside Picnic 2021
Friendless college girl Sorawo finds a door to another world one day — a strangely post-apocalyptic-feeling Otherside with serene emptiness, which becomes her new “special place.” There, she meets one other human, the beautiful and independent Toriko, and they explore the abandoned Otherside together.
History Uncovered 2019
Myths die hard, and the history of the 20th century is no exception to this rule. Even today, we hold popular beliefs that we take for Evangelical truths. Thus, we believe that Hiroshima caused Japan to surrender, that the Marshall Plan saved Europe, that Adolf Hitler was a military genius, or that Mao Zedong was a necessary evil for China’s modernization. Of course, these judgements contain some truth; but, too broad-stroked to be accurate, they contradict the historical reality by denying its complexity. What if the truth was slightly different? Through an exploration of great national or international myths, this full archive documentary collection revisits the key moments of the 20th century with a new perspective in order to provide a new, smarter and more subtle interpretation, bringing elements to light that have been forgotten or sometimes overshadowed.
Spectral Shadows 2024
This five-part docuseries explores the facts and fiction behind the world's most creepy, strange and inexplicable legends, mysteries, and creatures. From Japanese horror to tales of Cryptids and the supernatural, Spectral Shadows delves deep for answers.
Ask Hank Anything 2025
A new show where celebrity guests ask Hank Green questions, he does his best to answer them, and they learn a little bit about each other in the process.