Pirates des Caraïbes : Jusqu'au bout du monde

Pirates des Caraïbes : Jusqu'au bout du monde 2007


L’âge d’or de la piraterie touche à sa fin. Même le terrifiant Vaisseau Fantôme et son capitaine maudit servent Lord Cutler Beckett. Il écume désormais les sept mers, massacrant sans pitié les pirates de tous bords. Une seule chance de résister à Beckett et à son armada : Rassembler les Neuf Seigneurs de la Cour des Frères.


Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians 2018


Née à New York, Rachel Chu n'est jamais allée en Asie. En accompagnant son fiancé Nick Young au mariage de son meilleur ami à Singapour, Rachel est donc enchantée de découvrir le continent de ses ancêtres…même si elle redoute un peu de rencontrer la famille de son fiancé. Il faut dire que Nick a omis quelques détails d'importance. Car il est non seulement l'héritier d'une des familles les plus riches du pays, mais aussi l'un de ses célibataires les plus recherchés. Rachel devient alors la cible de toutes les jeunes femmes de la bonne société singapourienne en mal de maris et, pire encore, de sa future belle-mère. Si l'amour ne s'achète pas, l'argent rend les situations parfois bien complexes…


In the Mood for Love

In the Mood for Love 2000


Hong Kong, 1962. M. et Mme Chow emménagent dans leur nouvel appartement le même jour que leurs voisins, M. et Mme Chan. Sans comprendre comment cela a commencé, Chow Mo-wan et Chan Li-zhen apprennent que leurs époux respectifs ont une liaison. Cette découverte les choque mais les rapproche. Ils se voient de plus en plus souvent mais le voisinage commence à s'en apercevoir. Il semble n'y avoir aucune possibilité pour eux de vivre une relation amoureuse. Mais la retenue, les réserves émotionnelles de Mme Chan hantent M. Chow, qui sent ses sentiments changer.


Musclor et she-ra , le secret de l'épée

Musclor et she-ra , le secret de l'épée 1985


Musclor se voit confier une mission par la Sorcière : dans une autre dimension, il doit remettre une épée à son propriétaire dont il ignore l’identité. Accompagné de Gringer, le prince Adam se rend donc dans un monde marqué par une lutte entre les soldats de la Horde et les résistants qui combattent l’oppression subite par les populations. Il va rapidement faire la connaissance d’une jeune femme à la solde des tirants et devant laquelle l’épée semble réagir…


La Lettre

La Lettre 1940


Alors que son mari part inspecter sa plantation de caoutchouc, Leslie Crosbie tue Geoffroy Hammond, un ami de la famille, de plusieurs balles de revolver. Elle prétend que l'homme voulait abuser d'elle. Son mari la croit sur parole, mais leur avocat a des doutes. Leslie est mise en prison...


Hôtel Singapura

Hôtel Singapura 2015


C’est le premier jour d’Imrah comme femme de chambre à l’Hôtel Singapura. Dans la suite n°27, un groupe de pop est venu fêter le nouvel an. Parmi eux, leur chanteur Damien est dans un état second quand il croise Imrah dans le couloir. Bien plus tard, dans ce même hôtel, une japonaise laisse filer son amant, un travesti reçoit son dernier plaisir avant l’opération, une touriste couche devant son meilleur ami… Mais toujours Imrah, en rangeant la chambre, se souviendra de sa rencontre avec Damien.


Jack le Magnifique

Jack le Magnifique 1979


Singapour, années 1970. Italo-américain vétéran de la guerre de Corée, le débonnaire Jack travaille officiellement pour un armateur, mais espère rentrer un jour au pays, fortune faite, grâce à la maison close grand luxe qu'il a ouverte pour une clientèle occidentale. Le succès de l'établissement déplaît à la pègre chinoise locale, qui le met à sac après avoir exécuté l'un des employés. Eddie Schuman, un compatriote qui travaille pour le gouvernement américain, offre alors à Jack les rênes d'un lieu de plaisir pour les permissionnaires de la guerre du Viêtnam.


La Saveur des rāmen

La Saveur des rāmen 2018


Masato, jeune chef de rāmen au Japon, a toujours rêvé de partir à Singapour pour retrouver le goût des plats que lui cuisinait sa mère quand il était enfant. Alors qu'il entreprend le voyage culinaire d'une vie, il découvre des secrets familiaux profondément enfouis. Trouvera-t-il la recette pour réconcilier les souvenirs du passé ?


Wet Season

Wet Season 2019


Des trombes d’eau s’abattent sur Singapour. C’est la mousson. Les nuages s’amoncellent aussi dans le cœur de Ling, professeur de chinois dans un lycée de garçons. Sa vie professionnelle est peu épanouissante et son mari, avec qui elle tente depuis plusieurs années d’avoir un enfant, de plus en plus fuyant. Une amitié inattendue avec l’un de ses élèves va briser sa solitude et l’aider à prendre sa vie en main.


Un caïd

Un caïd 1965


La captivité dans l'enfer du camp de prisonnier de guerre Changi à Singapour...


En route pour Singapour

En route pour Singapour 1940


Bing Crosby et Bob Hope étoiles dans la première de la «Road to 'films comme deux playboys essayant d'oublier les romans précédents à Singapour - jusqu'à ce qu'ils rencontrent Dorothy Lamour.


Paradise Road

Paradise Road 1997


Pendant le Deuxième Guerre mondiale, les Japonais capturent en Extrême Orient des milliers d'individus de nationalités différentes (Australiens, Américains, Européens). Un groupe de prisonnières décident de former un choeur pour rester soudées.


Ilo Ilo

Ilo Ilo 2013


À Singapour, Jiale, jeune garçon turbulent, vit avec ses parents. Les rapports familiaux sont tendus et la mère, dépassée par son fils, décide d’embaucher Teresa, une jeune Philippine. Teresa est vite confrontée à l’indomptable Jiale, et la crise financière asiatique de 1997 commence à sévir dans toute la région…


Alerte à Singapour

Alerte à Singapour 1954


Un ancien GI, travaillant comme détective privé à Singapour est engagé par la femme d'un ami pour enquêter sur son mari. Ce dernier est impliqué avec un groupe de trafiquants dans le kidnapping d'un physicien renommé.


The Tattooist

The Tattooist 2007


Fasciné par des rituels samoans, un tatoueur se retrouve confronté à un esprit dangereux...



烧腊 2017


Mia, une ancienne prostituée aspirant à une vie meilleure épouse Quan, un restaurateur. Impuissant, celui-ci se met à la maltraiter et se montre aussi jaloux que possessif lorsqu'il voit l'effet qu'elle a sur les autres hommes. Un jour, Mia tombe amoureuse de Wu, le gérant des pompes funèbres locales, et les deux entament une relation torride. Bien décidée à refaire sa vie avec Wu, Mia fomente un plan pour se débarrasser de Quan.



118 2014


Hong Daming is a positive and generous man. As his coffee shop and house number are both "118", the people around him gave him the nickname of "118" (or 要要发), much to his delight. Together with his wife, Liu Meimei, he makes a living by running the coffee-shop, and are well known in Tiong Bahru. Whenever someone is in need, they would always seek Daming for help. His family lives in a 3-room flat, which was built in pre-war years, above the coffee shop. He has 4 children. The children are named Hong Shunfeng, Hong Shunshui, Hong Jinzhi and Hong Yuye. Having 6 people living in a 3-room flat is cramped-up enough, yet he also rents out a room to "Ah Niang", a middle-aged man whose original name is Li Weiliang. Weiliang studied fashion design in France, but circumstances led him to simply run a stall in 118's coffee-shop, selling dumplings with the recipe that his mother left for him.


Reach For The Skies

Reach For The Skies 2018


The story centres round the inhabitants of small neighbourhood who work in an enrichment school and a minimart. From ex-criminal to middle-aged workers who lost their jobs to technology, and elderlies with a seemingly disillusioned life, can there still be hopes and dreams for these everyday folks who live at the edge of society ? A light-hearted drama bursting with colourful characters, watch how Zhong Ling the founder of Hope Training Centre, and Hong Da Cai the boss of ‘Tian Tian Lai’ minimart, deal with every day situation and at the same time manage their own love life.


The Journey: A Voyage

The Journey: A Voyage 2013


Beset with foreign threats and internal turmoil, China's concoction of woes compels its citizens to leave for Nanyang in search of a better life. When Shi Tou, manages to save enough money after years of working at a tin mine, he returns to marry his childhood sweetheart, Ya Zi. On the return trip, they cross paths with two penniless brothers, Zhang Tian Peng and Zhang Tian Ying with the former becoming Shi Tou's sworn brother out of gratitude. Framed for robbery and murder, Shi Tou is thrown behind bars while Ya Zi desperately seeks help. Feeling sympathetic towards them, Hui Niang and her stepbrother, Zhang Dong'en proves Shi Tou's innocence. When he returns back to the mine, Shi Tou is lured into a destructive spiral of gambling by his scheming boss and runs up a huge debt, while his supervisor, Hei Long lusts after Ya Zi's beauty and plots to ruin him.


The Teochew Family

The Teochew Family 1995


This drama describes the trials and tribulations the teochew Cai Family under the patriarch Cai Qingyang from the late 1940s to the 1990s.


World Dice Tour

World Dice Tour 2023


Three travel content creators competing to win a trip to space embark on the adventure of a lifetime, rolling the dice to decide where they'll go next.


A Song to Remember

A Song to Remember 2011


A Song to Remember is a MediaCorp Channel 8 historical-cum-musical drama which is set in the 1930s to 1940s in early Singapore before World War II. It debuted on Channel 8 on 22 November 2011 and was telecast every weekday night at 9.00 pm. This drama stars Qi Yuwu and Joanne Peh who had paired up thrice after The Little Nyonya and C.L.I.F., and Eelyn Kok, Julie Tan and Desmond Tan. Chen Hanwei plays a villain in this drama while Eelyn Kok is also another antagonist. Viewers can catch episodes on xinmsn catchup from 23 November 2011. It was reported that the scriptwriter Ang Ee Tee took several years to complete the script of this drama. Despite large amounts of resources and money pumped in for the production and promotion of this serial, the drama was not well received by the audience when it was broadcast. Many perceived the show to be boring and slow-paced, and the acting skills of some of the main cast members were heavily criticised.


Pilgrimage of Wealth 2

Pilgrimage of Wealth 2 2013


Watch host Tony travel around the world and enjoy luxurious tourism with his companion Priscilla Wong. Destinations includes South Korea, Singapore, Shanghai etc. They enjoy what good money can buy, including great food, wine tastings, local culture.


Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry 2023


Tom and Jerry as you've never seen them before! With a fresh new look that was born and bred in Asia, they are ready for their adventures in the region. Starting off with Singapore, Tom and Jerry chase each other through the Marina Barrage, Joo Chiat or Bishan Park. Look out also for the Singapore River or your favourite HDB estate! Totally at home with our balmy weather because like true blue Singaporeans, they know exactly how to cool down. Their "kiasu" ways come in handy too as they make a new friend with Merli.



Tenko 1981


Based on real-life experiences, Tenko remains one of the most fondly remembered and acclaimed BBC dramas of the early 1980s. It follows a group of women, formerly comfortably well-off ex-pats living in Singapore, as they are captured by the Japanese during World War II.


Serangoon Road

Serangoon Road 2013


1964-65. Singapore is a city at a crossroads. Political and racial tensions are at fever pitch as the British pull out, and a new nation is about to be born. The lights of Bugis Street have never burned so bright: bootleg copies of Motown songs boom out from street stalls; the Rolling Stones are in town along with tourists and American sailors fresh from Vietnam. They join British and Australian soldiers checking out the prostitutes and gambling dens en route to their own war in Borneo. This is the city of Sam Callaghan, Patricia Cheng, the CIA’s Conrad Harrison and the clients of the Cheng Detective Agency. The agency’s cases range from the usual (straying spouses and petty fraudsters) to events with international implications and complications. Sam’s contacts from his military days are useful - but they start to drag him back into a dark world that he would prefer to leave behind.


The Singapore Grip

The Singapore Grip 2020


In colonial Singapore during World War Two, this epic drama follows the schemes – both commercial and amorous – of a wealthy British family as they struggle to preserve their prosperous business amid cataclysmic world events.


When Duty Calls

When Duty Calls 2017


Xu Long Bin is a reservist officer who saved Chen Jin Bao's life during a military exercise. Instead of being grateful, Jin Bao blames Long Bin for his damaged car. From then, the duo never see eye to eye. Lu Jun Guang becomes their mediator and the three men eventually became friends. Jun Guang is in love with Shen Yi Xuan, who cannot get over the memory of her dead boyfriend. While Bai Jing Yu, Jun Guang's childhood friend, is always at his side through thick and thin. New recruit Yao Wei Guo dislikes Yang Xian Feng and constantly picks on him. But Xian Feng proves himself to be a kind and compassionate buddy, and they eventually become good friends. Their friendship is tested when they fall in love with the same girl. Long Bin, Jun Guang and Jin Bao are patrolling a restricted military area when they encounter a terrorist attack. Will they be able to put their military skills to good use and stop the terrorist attack?



Crimewatch 1970


Crimewatch is a television program produced by the National Crime Prevention Council and Singapore Police Force. Currently presented by serving regular police officers, it showcases the work of the Singapore Police Force including solved cases, appeals for unsolved cases, as well as crime prevention advice.


The Little Nyonya

The Little Nyonya 2020


Set in the 1930s, the drama spans across several generations of a wealthy Straits-born Chinese family in Malacca, and revolves around the feuds surrounding it. Yue Niang, a strong-willed Nyonya refuses to be consigned to her lowborn status in life and sets out to change her destiny, eventually succeeding as a businesswoman.


Bring 'Em Back Alive

Bring 'Em Back Alive 1982


Bring 'Em Back Alive is an adventure television series starring Bruce Boxleitner, Cindy Morgan and Ron O'Neal. The series was shown in the United States from September 1982 to May 1983. Set in Singapore, it was one of several shows like Tales of the Gold Monkey to try to capture the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark. In reality, Frank Buck was a real big game trapper who was very famous in the 1930s. He wrote a book entitled Bring 'Em Back Alive. He appeared in several movies including a 1932 adaptation of the book and is remembered by serial fans as the star of Jungle Menace. It lasted only 17 episodes before being cancelled because of low ratings, due to being scheduled against ABC's Top 30 hits Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley.



Changi 2001


Six young Australians go to war, full of confidence and bravado. They land in Singapore in 1942, just in time for surrender. With 15,000 others, they are marched off to Changi prison camp. Together, the six boys survive three and a half years of incarceration. Almost sixty years later, the six prepare to get together for what may be their last hurrah.



Money 2000


MONEY is a fast paced yet pensive drama about Singapore’s Generation X. It combines a gorgeous-looking cast with witty script and a generous dose of humour.Sonny Lim is the confused, novice stockbroker who actively pursues his dream of having a good job, friends, a good woman and loads of money, His darkest secret is the crush on this best friend’s girl, Stephanie, played by MTV host Donita Rose.


Aerial Asia

Aerial Asia 2017


A rare glimpse of Asia’s most treasured landmarks, all seen from breath-taking heights. From busy cityscapes to natural wonders, this four-part series shot in stunning 4K captures the history and culture of this extraordinary continent and reveals a spectacular view of Asia that has never been seen before.


Jason's Market Trials

Jason's Market Trials 2018


Join Jason as he spends his mornings at wet markets across Malaysia. Discovering the origins, stories and processes of local foods, unearthing the markets’ histories and also the livelihood of the vendors.