The Quintessential Quintuplets : the Movie

The Quintessential Quintuplets : the Movie 2022


Le tuteur adolescent Fuutaro Uesugi doit enfin choisir entre les 5 sœurs Nakano, qui ont toutes des sentiments pour lui, lors du prochain festival culturel de l'école; l'événement qui conduira à son mariage avec l'une d'elles.


DanMachi : Arrow of the Orion

DanMachi : Arrow of the Orion 2019


La ville d’Orario est en effervescence pour la fête lunaire, célébrée depuis bien avant l’ère des dieux. Bell Cranel, aventurier émérite et Hestia, sa déesse et partenaire, sont au cœur des festivités. Le clair de lune dissipe les ténèbres nocturnes et éclaire stands et spectacles. Très haut dans le ciel, loin de l’agitation de la cité, l’astre attend la naissance d’un héros, et le début d’une nouvelle quête.


Ali Baba et les Quarante Voleurs

Ali Baba et les Quarante Voleurs 1954


Ali Baba, serviteur du riche marchand Cassim, achète pour ce dernier la danseuse Morgiane au marché des esclaves. Séduit par la jeune femme, qu'il trouve trop belle pour son maître, Ali Baba l'endort avec un philtre. Puis, pour faire plaisir à Morgiane, il s'en va chercher un magnifique perroquet vert que la belle esclave avait remarqué dans une caravane. Alors qu'il négocie le prix de l'oiseau avec les nomades, la caravane est attaquée par quarante voleurs. Caché dans un panier, Ali Baba est emmené dans le repaire des brigands, une caverne qui renferme un fabuleux butin. Sur place, le serviteur de Cassim entend les mots magiques qui permettent d'ouvrir l'accès à la grotte. Ali Baba, qui se demandait comment racheter Morgiane à son maître pour l'épouser, décide de saisir cette opportunité de s'enrichir...


Angélique et le Sultan

Angélique et le Sultan 1968


Angélique a été enlevée, malgré les efforts de Peyrac. Elle doit être vendue comme esclave au roi du Maroc. Peyrac, après bien des aventures, échoue chez son ami l'ambassadeur de Turquie. Il propose au roi du Maroc l'échange d'un secret contre sa femme, mais celle-ci est déjà parvenue à prendre la fuite...


Date A Live : Mayuri Judgment

Date A Live : Mayuri Judgment 2015


Une énorme sphère vient soudainement de se former en émettant de mystérieuses vagues spirituelles. Suite à ces vagues, une mystérieuses femme apparait. Son but serait Shido et son groupe..


Huit femmes et demi

Huit femmes et demi 1999


Fasciné par le Japon, Storey Emmenthal accepte de prendre la direction de plusieurs salons de jeux que son père, Philip, riche homme d'affaires genevois, vient de recevoir en héritage. La mort subite de sa mère provoque le retour de Storey en Suisse. Pour distraire son père de son immense chagrin, Storey décide de transformer le manoir familial en maison close privée. Le père et le fils se livrent à leurs fantaisies sexuelles en compagnie de huit femmes... et demi.


Trinity Seven: Eternity Library & Alchemic Girl

Trinity Seven: Eternity Library & Alchemic Girl 2017


Tout débute lorsqu'Arata touche accidentellement Hermes Apocrypha, le grimoire de Lilith. Cela a pour conséquences de faire apparaître une fille se nommant Lilim et qui considère Arata et Lilith comme ses parents. Pendant ce temps, dans la bibliothèque, est scellé le Seigneur des Démons Blancs. Cette personne complote pour éliminer Arata et les Trinity Seven pour ainsi usurper la position du Seigneur des démons. Possédant une puissance incalculable, le Seigneur des démons blancs attaque Arata et déclenche une crise sans précédant où ce dernier, avec l'aide des Trinity Seven, va devoir le battre pour sauver le monde.


Trinity Seven: Heavens Library & Crimson Lord

Trinity Seven: Heavens Library & Crimson Lord 2019


Kasuga Arata et Lilith Asami enquêtent dans des ruines quand tout à coup, une lumière blanche laisse apparaître un homme qui ressemble à Arata. Il s'avère être un seigneur démon et tandis qu'il vient de retrouver tous ses pouvoirs, il n'a qu'un seul but : détruire le monde. Mais il fait également une surprenante révélation à Arata : Lilith est la fille du plus puissante des seigneurs démons ! Arata va devoir faire face au plus grand danger de toute l'histoire des Trinity Seven…


Count Yorga, Vampire

Count Yorga, Vampire 1970


Dans les rues d’une ville de Californie du Sud. Un cercueil est transporté vers un manoir lugubre situé aux confins d’une forêt. Le maître des lieux, le comte Yorga, un homme séduisant mais à l’allure sinistre, dirige une séance de spiritisme, à la lueur des bougies. Sont présents Paul et son amie Erica, Michael et Donna, ainsi qu’un troisième couple. Le comte tente d’entrer en contact avec la mère de Donna, qui fut aussi sa maîtresse. Après la séance, il laisse partir ses hôtes mais tend un piège à Paul et Erica, qui se retrouvent prisonniers en pleine nuit dans la forêt. Serein, le couple est soudain alerté par des bruits étranges et brusquement agressé. Paul est assommé, tandis qu’Erica e st livrée aux crocs d’un vampire…


Les aventures fantastiques du baron de Münchhausen

Les aventures fantastiques du baron de Münchhausen 1943


Au XXe siècle, dans le château de Bodenwerder, au cours d'un bal costumé, le baron de Münchhausen fait le récit des aventures de son ancêtre, le baron Hiéronimus, à ses amis. Celles-ci ont commencé au XVIIIe siècle en Russie, sous le règne de la Grande Catherine. A cette époque, Hiéronimus, officier au service de la tsarine Catherine II, curieusement rencontrée sous des habits de servante, fit la connaissance de Cagliostro, l'illustre magicien, qui lui fit cadeau de l'immortalité et d'une bague rendant son porteur invisible. Un exploit plus grand encore l'attendait au siège d'Ortchakoff : propulsé par un boulet, l'illustre baron pénétra dans la citadelle turque...


Sora no Otoshimono: Tokeijikake no Angeloid

Sora no Otoshimono: Tokeijikake no Angeloid 2011


Le film reprend la série, en adoptant cette fois le point de vue d'un nouveau personnage : Kazane Hiyori, secrètement amoureuse de Tomoki Sakurai. Elle est timide et n'ose pas l'approcher directement, elle va alors rejoindre le club de recherche du nouveau monde dont Tomoki et ses amis font partie. Elle participe ainsi aux activités du club et y prend même plaisir, mais un terrible accident va survenir…


Anna et le Roi de Siam

Anna et le Roi de Siam 1946


En 1862, une jeune Anglaise devient précepteur royal au Siam et se lie d'amitié du roi.


Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata fine

Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata fine 2019


Après que "Blessing Software" ait annoncé leur premier travail, Eriri et Utaha quitte le groupe pour rejoindre le créateur populaire Akane Kosaka dans le développement d'un jeu majeur appelé "Field Chronicle". Pendant ce temps, Tomoya et Megumi s'associent à leurs nouveaux membres et à d'autres personnes pour produire leur nouveau jeu. Que va devenir l'important travail de Eriri et Utaha ? La relation entre Tomoya et Megumi va-t-elle changer ? Et quel sera le sort ultime du nouveau jeu de "Blessing Software" ?


Zettai Junpaku : Mahou Shoujo

Zettai Junpaku : Mahou Shoujo 2012


Nous suivons les aventures de 4 jeunes lycéennes tout à fait normales du nom de Kotone Sasaki, Misae Suzuhara, Erika Kuramoto et Yui Niita qui sont en réalité des magical girls. Elle devront utiliser leurs pouvoirs pour faire face à une horde de monstres venant d'une autre dimension. Ces abominations ont pour seul but de détruire tout ce qui se trouve sur Terre. C'est ainsi que les jeune magical girls combattrons sans relâche pour pouvoir détruire ces hordes de monstres et ainsi avoir la paix sur Terre.


Aventures au harem

Aventures au harem 1944


Deux magiciens aide un prince à regagner son trône, volé par un oncle véreux.


Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 2021


A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.


High School D×D

High School D×D 2012


High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!


A Certain Magical Index

A Certain Magical Index 2008


Touma Kamijou is a student living in Academy City, a highly advanced place in terms of technology. Despite being gauged as a level zero esper (no powers), he possesses on his right hand the Imagine Breaker, an ability that negates any power whatsoever. Touma finds a young girl named Index who is trying to run away from Necessarius, a powerful magic organization that she is member of. Blessed with the skill of memorizing any sort of information, she holds 103,000 forbidden magical books within her head. As science and magic cross paths, Touma must face several dangers amid espers and magicians who appear in the exciting scientific town.


The Advisors Alliance

The Advisors Alliance 2017


The story of Sima Yi, a great politician and strategist who lived during the Three Kingdoms era. By his side, Sima Yi has his politically-astute distaff members of his household, and pitted against them are the formidable Cao Cao and his heirs. After defending the Kingdom of Wei from Kongming formidable talents, who will end up with the ultimate power?


Ranma ½

Ranma ½ 1989


Ranma Saotome, a teenage martial artist, and his father Genma travel to the 'cursed training ground' of Jusenkyo in China. There, despite the warnings of the Chinese guard, they fall into the cursed springs. From now on, whenever Ranma is doused in cold water, he turns into a girl and a cute, well-built redhead at that. Hot water changes him back into a man again, but only until the next time. To make matters worse, his father engages him to Akane Tendo, a girl who hates boys.


Adam's Sweet Agony

Adam's Sweet Agony 2024


This is the story of a boy, who became the lone Adam among four billion Eves. In a world where a pandemic has rendered all men impotent, high school student Itsuki is the exception who escaped it. In order to protect this secret, he transfers to a very special high school, which turns out to be composed of 90% girls! There, he encounters an upbeat and friendly senior, a sexually frustrated female teacher, a tomboyish school 'prince,' and an heiress from a wealthy family. For Itsuki, who has his pick of any woman in the world, the question remains: which one will he choose?


Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei 2007


A teacher takes all aspects of life, word and culture in the most negative light possible.


Is This a Zombie?

Is This a Zombie? 2011


Some guys have no luck; he’s got no pulse. That’s life for poor unfortunate, undead Ayumu. First, he was murdered by a serial killer. Total bummer. Then he was resurrected as a zombie by a cute little Necromancer. That seemed pretty cool until she moved into his house, refused to speak, and forced his rotting carcass to do all the cooking. After that, a magical girl in a pretty pink dress used her matching chainsaw to chop his corpse in half. Luckily, the Necromancer’s powers of resurrection trumped those of the chainsaw chick, so instead of dying (again), Ayumu became the world’s first magical girl zombie. There’s also a voluptuous vampire ninja who thinks zombie boy’s a pervert – and a hideous crayfish demon who wants to devour him. Confused? All you gotta know is this: zombies, frilly dresses, demons, and moe chainsaws. Pink. It’s the new dead.


Masamune-kun's Revenge

Masamune-kun's Revenge 2017


As a child, Masamune Makabe once suffered greatly at the hands of a wealthy and beautiful girl named Aki Adagaki, who nicknamed him "Piggy" due to his chubby appearance. Seeking revenge against his tormentor, Masamune works hard to improve himself and returns as an incredibly handsome, albeit narcissistic, high school student. When he encounters Aki once again, he is prepared to exact vengeance. With the aid of the rich girl's maid, Yoshino Koiwai, Masamune slowly begins to build his relationship with Aki, intending to break her heart when the time is right. However, as his friendship with Aki begins to grow, Masamune starts to question the objectives of his devious plans, and if bringing them to fruition is what his heart truly desires.


Negima!? Magister Negi Magi

Negima!? Magister Negi Magi 2006


Wizard Negi Springfield may be a boy, but he has a man-sized job to do! Fresh from the Academy of Magic, Negi continues his training as an instructor at Mahora Academy in Japan. But before he can get his Master’s in magic, the 31 schoolgirls of Class 3-A are gonna keep him up all night cramming for a final exam in will power. Temptation aside, Negi has more on his syllabus than flirting and spells. Darkness is closing in, and Negi is gonna need help from his student bodies to drive the ghouls from their school. These girls want to prove that they’re best in class, and extra credit is available to the cuties that aren’t afraid of after hours phantom fighting – especially if it means more time with their favorite professor.


Infinite Stratos

Infinite Stratos 2011


Girls from all over the world gather at IS Academy to learn how to become IS pilots. However, since Ichika can somehow pilot the IS even though he is male, he was forced to attend IS Academy as the only male in this school.


Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 2011


History is coming to an end. When humans came down from the sky they brought with them the Testament, the guide to the path they must follow if they wish to return to the skies again.


Maken-Ki! Battling Venus

Maken-Ki! Battling Venus 2011


This romantic comedy is about Takeru Ohyama, a typical perverted teenage boy. His new school doesn't require entrance exams, and it just turned co-ed! Unfortunately, his dreams of a happy high school life are dashed when he finds out the school is much more than it seems. All of the students wield a special item—a Maken—to unleash their magical abilities in duels! Can Takeru find a Maken that works for him? Even while trying to fit in at a new school and dealing with all kinds of girl problems?



Sekirei 2008


Struggling yet brilliant, 19-year-old Minato Sahashi has failed his college entrance exams for the second time, resulting in him being regarded as worthless by those around him. However, the course of his seemingly bleak future is altered dramatically when a beautiful, supernatural woman falls from the sky and into his life. That woman, Musubi, is a "Sekirei," an extraterrestrial with extraordinary abilities. Recognizing the potential of the Ashikabi gene within Minato, Musubi kisses him, initiating a bond between the two of them. This drags him into the high-stakes world of the Sekirei, where he and his new partner must compete against others in a battle for survival called the "Sekirei Plan." However, unbeknownst to the contestants, there is far more at risk that what the competition initially entailed. Manga series by Sakurako Gokurakuin.


The Magical Chef of Ice and Fire

The Magical Chef of Ice and Fire 2021


Nian Bing is the son of a fire mage and an ice mage. After both of his parents were killed by the Ice Lord, Nian Bing received both of his parents' magic gems. When Nian Bing was trying to escape from the Ice Lord's followers, he managed to cast both fire and ice magic at the same time. An impossible feat for a mage. He fell from the cliff, unconscious, and was saved by an oldman. After he woke up, the oldman gave him a food so delicious he never tasted before. It turned out that the oldman was a genius chef, once called a spirit chef. And he wants Nian Bing to be his disciple no matter what! Is Nian Bing able to seek vengeance while aiming to become the greatest chef?


Ai Yori Aoshi

Ai Yori Aoshi 2002


Kaoru is a college boy with everything going for him. He lives in a mansion with his beautiful fiancé, Aoi, all his roommates are babes, and they all have the hots for him. There’s just one hitch: due to family complications, Kaoru and his beloved have to keep their engagement a secret. As he gets tangled in countless steamy situations, can Kaoru overcome temptation and stay true to the lovely Aoi?



Oreshura 2013


A young boy called Eita enters high school aiming for the National University School of Medicine. Because of his parents' divorce and his goal, he shuns anything to do with romance or love. One day Masuzu, the school beauty with the silver hair, who's just returned to the country, enters his life in a most unexpected way. Chiwa, his childhood friend since elementary school, will not let this go without a fight.


We Never Learn

We Never Learn 2019


Nariyuki Yuiga is in his last and most painful year of high school. In order to gain the “special VIP recommendation” which would grant him a full scholarship to college, he must now tutor his classmates as they struggle to prepare for entrance exams. Among his pupils are “the sleeping beauty of the literary forest,” Fumino Furuhashi, and “the Thumbelina supercomputer,” Rizu Ogata–two of the most beautiful super-geniuses at the school! While these two were thought to be academically flawless, it turns out that they’re completely clueless outside of their pet subjects…!? As Nariyuki’s life is turned upside down by these quirky girls who just never learn, he must do everything he can to get them accepted into college! The stage is set for this romantic comedy featuring prodigies who never learn when it comes to studying and love!


Cat Planet Cuties

Cat Planet Cuties 2010


Nice guy Kio’s normal life gets turned upside down when he meets a friendly, sexy cat-alien named Eris. She’s on a peaceful mission—and she’s ready to play. Things get even friskier when her fellow felines set up base in Kio’s house. It’s not all fun and games, though. Danger is afoot, thanks to several secret agencies and enemy dog-aliens on Eris’s tail.


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace

Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace 2018


The road to becoming an empress is paved with treachery. Ruyi is a consort who quickly learns to navigate the treacherous politics of the the royal court and move up the ranks. After becoming Empress, Ruyi still must survive the many conspiracies against her. Her relationship with Emperor Qianlong becomes eroded even when Ruyi is able to overcome the challenges. Can Ruyi maintain her role as Empress under such difficult circumstances?