Lee Beggs America The Egyptian Mummy Lazy River The Iron Trail The Red Rider Janice Meredith L'Américanisé The Girl in the Arm-Chair Harmonie en conserve The Detective's Dog Stepping Along His Double Fra Diavolo A Terrible Lesson A Man's a Man Cousins of Sherlocko The Green Cat Father's Timepiece Forcing Dad's Consent Broken Oaths Phantom Paradise Dublin Dan The Face at the Window A Solax Celebration Mignon Lend Me Your Wife Sealed Lips Child of the Tenements The Reformation of Mary The Wooing of Alice Indian Summer Father and the Boys Between Two Fires The Love of the Flag The Idol Worshipper A Million Dollars The Equine Spy A Question of Hair Billy's Shoes The Boarding House Heiress Economical Brown Billy the Bear Tamer The Egyptian Mummy The Evolution of Percival The Green Cat The Maid from Sweden Father's Timepiece Forcing Dad's Consent In Bridal Attire The Young Man Who 'Figgered' The Vanishing Vault A Study in Tramps The Master of His House Our Fairy Play Bertie’s Stratagem Billy's Wager The Boarding House Feud Burglarius Billy Hubby Does the Washing