Jack Couffer The Disneyland Story Edge of Fury Nomades du Nord The Last Giraffe Douma et ses amis Nés pour être libre Mountain Family Robinson The Darwin Adventure Running Target Running Target Ring of Bright Water Ring of Bright Water La Légende de Lobo The Darwin Adventure A Country Coyote Goes Hollywood A Country Coyote Goes Hollywood L'Oeil sauvage The Wild and the Free The Wild Heart The Wild Heart Race for Survival Race for Survival Un homme parmi les loups The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle Sheena, reine de la jungle The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle The Best Doggoned Dog in the World A Country Coyote Goes Hollywood Jonathan Livingston le goéland Concho, the Coyote Who Wasn't Concho, the Coyote Who Wasn't The Not So Lonely Lighthouse Keeper The Not So Lonely Lighthouse Keeper Run, Light Buck, Run Run, Light Buck, Run