Buddy Roosevelt Othello Ridin' Rivals Biff Bang Buddy Thundering Through Le Révolté L'Ange des maudits Easy Going The Yellow Mountain Storm Warning Quand la Poudre Parle The Brass Legend La Furieuse Chevauchée La Blonde du Far-West Conquest of Cochise Fort Osage The Old West Law of the Badlands The Fighting Devil Dogs Shootout at Big Sag Le Dernier Round Code of the Cow Country La Fille des boucaniers Quatre Tueurs et une Fille La Garce Billy the Kid's Range War Way Out West Le courrier de l'or Men Must Fight La première balle tue L'or du ciel The Phantom Buster Top Flat Westward Bound The Boss Cowboy Flying High Wells Fargo The Lone Ranger Rides Again Jicop le proscrit Men Without Names Devil's Playground Range Riders La Chevauchée fantastique Pacific Express The Call of the Savage Vanity Street Traveling Saleslady La Sanglante Embuscade The Thrill Hunter Rainbow's End The Kid From Texas Stars in My Crown L'Homme qui tua Liberty Valance Le train sifflera trois fois Le Maître de la prairie Lightning Range Buck Benny Rides Again King of the Texas Rangers La Charge victorieuse The Square Jungle General Spanky Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc. Tailspin Tommy in The Great Air Mystery Anybody's Woman Le Justicier solitaire Le Tour du monde en 80 jours The Girl on the Front Page The Fourth Horseman L'aigle du désert Hoodoo Ranch The Maverick The Lone Rider Rides On Strong Boy Napoleon's Barber Smilin' Through Wild Horse Mesa Daughter of Don Q L'Or et l'Amour Timber Country Trouble Powdersmoke Range Out West with the Hardys Vive monsieur le maire King of the Rocket Men La Ville des sans-loi Pretty Baby Deux nigauds légionnaires Deux Nigauds démobilisés The Ramblin' Galoot Marie Antoinette Secret Service In Darkest Africa Le Voleur de Tanger A Successful Calamity Le Raid Agent X27 Street Scene Zampa Circle Canyon The Twonky By Whose Hand? Colt .45 Le Baron de l'Arizona Spy Smasher By Whose Hand? The Lone Ranger Rides Again The Kid From Texas Fury at Showdown The Adventures of Jim Bowie The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok Zorro