Bob Matz Halloween c'est la nuit du Grinch 3 Bee-Bops La faim du félin Pink Piper Salmon Pink À la recherche de Noël Que le diable m’emporte Des larmes de crocodiles Le patrouilleur du ciel ou Sacrée patrouille L'argent de la veuve Pickled Pink It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown The Pink Phink Super Mémé Bugs Bunny dans l'arène Sky Blue Pink Pink Pajamas We Give Pink Stamps Pink Punch Super Pink Star Pink The Hand Is Pinker Than the Eye Pink Paradise Pink Z-Z-Z Pinkadilly Circus Psychedelic Pink Pinto Pink Prefabricated Pink Sink Pink Pink Ice Doctor Pink Smile Pretty, Say Pink Pink Panic Jet Pink Pink in the Drink Pink Quackers Pink of the Litter Pink Posies Pink Pull Rock-A-Bye Pinky Congratulations It's Pink Pink Outs Pink 8 Ball Forty Pink Winks Therapeutic Pink Keep Our Forests Pink Pink Streaker It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown Les indescriptibles